I’ve found the problem but I don’t know how to resolve it.
The problem is content compression. I don’t know why but when I’m connected, the header “Content-Encoding” is not sent by the server. Whereas if I’m not connected, this header is sent with “gzip” value.
From line 390 up to 399 in PgCache_ContentGrabber.php file, if the page contains fragment, a shutdown callback is added. In this callback (“shutdown” function), fragments are parsed and content is compressed. If I replace :
echo $this->_compress( $buffer, $compression );
With :
echo $buffer;
All works great when I’m connected but if I log out, that doesn’t work (Content-Encoding header is set to “gzip”, so the browser wait for gzip compressed content and it receives plain html…).
So, the problem is one of these :
_ When I’m connected, the content-Encoding header is not sent.
_ When I’m connected, the content must not be compressed, even if page contains fragments.
Anyone has more informations ?