Hi angelo,
I have also reported this issue more eloquently on the Events Calendar pro-forums.
Already have the from – to date sorted. What I need is to be able to remove the 7p before the Event name. Which you cannot even if you remove, even if I remove the setting(as last 3 paragraphs)
I used, in EVENTS – Settings – General – Full Calendar Options – Event title format #_EVENTNAME #_12HSTARTTIME – #_12HENDTIME which displays the Event name , 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. But still cannot seem to get rid of the 7p prefixing this.
In Events -Settings – Formatting – Date/Time using g:i a which should show 7:00 pm, but it’s showing {time of the event}p e.g. 7p then Event name.
Tried removing the h(:mm)t and Saving Changes. refreshing the Events Calendar but it still shows 7p before the Event name?
I think there is a a bug somewhere here that needs reporting & sorting out asap.