Hello- after much experimentation, I finally got it to work this way:
1. upload all of the simpleviewer files and images and build the gallery and confirm that it works in your test directory. for example: https://yoursite.com/galleries/test/
2. make sure that you have the kimli flash plugin activated.
3. Use this code in your new page post:
<kml_flashembed movie=”https://yoursite.com/galleries/test/viewer.swf” height=”650″ width=”650″ fvars=”xmlDataPath = https://yoursite.com/galleries/test/imageData.xml” bgcolor=”#ffffff”></kml_flashembed>
The key here is to use the variable that sets a specific path to the xml file. Using virtual site structure creates a problem when the swf file tries to locate the xml file in the same (virtual) directory.
Of course the other variables can be set to whatever you want according to the look of your site. It may not be exactly perfect, but it works ??
Here’s mine in action: https://luckyface.org/ahall/