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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Site errors after upgrade Polylang to 1.7.7Since my website looked like a complete mess, I had no option but to uninstall Polylang and install it again with the zip you sent. It shows no errors now, but all my pages and posts have lost their language settings. My website is in 3 languages, which means that each page and post has 3 language versions or translations. Even if I edit each one and select the correct language, I cannot “reconnect” the pages and posts that were a translation of each other. How do I do that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Site errors after upgrade Polylang to 1.7.7I am experiencing the same problem. I cannot install the zip you sent via WP admin, because it says that I already have a folder with that name
I have the same problem with my spoilers. Traumawelt’s suggestion didn’t work for me.
In my spoiler titles, only the first set of characters before a space appear on screen, but the contents of the spoiler are all right.
Has anybody worked out how to fix it yet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate] Hyperlinks to spoilers and tabsThanks so much for your help, clovely!
Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work.
This is what I have in the endpoint page, where I want the spoiler to open:[__su_spoiler title=”Acciones para la puesta en valor de los paisajes rurales atlánticos” anchor=”baserripaisaiak” icon=”chevron-circle”] images and text here [__/su_spoiler]
In the page from where I want to access the spoiler located in the other page:
Yours works fine, I can’t see why mine doesn’t. Do you spot anything wrong in my html? Maybe because in my case it is a nested spoiler?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate] Hyperlinks to spoilers and tabsI am also trying to do the same as clovely, with no luck at all. I would also need a way to add a link to a page that will take you to the text within a spoiler (in my case it is a nested spoiler, that is, a spoiler inside a spoiler) which is in another page.
Anybody managed to solve it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate] Spoiler not workingHi again,
I managed to solve the problem, which was caused by wrong set up of minifycation in w3 total cache.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemSorry for having taken up so much of your time. It is wonderful to have a free plugin that allows registered subscribers to choose post categories; thanks a lot! I’ll try to deal with the language the best I can. Thanks for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemHi again mattyrob,
I have managed to fix the problem of users susbcribing from the Spanish page being redirected to the Basque page once they hit the subscribe button using the page id parameter in the subscribe2 shortcode, so now they receive a message saying that the confirmation email was sent in the language they were using to subscribe.
I have other issues, though. I publish posts in two languages, and using Polylang each post has its translation, so when you visit the blog in Spanish you read the Spanish “version”,and when you visit it in Basque, you read the Basque “version”. I was hoping that public subscribers would get only the post in the language they had used to subscribe, but they receive an email for each post published, not just the “right” one. Is there any way I can fix that?
And even if at the beginning users who registered in a certain language and went to their WP dashboard would find only the categories in the language they had used to register, now (I am not aware of having done anything different) they see all categories in every language. What am I doing wrong?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemWell, I have tried deactivating all my plugins, including Polylang, and turning my WP language to es_ES, and still the plugin doesn’t display the contents of the template tab in Spanish, as it should. Does your last reply mean that there is nothing else that can be done?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemWell, the Subscribe2 translations are not working that well. I have set up 3 test subscription pages, one in each language of the site(English, Spanish and Basque): subscription form is displayed in the correct language, but when you enter an email to subscribe, the message you get is always in Basque, no matter the language of the form. The email you get letting you know that you have requested to subscribe is always in English, except for the “action” word, which is invariably in Basque, no matter the language of the form. I have checked the .mo files, and the strings are translated into Spanish and Basque, but it doesn’t pick them.
If you register in the webpage in Spanish, once you receive your WP password (WP emails are in the correct language) and access your dashboard, only categories in Spanish are listed for you to subscribe to (which is actually ok for me), and if you register in English, you see all categories, in Basque, Spanish and English. The choice of categories stays the same, even when you change your dashboard language setting to another.
When you change your dashboard language, the text in the Subscribe2 section is displayed in the correct language. The problem os with the mconfirmation messages and emails sent to subscribers.
Any idea of why this would happen?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemI had installed WP in Basque, without adding the language files manually, and hadn’t noticed that they have named the .mo/.po files just eu, instead of eu_ES.
If I change the WP .mo and po. files to eu_ES, and change the wp-config.php to match that, my WP dashboard turns into English, and Subscribe2 is still in English. If I change the Subscribe2 .mo and .po files to plain eu, then it works, but I still need to check if the Spanish version of the site works too (I haven’t had time to check that).
I’ll keep the topic open for a couple of days while I run a few more tests and I will write about the outcomes, just in case it is helpful for anybody else.
Thanks for your help, and for creating such a nice plugin!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Localization problemHi mattyrob,
Thanks for your answer!
WPLANG is defined as follows in wp-config.php: (‘WPLANG’, ‘eu’);
Do I need to change that?The .mo and .po files are named correctly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add space between my social iconsThanks so much for answering right away