• Resolved jbgglgdev


    Hi, quite strange, I have my meta description content like this :

    <meta name="description" content="var metaslider_25 = function($) { $('#metaslider_25').addClass('flexslider'); // theme/plugin conflict avoidance $('#metaslider_25').flexslider({ slideshowSpeed:5000, animation:&quot;fade&quot;, controlNav:false, directionNav:false, pauseOnHover:false, direction:&quot;horizontal&quot;, reverse:false, animationSpeed:600, prevText:&quot;<&quot;, nextText:&quot;>&quot;, slideshow:false }); }; var timer_metaslider_25 = function() { var slider = !window.jQuery ? window.setTimeout(timer_metaslider_25, 100) : !jQuery.isReady ? window.setTimeout(timer_metaslider_25, 1) : metaslider_25(window.jQuery); }; timer_metaslider_25();" />

    not very nice for my SEO ??
    any idea on how to fix ?
    Thank you in advance.

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  • Hi JB,

    The description looks like it’s auto generated based on the page content and it’s also processing the shortcodes and returning the code.

    Try manually setting a description for the page (instead of letting the SEO plugin auto generate it), this should remove the Meta Slider code.


    Thread Starter jbgglgdev


    Hi Dave, that was it ??
    Thank’s a lot

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