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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Fatal error in 4.01I have same error too!!!
Multisite WP 5.6
PHP 7.3.23 (Memory limit 512MB)Anche io riscontro questi problemi in check-out : non sono presenti i campi p.iva/cf ne la possibilità di scegliere il tipo di fattura.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies] Updates are comingAn update is planned?
I should look for an alternative?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Tracker] default languageThis plugin is no longer maintained.
If you’re already using and it is appropriate for you, I can make a translation in English (in a few week).good day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] 500 internal error in each postI have got 2 WP install :
1 at as simple install
1 at as multisite installForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] 500 internal error in each postOk, now my configuration is :
the server (with cpanel) with this subdomain and path:
* –> /www (but without this, the result is the same)
main –> /main.domain.itparking domain (with cpanel) –> / –> /.htaccess in / path is as wp write in network configuration ( with RewriteBase / )
.htaccess in /www is untouched (but if is as wp write in network configuration, it is the same)no change in wp configuration
now : go to go to go to go to go to go to https://www.domain.itHave you any idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Groups Restrictions] From where do you set the restrictions?Have you installed user-groups plugin?
Then in every page/post you can select groups to view the page (after category box)
good wordpress
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Status] DocumentationHi
this is a simple snippet to use this plugin
// create a new post status add_action('init','myplugin_init'); function myplugin_init() { register_post_status( 'closed', array( 'label' => 'Closed', 'public' => false, ) ); } // hook to "available_status" to add new status in the select in "publish box" //add_filter('available_statuses','myplugin_liststatus'); // for a bug this don't work properly. use next hook, instead add_filter('myposttype_available_statuses','myplugin_liststatus'); // you can use this in you want edit select only for myposttype function myplugin_liststatus($statuses) { $statuses['closed'] = 'Closed'; return $statuses; } // hook to "publish_action" to edit label in publish button when you want go in your new status add_filter('publish_action','myplugin_publish_action'); //add_filter('myposttype_publish_action','myplugin_publish_action'); function myplugin_publish_action($action) { global $post; switch ($post->post_status) { /* this is normal work-flow case 'draft' : case 'auto-draft': if (current_user_can('publish')) return array('label'=>'Publish', 'action'=>'publish'); else return array('label'=>'Pending', 'action'=>'publish'); break; case 'pending' : return array('label'=>'Publish', 'action'=>'publish'); break; */ case 'publish' : if (current_user_can('publish_myposttype')) return array('label'=>'Close now', 'action'=>'publish'); else return array('label'=>'Update', 'action'=>'publish'); break; case 'closed' : return array('label'=>'Re-open', 'action'=>'publish'); break; } } // You can use "save_action" hook to edit label in "save" button add_filter('save_action','myplugin_save_action'); //add_filter('myposttype_save_action','myplugin_save_action'); function myplugin_save_action($action) { global $post; if ($post->post_status=='closed') return array('label'=>'Save as closed', 'action'=>'save'); } // REMEMBER : set the correct status in publish_post action because anoter filter/plugin can reset your status in "publish" add_action('publish_myposttype','myplugin_workflow'); function myplugin_workflow() { global $post; $new_status = $post->post_status; if ($_POST['post_status']=='closed') $post->post_status = 'closed'; if ($new_status!='publish') wp_update_post($post); }
of course you can use only the hooks that you need
if you need more explanation post another comment here,
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [User Groups Restrictions] Extension for ll posttypeHi,
use members plugin to set capability (enabled functionality) to role (as admin, editor, author, ecc)
I apologize for the unclear texts.I summarize here the steps you can take to view your post in a map (contained in a page)
- add new page with [gmap width=200 height=300 border=”thin red solid”] short code
- add new post, with title, excerpt and content
- in this post add these custom fields (view here in “usage” paragraph) : geolocation=41.888988,12.492828 geomarker=blue-dot
- save and publish
- view marker in your page (at Rome)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Status] No Save ButtonHi,
This problem has never been found.
which plugins are installed? what version of wordpress?
Disappears only the “save” button or “public” button too?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Status] This is what I changed to make it work with 3.5.1thanks,
commit a new revision immediately
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Custom Status] @GreenwebHi,
I’m sorry that you are getting a lot of bugs.
I use it for a long time, and I have no problems.Can you tell me what problems you’ve encountered?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Custom Status] @wonderlizaCustom status is little and require very bit of memory.
Add useful filter for manage status in new plugins, too.
Edit flow have a lot of function and is very hungry of memory