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  • Theme Author Jessica Lyschik


    Hi Ralf,

    we have decided to wait for the editor to be able to work with CSS variables in gradients. There’s currently a PR in progress to fix this issue:

    In the meantime, you can manually add the gradient to a block by using the Code Editor. Here’s an example of how one of those gradients was added to a paragraph block with the primary color:

    <!-- wp:paragraph {"className":"","style":{"color":{"gradient":"linear-gradient(180deg,var(--wp--preset--color--primary) 75%,var(--wp--preset--color--transparent) 75%)"}}} -->
    <p class="has-background" style="background:linear-gradient(180deg,var(--wp--preset--color--primary) 75%,var(--wp--preset--color--transparent) 75%)">Gradient Paragraph Test</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    I’m aware this is only a way for advanced users, for the interface to support it we have to wait until the above PR is merged.

    Theme Author Jessica Lyschik


    Hi Ralf,

    Thank you so much for your feedback! We have to think through this as it would mean to have a lot of gradient options, but we’ll discuss this soon. I just tried to create custom gradients like this and it seems pretty hard to achieve them, so I totally get your point.

    Edit for some context: The main issue here is that unfortunately, gradients do not support CSS variables, therefore all colors of all palettes need to be included for every style variation. This would massively increase the number of gradient options at the moment.


    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Greyd WP] GREYD is great
    Theme Author Jessica Lyschik


    Hey Johannes, thank you so much for your feedback!

    When you have created everything in the template editor, you currently can’t migrate these to a new theme. This is a known problem and currently being discussed how to solve it.

    The best option would be if you copy everything from your template into a page and set this page as your home page in General -> Reading to preserve it and be able to switch the theme without “loosing” your content.

    Thread Starter Jessica Lyschik


    Hi Geoff,

    thanks for your reply. I quickly jump on your suggestion list:

    1. Basically I’m now going this way, however when I edit only the template files (single-event-blocks.php in my case), it only affects the frontend but not the backend at the moment. The advantage here is that I can “lock” certain parts like a header and footer area and only have the client update the content, without being able to “destroy” the other areas. The disadvantage is that I have to use the event blocks provided to edit the event data (date/time, venue, …) but then have to remove those again, as they are displayed by the customized template and not in the content area.

    2. This would be the ideal way with locking some parts. However, for example your date/time block, does not allow different display of the date. I want the date to appear in a different line than the time of the event, both joined by an calendar or clock icon next to them. It’s not possible with the current version of the block, which only provides one fixed date/time display without any option for a change, except for the formatting set in the settings. This is why I went for option 1.

    3. This is currently not an option, as the content part of the event has a given layout which is easier to create with the block editor and patterns instead of going back to the classic editor and working with shortcodes.

    If I understand correctly, your main focus is a simple UI to capture event data without resorting to a fixed template (i.e.: the one Block editor offers). Let me know if I did not understand correctly.

    Yes. I want the event data to be edited separately from the content, but having the flexibility to put the content of the event data in form of blocks where I (or the design) wants them to appear.

    I’m unable to show you screenshots of my current project but if you’d like to have some mockups on this, I can check if I can provide you with some simpler versions.


    Please move it back to either the settings or the tools menu. I have deactivated this plugin everywhere I used it, because I don’t want my admin sidebar to be stuffed with plugins I don’t use all the time.

    Or maybe you want to give users the option to choose, like the plugin “Advanced Database Cleaner” does it. So every user can set it’s own preference.

    Thread Starter Jessica Lyschik


    Ich habe es jetzt mal h?ndisch nachgetragen, aber getan hat sich da nicht wirklich was. Der WordPress Embed oben wird jetzt das HTML als Text ausgegeben, die Tweets darunter lassen sich weiter nicht anzeigen. Die Fehlermeldung in der JS-Konsole ist diese hier:

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property value in object at line 1 column 528 of the JSON data

    Hier mal der Code aus dem Block-Editor von diesem Beitrag, nur der Teil mit den Tweets:

    <!-- wp:heading -->
    <h2>Feedback von Twitter</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Da ich auch viele Kommentare über Twitter direkt bekommen habe, m?chte ich die einmal hier sammeln, damit sie nicht verloren gehen. Die Tweets sind in der chronologischen Reihenfolge.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    <!-- wp:core-embed/twitter {"url":"","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"twitter","className":""} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-embed-twitter wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
    <!-- /wp:core-embed/twitter -->
    Thread Starter Jessica Lyschik


    Entschuldigt meine sp?te Antwort! Ich hab die neueste Version aus dem Github mal gezogen und aktiviert:

    WP Rocket ist aus. Jetzt kommt nur noch der Platzhalter, beim Klick funktioniert aber leider nix mehr bei mir (egal welche Browser). Im eingeloggten Zustand werden die Tweets ganz normal angezeigt.

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