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  • Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @syntaxerrorno,

    Thanks very much for sticking with this and for doing that research for us.

    Having read through this, I do feel like this might fall more into the category of a bug than a feature request. It means that depending on your payment gateway, there’s a chance the opt-in checkbox will not be accessible at all on the checkout page, and I think as this can happen with a variety of payment options, it’s on the MailPoet side to change this.

    I’ve raised a bug report with our development team on this issue for tracking and so they can evaluate this request and determine it’s priority. There’s no fixed ETA at this time but I wanted to let you know that your work here is preserved now in our system and hopefully this issue will receive higher priority than other feature requests.

    I’d recommend continuing to watch the release notes for updates as our repository is not public at this time (although we are working on that).

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @jvagner,


    The format that you outline should be possible. Please note that if you include the Latest Posts automatic content block in an email twice, it will not repeat posts. So you will have to set up categories or tags so that it pulls in different content in each section (or else it will just skip forward if all posts are included in both to the next not-yet-shown post).

    Also note that the Latest Posts block does not play well with columns. When you say “section 1” and “section 2”, are these simple headings, or column blocks? If they are column blocks, then your dynamic content cannot be embedded inside the columns and so may be jumping outside of them as that’s a requirement.

    I was able to set up a design like this on my test site using Text for the headings (converted to H2 format) and then an Automatic Latest Content block underneath each of the two text/headings block.


    Our Automatic Latest Content block only pulls in the most recent posts based on time stamps at this time. We do keep a list of customer-requested features and you can add your voice there to upvote this idea.

    I found a similar request has already been created by a customer here, you can add a comment to chime in and let us know it’s needed:


    As you note, scheduled emails such as our Post Notification email only have the option of daily or weekly. Again, you can add your voice to the following customer request to let us know it’s needed:

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Great to hear it! We’re always happy to help our customers connect with their audience. Happy mailing!

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @generosus,

    Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    I just wanted to clarify that my suggestion to look into Loco Translate wasn’t to actually translate, but as a clever workaround for issues like this. By “translating” English to English, you are in effect replacing any given string on your site – so in this case, you can “translate” the string “Please select at least one option” into the string “This is a required field” on your own, and make that swap, without having to edit code yourself or make changes that would be lost on an upgrade.

    I do appreciate that installing and learning another plugin for this one small change is probably overkill here. But just wanted to put it out there as a possible solution for anyone else facing this particular issue and needing an immediate workaround.

    In the meantime, I’ll continue to follow up with our development team.

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @loudernet,

    Thanks so much, glad you are enjoying the plugin! We’re always happy to hear that we’re supporting online businesses and making mail happen :).

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @generosus,

    Thanks for continuing to follow up on this. I can confirm that while the issue has been raised to our development team, it has not yet been addressed and does not have an ETA on a change at this time.

    I have pinged them again to ask them if this issue can be raised in priority.

    In the meantime, have you experimented with Loco Translate? It’s a free plugin that allows you to translate strings on your site. In cases like this, it can be useful to “Translate” English to English – effectively using it as a workaround to replace a specific string on your site.

    I do understand ideally you wouldn’t have to do this, but if this issue continues to confuse your customers, it can be a handy and quick workaround that you have the power to control yourself, so I’d recommend checking it out. There’s a bit of a learning curve with Loco Translate but once you find the string you want to “translate” it’s pretty easy to enter the replacement and should pick up the new version.

    If you run into trouble with that plugin, you can use the public forum for it for assistance.

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @jidwictut9,

    Thanks for bringing this back to our attention. I did check in with the development team on this but as noted in the other thread, as this is just a notice and not an error, it has fairly low priority and no ETA for a fix at this time.

    I noted that this is affecting your log files to help the development team place this issue properly on their priority list. Please do continue to watch the MailPoet release notes for a fix.

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Ah I see, thank you for the screenshots, they were very helpful! The white icons have additional padding built into the PNG files so the icons appear smaller, while the grey icons are full out to the edge of the PNG, so easier to match.

    I’ve raised an internal issue with our documentation team to see if we can either rework these icons or provide padding information in the documentation.

    As this is a non-critical issue I will go ahead and mark this thread as solved, but please monitor the release notes for upcoming MailPoet releases to see if and when this issue is addressed.

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @josenone,

    Thanks for the update, sounds like you’re back in business!

    I’ll mark this thread as solved but if the same issue happens with the vanishing title, we’d probably need to investigate more, so consider raising a ticket at if you have a paid plan. If not, we’re always happy to help here in the forums!

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Glad I could help! I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as resolved but feel free to post again if we can help with anything further.

