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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Ignore URL Arguments Issue when ONI only have 1 filter and is for a different page with some disabled plugins in Global.
The plugin in enabled on the page. The maps plugin is not disabled in Globals.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize Not working with Avada ThemeWoW Frank that is awesome. We’re back in business!
Thank you so much for the help, is greatly appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize Not working with Avada ThemeI sent you the email with the URL and credentials.
Thanks again for the help Frank.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize Not working with Avada ThemeHello,
I am also experiencing these problems of CSS not working right with the Avada 3.8 update. I know is not your job to make it compatible with every theme out there but I was wondering if anyone figured out a fix for it.
It works alright with CSS disabled and only JS enabled, but obviously the idea is to have it all working.
I believe in Avada 3.8 they are trying to minimize the code also with LESS CSS but that is an advanced feature in the theme and is disabled by default.
The theme has a W3TC comment at the footer for hooks purposes I believe.
Some of my sites are stuck in 3.7 until I can figure out a way to make it work, because Autoptimize is too awesome to ditch it for an update.
I have a site for testing purposes with the problem.
Frank, let me know if you would like to access the backend if you would like to take a look at it with the new version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Compatibility with WP RocketThanks Frank for the quick response and tips. I will try it later and see what happens.
It was printing it at the top of every page like a debug error message.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] CDN Font Support Replacement Logic or any local URL file in CSSHi Frank,
I opened the code and was hoping for something easy to replace file types, but PHP is beyond my knowledge.
I did play with it trying to make sense of existing code for the images and apply it to the fonts. Sorry if I butchered it and probably is totally different from what I was thinking, I am just trying to help.
// Do the @font-face! $fontreplace = array(); preg_match_all('#(*url\((?!data)(.*)\)[^;}]*)(?:;|$|})#Usm',$code,$matches); if ((is_array($matches)) && (!empty($this->cdn_url))) { // change @font-face urls to cdn-url foreach($matches[2] as $count => $quotedurl) { $url = trim($quotedurl," \t\n\r\x0B\"'"); $cdn_url=$this->url_replace_cdn($url); $fontreplace[$matches[1][$count]] = str_replace($quotedurl,$cdn_url,$matches[1][$count]); } $ipath = $this->getpath($url); } if($ipath != false && preg_match('#\.(eot|woff2|woff|ttf|svg)$#',$ipath)) { unset($icheck); // Add it to the list for replacement $fontreplace[$matches[1][$count]] = str_replace($quotedurl,$matches[1][$count]).";\n*".str_replace($quotedurl,'mhtml:%%MHTML%%!'.$mhtmlcount,$matches[1][$count]).";\n_".$matches[1][$count].';'; } } } if(!empty($fontreplace)) { $code = str_replace(array_keys($fontreplace),array_values($fontreplace),$code); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] CDN Font Support Replacement Logic or any local URL file in CSSSorry I meant @font-face, was falling asleep. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] WPML CSS Getting Skipped – Not excludedHello Frank,
The beta version worked!
Awesome, thanks again ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import Users from CSV] Invisible usersI’m also having the same problem and was able to delete the invisible entries in the usermeta table.
After that I tried to import again and the same problem. Anyone found what is causing it or how to make it work.My users are properly set before I export them, at least I think so.
Marking as resolved
Hello Gabriel, I’m reporting to let you know I got it working all now.
After all it was the memory allocated.When I tried before, I put this line and it did not work:
define(‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
I tried again just now this line and it worked:
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
Sorry for all the troubleshooting. Now all I need is the calculate points for existing users and is perfect.
Thanks again.
The issues happened before Wangguarg, I just installed that plugin last night to clean up the users a bit.
According to the php.ini
memory_limit = 128M
This site is on the root folder, it just popped into my head what if other subfolders sites affect the memory from the root. Maybe is handled different (per site has x amount of memory and not just 1 amount for the whole), I’m just inventing stuff in my head. The website is not multisite.
Thanks again for looking into it.
Thanks for the quick response, I use W3 Total Cache on the live. And instead of only 2 users like the test server, there is 25k on live. Right now running Wangguard plugin to remove spam accounts to see if any change after, so it should be way less after but I doubt the user amount causes any issues.
Hooks that are on:
Points for registrations
Points for logins
BuddyPress: MembersAdd-ons that are on:
RanksCore Settings changes:
Update rankings once a day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Errors on BuddyPress pagesI just tried both different methods and still showing the same error. Not sure what is breaking it.
Thanks again for looking into the problem, hopefully you can find what is causing it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSocialite] Errors on BuddyPress pagesHello Tom, I’m using the following shortcode:
[wpsocialite size=”small” button_override=”facebook,twitter-share,pinterest,gplus,stumbleupon”]
It seems to work fine on main page and through the forums and other pages, but profile pages it causes that error.
I’m running it as a shortcode with Genesis – Simple Hooks, not inside a sidebar widget.
I will try tu run it as a shortcode sidebar widget and also test template tag and see if there is any difference.