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  • Great! may I ask how did you end up in the codex? I’m also learning and there are some parts of the documentation that I don’t know yet.

    True… my fault, sorry.

    From what I see in the Guntemberg repo the setting (if exists) should be in the post-excerpt core block, if it doesn’t exist you could create a custom one where you can remove the anchor or add a setting to let the user decide. Doing this should be rather easy (if you have developing experience with js and react), copy the core/post-excerpt block, rename it and the add the necessary changes here.

    Hope this helps!


    I’m a third party developer therefore this is not an answer from the wordpress team. I haven’t found any info in the docs but here is what I’ve found in the Guntemberg repo:


    Have you checked the tutorial from the official docs ‘How to use js in the block editor’?


    Im afraid you shared a url pointing to localhost, therefore it is not reacheble from outside your computer.

    Thread Starter luishporras


    (Update) What I was looking for was some kind of extra parameter in theme.json that allowed me to change variables values conditioned to screen size, I haven’t found something like that.

    @ehtmlu I’ve seen that but a clamp wouldn’t be enough (at least I don’t know how) to keep up with the huge difference between mobile and desktop, also keep in mind that maybe some text’s change a lot in size while others don’t.

    Instead I’ve decided that I was not using a proper approach to develop a fully custom theme, since I needed some ad-hock custom blocks and I was trying to implement everything using core blocks and changing its styles and adding some javascript (madness). So, instead of creating a plugin with my custom blocks (where you have complete freedom but also it’s a bit more tedious to develop), with the initial guidance of the course: Become a WordPress developer (which contains a chapter on block-themes), I’ve included custom blocks inside the theme. This seems to be a great approach to me although the documentation in is focused on plugin development (it really doesn’t change anything) and also mixes old implementations with new ones, so keep an eye.

    I’ll share the theme when I finish it in case it could be useful for others, thanks for the response!

    Thread Starter luishporras


    I’m coding a theme : )

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by luishporras.


    You need to target the element article with class .uagb-post__inner-wrap with the :hover pseudo-class and add a background-color: transparent property:

    article.uagb-post__inner-wrap:hover {
        background-color: transparent;
    Thread Starter luishporras


    Thanks a lot for your reply @mrtom414, so far I’ve been able to add styles to the video element in the frontend following your advice and the guide from the documentation: Including CSS & JS

    Unfortunately I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong to add styles to the backend (editor) because it’s not working right know:

    <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"header","tagName":"header"} /-->
    <!-- wp:group {"tagName":"main","layout":{"type":"constrained"}} -->
    <main class="wp-block-group">
       <!-- wp:group -->
       <secti class="wp-block-group">
        <!-- wp:columns -->
        <div class="wp-block-columns awt-positioned-cols">
           <!-- wp:video -->
           <figure class="wp-block-video awt-bg-video">


    if ( ! function_exists( 'awt_theme_setup' ) ) :
    function awt_theme_setup() {
    	// Add support for block styles.
    	add_theme_support( 'wp-block-styles' );
    	 * Load additional block styles.
    	$styled_blocks = ['columns', 'video'];
    	foreach ( $styled_blocks as $block_name ) {
    		$args = array(
    			'handle' => "awt-$block_name",
    			'src'    => get_theme_file_uri( "assets/css/blocks/$block_name.css" ),
    			$args['path'] = get_theme_file_path( "assets/css/blocks/$block_name.css" ),
    		wp_enqueue_block_style( "core/$block_name", $args );
    		add_editor_style( get_theme_file_uri( "assets/css/blocks/$block_name.css" ) );
    endif; // awt_theme_setup
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'awt_theme_setup' );


    .awt-positioned-cols {
        position: relative;
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by luishporras.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by luishporras.
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