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To where I should insert it? function.php?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and paramets1. to sum up, so EVALEQUATIONS I need to put in >html content< where my hotspot is and write form object fieldname3 [EVALEQUATIONS(fieldname3)] where is function “getUrlhash(pierogi). then in option2 write evelequations(fieldname4) where is “geturlhash(bigos) etc.
and when I do it step by step, put logical formula.2. I also came up with a new use for this feature for me. I have a rebate program, or if someone enters the page with #summer
will be able to have the discount calculated immediately? the above case concerned specific #pages, this one differs in that it can type anything.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and parametsI am beginning to understand. I thought the calculator would see the new url #reads url displayed in the browser every time I click on the hotspot.
you can’t force the calculator to constantly check what is # on the page?
what things do you have to do on the hotspot side for your calculator to see it? it is about giving it an appropriate id of “fieldname999” type, some API code, or maybe JS?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and parametsSo there is way to connect hot spot with your CFF by hashes and we make huge step make solution.
>>Return text<<, so this start interactive with the CFF.
Now I can use any logical formula such as in another field?If(fieldname3 == “pierogi”) return 50;??
My project is not secret service, just simple html css, there’s lots of page’s how to create hotspot
I just do not understand working the ENABLEEQUATIONS(form) at all
if I have more then “pierogi” but also “bigos”, “schabowy” and “oscypek”I should have form formulas like fieldname3 ENABLEEQUATIONS(geturlhash(‘pierogi’), fieldname4 “oscypek” etc ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and parametsSo in hypothetically formula is:
EVALEQUATION(form, ‘fieldname1’);
in calculated field form named fieldname2 I insert:
EVALEQUATION(getelementbyclass*(“pierogi”).setVal(10), fieldname1**);
EVALEQUATION(getURLHash(#pierogi).setVal(10), fieldname1);*this class I give the css
** this is html content I insert into form.2) to make calculation with this hotspot area I make another calculated field form and make formula like usual for example: fieldname2 * 1000?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and parametsI just have a drawing of hotspots, and on each element there is an
in formula a href=”#pierogi”
element selected. I thought by the geturlhash function i could it connected with Calculated field form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Managing field and urls and parametsI have interactive element which change # onclick action. I though I can set value from this to use it in equivalence.
Can you describe me how should be insert getField tag in hipotetically formula? I mean, there is F1, in f2 I write getfield(1).setVal(3) and it cause that I can in F3 write f1*50 or f2*50 ? I need write something more or something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Dropbox with functionsHi,
i am about to write to functions but I cannot see my mistakes:
if(fieldname203 == “A” && fieldname90 = “A”)
return 1.08;
if(fieldname204 == “A” && fieldname90 = “B”)
return 1.08;
if(fieldname203 == “B” && fieldname90 = “A”)
return 1.23;
if(fieldname204 == “B” && fieldname90 = “B”)
return 1.23;
if(fieldname90 == “C”) return 1.23;
})()and one harder, but similar with hide/show
fieldname99 “A” show fieldname 100, 101, 102; “B” 103, 104, 105
and I want fieldname200 show “A” 100 and 103, “B” 101, 104 and “C” 102 and 105
you know.. finally I want to show someone pool 100 if he choose 99 “A” and 200 “A”; 104 if 99 “B” and 200 “B”. ect.
then count`(function(){
if(fieldname204 == “A” && fieldname206 == “A”)
return (fieldname3*12)/fieldname5;if(fieldname204 == “A” && fieldname206 == “B”)
return (fieldname207*6)/fieldname8;if(fieldname204 == “A” && fieldname206 == “C”)
return ((fieldname208*1)/fieldname5);if(fieldname204 == “B” && fieldname206 == “A”)
return (fieldname209*12*fieldname5);if(fieldname204 == “B” && fieldname206 == “B”)
return (fieldname210*6*fieldname5);if(fieldname204 == “B’ && fieldname206 == “C”)
return (fieldname211*1*fieldname5);
})();Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Dropbox with functionsyeah, sure, I can also send you screenshot from the control dashboard, but can I send it to you on mail? I do not want to show my fails in public ;/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Dropbox with functionsI use correct “value” and “text” name.
I something do wrong with this code.
I put this code in field6 ‘multiplier’
dropbox is in field90,
and then I do equivalents with this code in field8field1 x field90 x field3
I try to use my calculator and put “a” id dropbox, he shows me “0”
then “b”, also “0” etc.