    Happy mailing!

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @everade,

    Thanks for continuing to reach out on this issue.

    I have run some tests on my test site with a Starter (i.e. free) license code, and I’m not seeing the same behaviour. I see the same error message about the key failing validation *only* when I actually validate the license – that is, under the Settings > Key Activation tab, when I click “Verify”. This re-runs the verification and adds that failure message to my logs.

    I tested re-loading the MailPoet home page multiple times, and I also sent out some sample newsletters and none of that basic functionality triggered the addition of the error message to the logs. I was testing with the latest MailPoet which is 4.40.0.

    So, if you are seeing that error message added to your logs hundreds of times a day, it would seem that something unusual is going on and that is not typical MailPoet behaviour.

    Is this a recent change in your log file activity? Can you look back in your logs to see if the flood of error messages started happening on a specific date, and if so, were there any major changes to the site at that time?

    Also, can you explain a bit more about what you are doing to trigger the error – does it happen when you send out an email? If so, how big is your distribution list? Or does it happen just when working within the plugin in any way?

    Lastly, can you confirm which free plan you are using at MailPoet – is it our Starter plan, or do you have a legacy plan that you use?


    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @josenone,

    This does sound frustrating! I’m sorry to hear about the form title issue.

    Under MailPoet > Forms, when you click the affected form, do you see the title shown there? As in, is it on the actual form, but not showing up on the site? Or is it missing now from the form altogether?

    If the title has accidentally been deleted from the form, you can use the “+” icon at the top of the form page to insert a new block. Insert a Heading block and re-add your title.
    Full Size:

    If that doesn’t work to restore the title, then if you are still interested in deleting MailPoet completely and then starting over from scratch, there is an option to do this under MailPoet > Settings on the “Advanced” tab.

    You can click the link here to “Reinstall from scratch” and it will both re-install the plugin **and delete all your existing data.** This should definitely wipe the form from your database and allow you to create a new one from scratch.
    Full Size:

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi @klaus_hh,

    Just to confirm, when you say the updated WP user was not listed – does this mean the user was actually removed from your mailing list altogether?

    Also, can you confirm if this user was (originally) subscribed to the mailing list, or was listed as Unconfirmed, Unsubscribed, Inactive, or Bounced?

    I did run some tests on my test site on this scenario and for all subscribed users, changing either the name or the email address was picked up by MailPoet. Was there anything special about this user or their account?

    In addition, can you share your site’s information under MailPoet > Help on the System Info tab? Thanks!

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @rogner,

    There isn’t an option to automatically convert your newsletter to a published blog post as it is sent out. However, there are a couple of options here you could consider.

    First, every newsletter has a published link so it can be viewed directly in a browser. You could use this link to make a simple blog posts that provides a button or link to the version that can be viewed in the browser.

    You can find this link at the top of any newsletter you’ve sent – it says “view in browser”. Click there to see the link in action.

    You can also find it under MailPoet > Emails, on the newsletters tab, hover over any newsletter and click “Preview” to view it in a browser window – this link, in the browser’s URL field at the top of the browser window, is the link you want. You can then use that URL inside a blog post you create and write, as a link to click, to let non-subscribers view the newsletter directly.

    Alternately, you could consider doing this process **in reverse** — that is, make a blog post, and then send out a newsletter about your blog post! You can use the “Post Notifications” style email in MailPoet to send out notifications like this automatically; so you can make a blog post with your information in it, and then a notice will go out to your subscribers announcing the new blog post.

    You can embed the entirety of the blog post in your email blast, or you can provide an excerpt with a link to click through and read the post in full on your site instead.

    Here’s a little more info on how to create a Post Notification email:

    Hope one of those will work for you!

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Hi there @alex75212,

    I ran a test on this using the latest version of MailPoet and was able to make this work using the Social block when building my newsletter.

    First, I uploaded my PNG file for the TikTok logo to my Media Gallery. It was quite large, 256 x 256 pixels.

    Then, I copied the URL directly to the file from within the Media Gallery (you can find this by clicking on the image and copying the direct URL from the settings).

    Then I inserted a Social block into my newsletter like this:
    Full Size:

    Lastly, I added custom icon here and used the URL to the graphic in my Media Library for the logo:
    Full Size:

    In both the preview here, and in the actual email that was sent, the TikTok logo appeared in line with the other social media logos and was sized appropriately.

    If you used a different approach to insert your icon, can you try this way with the Social block to see if that will work for you?

    If it does not, then it is likely that another plugin is overriding the default MailPoet block CSS, in which case you might want to run a conflict test. You can read more about performing a conflict test here:

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