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  • Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @cvb111,

    You may want to take that up with your hosting company, as I imagine they have a setting preventing you from making that edit.

    Alternately, if you meet ALL of the following criteria:

    1. You have access to the site’s database
    2. You are competent and confident working with databases
    3. You know how to take a full backup and restore from a backup

    You can follow the directions here to make the changes directly in the database –

    In the future, a Google doc isn’t a great way to share a screenshot. I’d recommend using something like

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @giusewp,

    Please send a link to your shop page so we can see what you’re dealing with here rather than shooting blind.

    @kaushiksomaiya’s screenshot only applies to you if you’re using the Category Block Widget, as he mentioned in his message

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @mynetflixtain,

    Customers can edit their address information on the “My Account” page.

    If you’re looking to provide this capability elsewhere, you’re heading into developer territory, and you’ll want to speak to your developer about that as there’s no shortcode for what you’re looking to do.

    Also, I will like to edit some field and change their labels .

    If I understand correctly, you’re looking to modify some of the checkout fields. If you’re comfortable working with code, you can follow the directions here –

    Alternately, you can look at the Checkout Field Editor extension, which allows you to do this.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @cvb111,

    Thanks for sending over the site’s System Status Report. The issue here is that your WordPress URL and Site URL have the site set to “HTTP” even though you have an SSL certificate that makes the site accessible via “HTTPS”.

    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):

    This is causing your site to ping back and forth between the HTTP and HTTPS versions with 301 and 302 redirects.

    Luckily, it’s a very simple fix.

    In your site’s WP-Admin, go to Settings → General and change both of those URLs to https and you’ll be sorted.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @2rascallyrabbitsbusiness,

    Tags work very differently from categories and are used differently since the organisational thinking behind them is different.

    Tags are working in the way they are intended and the way they have been designed to work in WordPress. If you’d like them to operate differently, you’ll want to speak to your developer to see if they can make your vision come to life.

    Alternately, you may want to spend some thinking about how you’re organising your products and what role you’re trying to make tags play, as there may be a better approach.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @lashac,

    If they can export the products from the external database into a CSV document, they can import those details into WooCommerce by following the directions here –

    Bear in mind that WooCommerce expects the CSV document to be formatted in a specific manner, so some massaging of that exported CSV doc may be required. You’ll want to pay attention to the How to create the CSV section of that document to make sure you get it right.

    ALternately, you can look into @seank123’s suggestion and see if that works for your needs.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @number77,

    You haven’t provided a link to your site, so we’re not able to take a look and formulate a hypothesis.

    It also sounds like you’re trying to filter products by categories rather than by attributes, which would indicate that you’ve either misunderstood how the filter is supposed to work or you’re using some other plugin to provide the capability to filter based on product categories.

    In order for us to get a good idea of what’s going on here, please provide a link to the page where the filter is visible so we can see what’s happening.

    You’ll also want to provide your site’s System Status Report. You can find it by going to “WooCommerce → Status” in your site’s WP-Admin.

    Click on “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, paste the contents in a .txt file and upload that to Dropbox, Google Drive, or some other such service and then paste the link to that file here.

    You can also take a look at the documentation here that covers the widgets that come with WooCommerce by default, which include widgets to filter your products by price or by attribute –

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @zand2019sh,

    Order Notes are an essential feature. For example, your payment gateway records transaction success or failure for an order in the order notes, and it also serves as a sort of audit log for actions. It cannot be disabled.

    Removing those is a terrible idea that will prove costly if you ever need to have someone help you figure out why something isn’t working in the way that it should.

    If you insist on removing this information with all the inherent risks, using a plugin like the one you’ve linked above would be your best bet. The alternative would be to access the database directly or write SQL queries to remove the information.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @zamanhasanov96,

    Based on that screenshot, it looks like you’re looking for a Multis-step checkout plugin.

    I’d recommend running an online search for “WooCommerce Multistep Checkout”. You’ll find various options that you can take a look at and then decide which one of them is best for your needs.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @neeleshpawar,

    My initial suspicion is that you have set up Stripe to Issue an authorization on checkout, and capture later. If this is the case, you will need to take action to manually capture those charges within 7 days, or the authorization will be dropped, and the order will be cancelled. If this happens, you will be unable to collect the funds from the customer without having them place the order again.

    I’d recommend looking that the affected orders and checking the Order Notes for anything that looks like this:

    Stripe charge authorized (Charge ID:ch_3K2IWIH6FIGHmJM00G94OWtM).

    THat would be a clear sign that you’ve only issued an authorization and you haven’t charged the customer’s card yet.

    You can learn more about this here –

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @krachtinternetmarketing,

    The easiest way to handle this is to ensure that you don’t use images with a height less than 450 pixels. This might require you to have a set template, in your image editor of choice, that you can put smaleer images into so that you can extend the background to make sure that you have the right height.

    When you use an image with a smaller height, you’re asking the system to manufacture additional pixels from thin air, and that’s not something that is going to happen.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @mwambembela,

    It sounds like the issue here may be that your payment gateway is not able to communicate with your site to tell it that payment has been collected.

    The statuses you’re referring to here, “Pending Payment, Processing, and Completed” are Order Statuses and not Payment Statuses .i.e they tell you the status of the order and not the status of the payment.

    When payment has been accepted, your gateway is supposed to notify your site, at which point the site changes the status of the order to “Processing” if it is a physical product that needs to be shipped or “Completed” if it is a virtual product that doesn’t require shipping. You can learn more about order statuses and what they mean here –

    So, the issue here is that your gateway either has issues with their Instant Payment Notification (IPN), or you have something on your site that is blocking that IPN from coming through.

    I’d recommend speaking to the payment provider rather than trying to alter something that is working as intended

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @russellcollinsart,

    I have a UK shop and I am opening a USA shop and a Euro shop. I want to be able to set prices in each area individually without using the exchange rate. I want to set Product 1 for UK£100 (in my UK shop) in the UK, Product 1 (in my USA Shop) for US$100 and Product 1 (in my Euro Shop) for EU€100. At the moment, and using the basic Woocommerce features the exchange rate would make the US$ price as US$121 and the Euro€ price as EU€119

    Are these 3 individual sites, or are you trying to have the same site display different currencies based on where the customer is located? How you choose to approach this will be a key determinant in whatever suggestions you’re going to get

    Product 1, Product 2 and Product 3 could go together to make a bundle called Pack AAA which would consist of 1 x Product 1, 1 x Product 2 and 2 x Product 3. IS there a plug in that would allow me to progamme in Pack AAA so that when the customer buys pack AAA there is an itemised sales list of 1 x Product 1 SKU 111, 1 x Product 2 SKU 112 and 2 x Product 3 SKU 113 please?

    This sounds like the kind of situation in which the Product Bundles extension would shine.

    Luminus Alabi


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @laligne,

    It sounds like you have only one shipping zone, which is set up for France, or you have other shipping zones set up to handle other locales, but there are no shipping methods in those zones.

    Each geographical region you want to ship to must have a shipping zone; in each zone, there must be at least one shipping method.

    You can learn more about shipping zones and shipping methods here –

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