Michal Paull
Forum Replies Created
Same problem, I don’t see the transaction ID
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SuperFaktura WooCommerce] Odosielanie FA mailom zákazníkoviVrátil som sa o krok sp?? a testujem zasielanie FA bez pluginu na modifikáciu mailov a zdá sa, ?e s custom stavom sa FA neposiela ani v default woo maily – je to mo?né? Fa sa vygeneruje korektne, ale nepo?le v maily.
Pod Intergráciou v nastaveniach FA mám za?krtnuté aj Prida? odkaz na faktúru do WooCommerce emailov a takisto Prida? PDF faktúru do WooCommerce emailov
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SuperFaktura WooCommerce] Odosielanie FA mailom zákazníkovi?akujem, áno máte pravdu. E?te máme jedno ?pecifukum. Pou?ívame vlastny design mailov cez externy plugin. Samozrejme, ?e nám tym pádom nepripája prílohy do mailu.
Existuje teoreticky mo?nos? zasielania zákazníkovi dynamickú url kde si faktúru rozlikne? Resp. nejaky shortcode na .pdf prílohu? Vedeli by ste mi poradi? ako to dosiahnu?? Nerád by som bol núteny pou?íva? default woocommerce dizajn mailov.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] GP webpay platební brána vs PACKETADobry deň,
kedy o?akávate release stable verzie kde bude tento problém odstráneny?
Je to pre mňa pomerne zásadné.V?aka za info
thanks I understand but this requires me to manually select the products in the Trigger section which is really unpleasant with hundreds of products :/Hi,
thanks for your reply. However, I would like the popup to show on the product page after added to cart. I’m not redirecting customers to cart after “add to cart”.
What should the setup look then?
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Locations for WooCommerce] There is a conflict with font awesome iconsYes sir that helped! Awesome work, thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Locations for WooCommerce] There is a conflict with font awesome iconsAwesome, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stock Locations for WooCommerce] There is a conflict with font awesome iconsAre you going to release an update? Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] ACF fields not updating properlyThanks a lot!
That helped with my issue.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] ACF fields not updating properlyHi,
I use[acf field="{$field_name}" post_id="{$post_id}"]
for displaying ACF inside the tables. The change is not shown on the frontend. For me as a WP logged user, I see the change properly.