Forum Replies Created
Hello Maria! I disabled the compare & favorites as you taught me, but I would like to know if you can not disable the “+”, “heart” and “traces” as this confuses the user and would only like to leave the clickable image only if possible. Thanks for the attention.
Dismiss, as it has returned to normal.Link site
Hello Maria!
I’m bothering you again, because in addition to the problem of paging (I have no solution yet) appeared another problem … The images of real estate … that is, they are not clear … How to solve this? When I click on them they expand sharply … but in the real estate catalog they are not clear … See these links below, please:1st LINK: Note the last, price R $ 3,300.00
2nd LINK: When I click on it it is clear
How to solve this 1st LINK problem?
Hello! I activated the paging as requested, but I left 99 per page so as not to harm the client in the searches, because since there are 51 properties already registered and they are registering more real estate daily, if I limit for less it will not show all existing properties for commercialization, the which he already included in the site. So I look forward to a solution to this problem !!
Grateful for your attention.About my other problem that is the translation of some words, do you have any solution of what is happening?
About the translation I verified that there are the files and with the words translated from English to Portuguese … but on my site it appears in English as below … What should I do to appear in Portuguese?Good Morning!
About enabling paging for you to review:
At the moment you have 51 properties … If I activate the pagination with 60, so as not to damage the queries to the site (because if I decrease does not show real estate …) can you analyze? So I do not harm the client …Other plugins I use:
Akismet Anti-SpamAntiHacker
CM On Demand Search And Replace
Contact Form 7
Custom Login
Importador do WordPress
One Click Demo Import
Post Or Page Hide Title
Real-Time Find and Replace
Really Simple SSL
Shortcodes Ultimate
Tradu??o (Loco)
WP All Import
WP Editor
WP Fastest Cache
WP-Property: Agents
WP-Property: PDF Flyer
WP-Property: Responsive Slideshow
WP-Property: Terms
WPForms Lite
Bom dia!
Sobre ativar a pagina??o para você analisar:
No momento tem 51 imóveis… Se eu ativar a pagina??o com 60 ,para n?o prejudicar as consultas ao site (pois se eu diminuo n?o mostra os imóveis da imobiliária…) dá pra você analisar? Assim n?o prejudico o cliente…Outro plugins que uso:
Plugin Descri??o
Selecionar Akismet Anti-Spam
Akismet Anti-Spam
Configura??es | Desativar | Translate
Usado por milh?es, Akismet é possivelmente a melhor maneira do mundo para proteger seu blog contra spam. Seu site está totalmente configurado e protegido, mesmo enquanto você dorme.Vers?o 4.0.8 | Por Automattic | Ver detalhes
Selecionar AntiHacker
Settings | Desativar | Translate
Improve security and prevent unauthorized access by restrict access to login to whitelisted IP and much more.Vers?o 2.25 | Por Bill Minozzi | Ver detalhes
Selecionar CM On Demand Search And Replace
CM On Demand Search And Replace
Desativar | Translate | Settings | Upgrade to Pro
Searches and replaces the words and phrases throughout the content.Vers?o 1.1.11 | Por CreativeMindsSolutions | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Configura??es | Desativar | Translate
Só mais um plugin de formulário de contato. Simples, mas flexível.Vers?o 5.0.3 | Por Takayuki Miyoshi | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Custom Login
Custom Login
Settings | Desativar | Translate
A simple way to customize your WordPress wp-login.php screen! A Frosty Media plugin.Vers?o 3.2.8 | Por Austin Passy | Ver detalhes | Extension Installer | Add Ons
Selecionar GTranslate
Desativar | Translate | Settings
Makes your website multilingual and available to the world using Google Translate. For support visit GTranslate Support.Vers?o 2.8.41 | Por Translate AI Multilingual Solutions | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Importador do WordPress
Importador do WordPress
Desativar | Translate
Importe posts, páginas, comentários, campos persnalizados, categorias, tags e mais de um arquivo de exporta??o WordPress.Vers?o 0.6.4 | Por wordpressdotorg | Ver detalhes
Selecionar One Click Demo Import
One Click Demo Import
Desativar | Translate
Import your content, widgets and theme settings with one click. Theme authors! Enable simple demo import for your theme demo data.Vers?o 2.5.0 | Por ProteusThemes | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Post Or Page Hide Title
Post Or Page Hide Title
Desativar | Translate
Allows admin to hide the title tag on single pages and posts.Vers?o 1.0 | Por Jitendra Banjara | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Real-Time Find and Replace
Real-Time Find and Replace
Desativar | Translate
Set up find and replace rules that are executed AFTER a page is generated by WordPress, but BEFORE it is sent to a user’s browser. There is a pro version available (less than $10) with additional filters.Vers?o 3.9 | Por Marios Alexandrou | Ver detalhes | Settings | Pro Version (less than $10)
Selecionar Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL
Premium Support | Docs | Settings | Desativar (revert to http) | Translate
Lightweight plugin without any setup to make your site SSL proofVers?o 3.0.5 | Por Rogier Lankhorst, Mark Wolters | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Shortcodes Ultimate
Shortcodes Ultimate
Desativar | Translate
A comprehensive collection of visual components for WordPressVers?o 5.0.4 | Por Vladimir Anokhin | Ver detalhes
Selecionar Tradu??o (Loco)
Tradu??o (Loco)
Desativar | Translate
Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPressVers?o 2.1.5 | Por Tim Whitlock | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP All Import
WP All Import
Desativar | Translate
The most powerful solution for importing XML and CSV files to WordPress. Create Posts and Pages with content from any XML or CSV file. A paid upgrade to WP All Import Pro is available for support and additional features.Vers?o 3.4.9 | Por Soflyy | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP Editor
WP Editor
Settings | Desativar | Translate
