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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FATAL ERRORForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: dockerized wordpress problemHi @michel225
Be sure WordPress is able to loopback to itself. From my experience, that’s usually the main issue on Docker environements with a reverse proxy.
To check this, go to Tools ? Site Health. You might be warned about other relevant issues as well there.
Also, it looks like the REST API endpoint of the website is available at
which is unusual since it’s usually/wp-json/
. See: Elementor is looking for it at the usual endpoint, idk. Try to go to Settings ? Permalinks, choose a pretty permalink structure and hit Save. See:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Carousel not working sometimesThat’s very kind of you @monalisa1991 ?? Yes, helping each other is part of the FLOSS spirit, of which WordPress is a part ??
I hope to be more helpful next time.
Take care,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb de connexionOK, top ! ?? Bonne chance à vous et n’hésitez pas si vous avez besoin d’aide.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: no comment sectionHi @timl2k
Due to the differences between and the self-hosted version of WordPress(.org) supported here, you should probably ask Support instead.
Further reading: What’s the difference between and
Best of luck!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Carousel not working sometimesHello @monalisa1991
First of all, I’m sorry that troubleshooting the issue is causing you so much… trouble. As I said in my first message, these kinds of bugs, which appear sometimes, are difficult to fix because we first have to identify the exact cause of the issue. And since there are literally dozens of possible reasons, we have to do a lot of trial and error until we finally find it, and that unfortunately takes time. Furthermore, doing this via a forum thread requires many messages and further increases the time needed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still possible!
Then, it seems the website you’re working on is critical to your employer’s business, but doesn’t have the comprehensive basic maintenance and management tools these important websites need. Websites break down, databases get corrupted, data centers burn down, malicious hackers break into websites and so on. It’s normal, and it happens even to the best websites in the world. That’s why the person in charge of the website absolutely must be able to create and restore backups of the website with a single click and in no more than a few minutes, as well as create a staging version of the website if needed. If this isn’t possible at the moment, I would kindly suggest that you first address this issue by looking for a better hosting provider dedicated to WordPress. Then you’ll have all the peace of mind you need to work on your website in total safety.
Now, if you still want to pursue this further, please understand that disabling a few plugins for a few minutes is a common task and is only the first step of possibly many others. Also please note that deactivate and re-activating Jetpack or WP Fastest Cache will not in itself fix the issue. It will only let us know if the problem still occurs when they are deactivated (paused).
So to proceed, 1/ temporarily deactivate these plugins, 2/ see if the error is still there while they’re deactivated and 3/ yes, activate them again by clicking on the “activate” button on the plugins page.
Again, deactivating and reactivating a plugin is risk-free in itself, but as with any task on a website, my responsibility is to say that you should only do it if you’re able to restore a backup in the something going wrong.
If you definitely can’t deactivate/activate a plugin on the website, it will unfortunately be difficult to understand where the problem is coming from and fix it. There are other things you might want to check, though, like making sure WordPress core, themes and plugins are all up to date (but again, make sure you have a backup of the website before updating), trying to slightly edit the faulty homepage carousels via Elementor, trying to Regenerate CSS & Data in Elementor settings, asking people who encounter the issue if it also occurs on a hard refresh or when using a different browser like Firefox, etc.
Finally, I’m not sure which health check plugin you’re talking about. Is it this Health Check plugin and/or the similar built-in Site Health Screen? If so, it won’t be helpful in this case, I’m afraid, so there’s no need to install or use it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb de connexionBonjour @mnengd66
Pour info, le forum ici est plut?t réservé à la langue anglaise. N’hésitez pas à visiter la documentation en fran?ais ou à obtenir de l’aide via les forums d’entraide francophones, hébergés quant à eux sur le site de l’association WordPress Francophone (WPFR) :
Actuellement, l’URL habituelle du tableau de bord WordPress de votre site renvoie une erreur 404 et l’URL de connexion au tableau de bord renvoie différentes erreurs. Cela laisse malheureusement présager d’un problème plus sérieux. Seriez-vous en mesure de partager l’URL de connexion à laquelle vous faites référence ? Avez-vous tenté des modifications depuis votre message initial ?
Autrement, vous pouvez simplement désactiver temporairement les plugins de votre site WordPress. La méthode via le gestionnaire de fichiers de cPanel (“via le serveur”) me semble la plus adaptée à votre situation.
Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous connecter au tableau de bord WordPress, il y a une multitude de raisons possibles à vérifier.
Vous pouvez aussi réinitialiser votre mot de passe via de multiples fa?ons. Dans votre cas, la solution via phpMyAdmin parais la plus appropriée.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bump the persistent page cache warningHa ha, you’re very welcome @d0ugparker ??
Please, don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved in the sidebar. This helps the volunteers find the topics that still need attention. Thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bump the persistent page cache warningHi @d0ugparker
No, WP Speed of Light is a static cache only. It caches the HTML generated from PHP. A persistent object cache, on the other hand, caches database requests.
Ask your hosting provider first if it offers a cache server such as Redis or Memcached. If so, install an object cache plugin dedicated to that server. If it doesn’t, which is more likely, you can use a simple SQLite-based local cache with a plugin such as SQLite Object Cache. Just install it and forget it. ??
Best of luck!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fixing Nextpage’s PreviewYou’re very welcome @shanshanar ??
[ Signature deleted ]- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by luk4.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Post author name and date not showing.Great! ??
Yes, indeed, the code is still there. It’s at the very bottom of your child theme’s
Please, don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved in the sidebar. This helps the volunteers find the topics that still need attention. Thank you!
[ Signature deleted ]- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by luk4.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Post author name and date not showing.Alright, thank you! I got it: you’ve a custom CSS rule hiding the author name:
.author-name { display: none; }
This is probably set in the Additional CSS of the Customizer. Try to remove it, or if you need it somewhere else, update the selector to be more restrictive to not apply on blog posts.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Post author name and date not showing.I understand. However, it could be a limitation of the Customizer that doesn’t display the result without publishing the changes. In addition, it’s difficult to troubleshoot the issue if you don’t publish your changes first. Please try publishing the changes, then clearing the cache. I’ll then try to identify the cause of the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text not showing on published siteYes, you’re right! Technically, animated elements (such as fade-in or slide-up elements) are missing the
class. This class is added through Javascript byaos.min.js
and initiated on page load byspectra-animations.min.js
, which are Spetra JS files. When the class is missing, the animation showing the element is not launched and the page appears broken.There is therefore an incompatibility between SiteGround Speed Optimizer and Spectra. First of all, make sure both plugins are up to date. This issue should be fixed soon, if not already.
Otherwise, it seems that the SiteGround Speed Optimizer developers are aware of the issue and a dedicated thread exists on the official SiteGround Speed Optimizer support forum. Feel free to join the discussion by mentioning this thread. They might be interested in the details I’ve mentioned above.
Finally, you can probably re-activate SiteGround Speed Optimizer, but be sure to disable the Combine JavaScript files option, or at least add these two files to the Exclude from combination list:
- /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg/assets/js/spectra-animations.min.js
- /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg/assets/js/aos.min.js
I’d recommend disabling CSS and JavaScript combinations altogether in future, even if it says “recommended”. Combining CSS and JS files was a good practice a few years ago to improve performance, but since your site uses HTTP/2, it’s no longer recommended and is prone to bugs. See:
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Post author name and date not showing.Hi @9ring
Thank you! For now, unless I am mistaken, I don’t even see the “by” part. Did you Publish your changes in the Customizer?
Also, be sure to clear WP Rocket cache after cliking on Publish. See: