Hi, Augusto im back. From a while the plugin work greats but now im dealing with the same error again. My stack is WP 4.9.1 and Cf7 4.9.1
This is how my form looks like.
[text* first-name placeholder “Nombre”]
<p>[text* last-name placeholder “Apellido”]</p>
<p>[email* email placeholder “Correo electrónico”]</p>
<p>[tel phone placeholder “Telefóno”]</p>
<p>[text city placeholder "Ciudad"]</p>
<p>[text mensaje placeholder "Mensaje"]</p>
[hidden company “innovahuman”]
[hidden curso “Portugués para viajeros”]
<p>[submit id:liderazgo_manizales_send”Enviar >”]</p>
As you both last-name and company are created but still having the same error.
It appear again after wordpress update to 4.9.1