This plugin modifies the default behavior of the WordPress plugin and theme editors.Vers?o | Por Benjamin Rojas | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP Fastest Cache
WP Fastest Cache
Desativar | Translate
Um sistema de cache simples e rápido para o WordPressVers?o | Por Emre Vona | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP-Optimize
Optimizer | Settings | Desativar | Translate
WP-Optimize is WordPress’s #1 most installed optimization plugin. With it, you can clean up your database easily and safely, without manual queries.Vers?o 2.2.4 | Por David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP-Property
Desativar | Translate
Property and Real Estate Management Plugin for WordPress. Create a directory of real estate / rental properties and integrate them into you WordPress CMS.Vers?o 2.3.5 | Por Usability Dynamics, Inc. | Ver detalhes
Selecionar WP-Property: Agents
WP-Property: Agents
Desativar | Translate
The WP-Property Real Estate Agents Add-on allows the website administrator to create new Real Estate agent accounts and associate them with properties. Multiple agents can be assigned to any given property and the agent information can be displayed in a widget placed on a property page. Furthermore, properties can be queried by the agent(s) to create agent-specific property listings pages.Vers?o 2.0.7 | Por Usability Dynamics, Inc. | Visitar o site do plugin
Selecionar WP-Property: PDF Flyer
WP-Property: PDF Flyer
Desativar | Translate
The WP-Property PDF Flyer Add-on allows the website owner to quickly generate PDF flyers, or brochures, ready for printing or download. The feature comes with a standard PDF format and a user interface allows the administrator to select which information to display, what colors to use, image sizes, and a logo. For more advances users custom PDF template layouts can be used.Vers?o 3.0.4 | Por Usability Dynamics, Inc. | Visitar o site do plugin
Selecionar WP-Property: Responsive Slideshow
WP-Property: Responsive Slideshow
Desativar | Translate
Responsive Slideshow for WP-Property pluginVers?o 1.1.2 | Por Usability Dynamics, Inc. | Visitar o site do plugin
Selecionar WP-Property: Terms
WP-Property: Terms
Desativar | Translate
The Add-on for WP-Property plugin which adds ability to manage custom taxonomies for your properties.Vers?o 1.1.1 | Por Usability Dynamics, Inc. | Visitar o site do plugin
Selecionar WPForms Lite
WPForms Lite
Settings | Desativar | TranslateOlá!
Preciso de sua ajuda, vou te escrever em português, Ok? Acho que fica mais fácil de eu me comunicar e você traduzir…1- Sobre a pagina??o você conseguiu alguma solu??o para me dar?
2- Sobre a tradu??o verifiquei que existem os arquivos e com as palavras traduzidas do inglês para português… mas no meu site aparece em inglês conforme abaixo… O que devo fazer para aparecer em português?
Sorry for my English because I’m Brazilian and I do not speak English … I’ll tell you a little bit about the situation I’m going through so that you understand my problem better …
I am 59 years old, I live in Brazil, and for more than 25 years I have worked in analysis and programming of large systems (IBM mainframes) … Being in the present moment unemployed I had an opportunity for me to develop (as a freelancer) a site for a friend who has a real estate … as I had never developed any I put myself searching on the WEB and decided to use the WP-Property plugin plus the theme Avalon eos plug-ins that your company offered the license for free … I developed and it worked …
PROBLEM: The company registered at the moment more than 50 real estate and even I having followed the pagination tutorial (link: -search-results) does not page !!! I had to remove the page and the site has not been pagination until now because I can not solve the problem … Here where I live there is nobody who can support me … I am in an embarrassing situation because the real estate is with the site disclosed but without pagination!!
So I contacted you to give me an urgent solution, because also being unemployed and without financial conditions I can not hire a consultancy to solve the problem !!!
I look forward to your response.
Thanks for the attention.
Glad you answered me! I am in search of a solution, because I had to remove the page because when it was active it only showed the first page, that is, it currently has 51 properties … I left without pagination … if I put to page of 12 in 12 properties per page he shows me only the first page, when I click on next page he is only on that first page and does not go forward … So I left it like this ..
Has another problem besides the pagination that is the translation of some words, that is, I entered the file and says that it is translated, but it continues in English and I want it to appear in Portuguese … a few words I could translate using plugins like “FInd and Replace “other it does not translate … as for example these words (Other / Description / Overview) follows the link: … I used wp property with WP Avalon theme because as I am a beginner in wordpress and needed to develop a site for real estate, I checked the web about it and found a free license to use the wp-property wp avalon theme suggested and with licenses provided free and saying that it was compatible … only does not make pagination, even following the tutorial … my client has already registered 50 more real estate and I can not page the site. I look forward to your solution. Thanks for the attention.
Sorry for my English because I’m Brazilian and I do not speak English.
My site :
My e-mail:[email protected]Link da empresa onde baixei o plugin e o tema:
Version: 1.0.6 – 2017-12-28WP-Property: Agents
Version: 2.0.7 – 2017-06-28WP-Property: PDF Flyer
Version: 3.0.4 – 2017-08-17WP-Property: Responsive Slideshow
Version: 1.1.2 – 2018-06-26WP-Property: Terms
Version: 1.1.1 – 2018-05-29I need help because I had to remove the pagination from WP Property because I used the theme WP Avalon and when I asked for the next page it did not progress … I made the customization according to tutorial from WP Property but it shows only the first page and does not advance to the next ones. .. did not work … Can you help me? Do I have to change some code in the WP Avalon theme? I am a beginner in WordPress and need help.
My site, which I took the page from is:’m waiting for help and thank you.