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  • Glad you were able to find a way to edit it. Hopefully no further problems with editing. And that is the classic editor, so there should always be a text box somewhere. I’ve had to previously hit edit when on the page to get it working. Then next time editing the page going in via dashboard has worked.

    Anyway, glad you managed. Thanks for updating!

    If you are using the classic editor, you should be able to just edit the page and use the dashboard to edit. But are you trying to edit the homepage? Themes all work a bit different. Each page template could have a different layout and way of editing. Or like a theme I work on, the homepage could be made of widgets. It’s very difficult to know how your editing works without being able to see the page in edit mode.

    I tried to checkout the theme you’re using, but there are so few details on it that I have no idea how it works for you. You can have a look at the block editor info in the WordPress documention. Hopefully this will give you an idea. If you’re trying to click on text, I would suspect the block editor or some sort of visual editor from a plugin or your theme.

    Hi. What are you using to edit? Is your theme using the block editor, a page builder or something else? Thanks.

    Hi Codi. Please remember that WordPress is an open source project. It’s made by volunteers. It’s going through a lot of changes right now, working towards providing more control over design to non-coders in addition to your usual security patches. It’s common for all software to eventually progress to the point where it certain things stop working with it. Apple’s Catalina is a prime example of this. I couldn’t use a variety of software until those providers updated their code base.

    Why am I referring to Apple? Because its an example of solid software where an update can cause issues with third party software. This is what you’re experiencing. It’s key to check in on your theme and its updates regularly. As mentioned above, your theme looks as if it hasn’t been updates since 2016. 4 years is a long time to go without an update, especially with all the progress being made with WordPress and the block editor in the last year or so now.

    My advice would be similar to what Steve has said. Reach out to the developers. Find out if they are going to update their theme. If they aren’t see if they have another theme that is similar. I always look at the developer and their reputation when choosing a theme. I tend to stick to themes from well-established developers who regularly update. I’d do the same regarding the plugin.

    Additionally, when themes and plugins aren’t being updated regularly, they can become a security risk. This is something to consider. If the security team finds an issue or security risk is reported, then you won’t be able to download the plugin or theme. I’m not saying your theme and plugin have security issues, just that the possibility is greater when something isn’t maintained.

    I’m sorry you’re experiencing these issues. Hopefully the developers of the products you’re using will be of some help.



    Hi Jeroen. Are you trying to download and install via the WordPress dashboard? If this isn’t working, I suggest downloading the theme to your computer and then extracting to the themes folder, which would be your_wordpress > wp-content > themes. The start of the path will depend on how you have it set up, but if you can navigate to your WP folder, you’ll find wp-content within it and then themes within that. Once there, go back to the WP dashboard > appearance > themes and activate your theme.

    Let me know if this way doesn’t work.



    I recommend asking on the Modern Events Calendar’s plugin support forum so the plugin’s developers and support community can help you with this.



    Sorry, still new at explaining and still getting my head around the block editor. I’m currently working on how to restrict blocks, so wanted to share what I’ve learned. I was modifying code from filtering via post type to target the home page myself as my theme homepage is widget based.

    I never even considered is_front_page() because I assume it can only be used to change the frontend view and not the backend editor. If I understand it correctly, it is checking whether a visitor is on the home/front page, not editing that page.

    If you prefer to use a conditional, you could use is_page() and pass the ‘page identifier’, which in this case of my example in my previous post, is page-home.php. The page identifier can be the page title, page ID, unique page slug and a mixed array (which I can’t elaborate on).

    Both is_page('page identifier') and get_page_template_slug( $post ) == 'page slug' will look for a specific post and enable you to target the edit page.



    The ‘allowed_block_types’ filter looks for 2 parameters, a bool/array and $post. You’re trying to to pass a specific page rather than a post type, which is why it isn’t working. The above link has an example of how you can limit the blocks available in a certain post type.

    In order to be able to target a single page/post, you’ll need to create a custom front page template. This will then allow you to restrict the blocks available in the inserter for that page.

    Using get_page_template_slug( $post ) will fill the $post parameter and then you can name the page using it’s slug.

    function my_theme_name_allowed_block_types( $allowed_block_types, $post ) {
    	if( get_page_template_slug( $post ) == 'page-home.php' ) {
    		return array( 
                        'core/paragraph' );
    	return $allowed_block_types;
    add_filter( 'allowed_block_types', 'my_theme_name_allowed_block_types', 10, 2 );

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any further questions.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Leslie.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Leslie.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Leslie.


    Glad you found it. Sorry I didn’t get back sooner. For reference to anyone who finds this in a search, block filters on should be helpful.

    Thanks for updating as resolved.



    Hi. Not sure why it would change if was already set. That said, WordPress auto-generates your URL using you post title, replacing spaces with hyphens. This is good practice as they are more readable. Additionally, for SEO purposes, Google treats hyphens as word separators, so if you want your posts to be easily searchable from Google, then hyphens should be used.



    Please ignore some of what I said above. Have you checked your theme settings? I’m assuming by ‘grid’ you’re referring to the ‘columns block’. There can be many factors that can impact this.

    More importantly, if you are wanting to place a text and photo side-by-side, then I would suggest using the media & text block.



    How are you looking to extend? I looking for ways to customize what is there using CSS or are you a developer wanting to extend the functionality with code?



    Right now there aren’t any additional controls available for the column block. The default responsiveness for tablet is to not stack if it’s 100% on less, which 50% and 50% would fall into this category. It will stack on mobile though.

    There are plugins out there that offer extended blocks and the ability to specify when it will break, but right now with the core blocks you would have to do it with code.



    The link option isn’t on the Block setting side panel, which is where you’re looking in that video. It’s in the Block toolbar at the top of the block. You should see it when you click onto that block. Here is the link to the page with all the details on the image block.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Leslie.
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