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  • Thread Starter mad99


    It is the JS-Code.
    Have exchange the 1.6.61 and 1.6.65
    And with the 1.6.61 in the Bricksable-Plugin V.1.6.65 all works fine for scrolling.
    BUT then also the problem with the Multi-Step ONLY-Collapsable and not expandable anymore IS BACK ;(

    Have looked for the differences – after beautify the code.
    I guess it has to do with the “new” 100ms Interval: The Motion.Page plugin and also other GSAP-using websites with Scroll-Trigger ( will recognises the wrong html or body height when calc onLoad.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Also with latest 1.6.65 is the same problem.
    You have got an email with credentials for stage-server.

    Hope will help to fix the bug.

    Thread Starter mad99


    Hi Ken,
    Have updated.
    Unfortunately the read-more Element now expandable also in Pro Forms Multi-Step Forms
    BUT the old worst problem is back: When I update the Plugin.

    Also written in the email from 2024-05-22 _ 11:17:
    Video & Credentials | Re: Contact form request –
    With the same Problem in Scrolling like recorded in the Video (Link see in the email)

    I guess it has to do again with the JS-Code like before 5 moth.
    But I’m not investigated into because it’s hard to figure out with the compressed-js Code.

    Have tried different versions with Roll-Back-Plugin.
    BUT I got with all of them UN-USABLE Read-More-Element in:

    • 1.6.64
    • 1.6.63
    • 1.6.62

    Only when I rolled-back to Version 1.6.61 the Read-More-Elements does not get problems in the rendering-process and as result the website(local-dev) is scrollable to the end without hidden or broken elements (see Video in e-mail from 2024-05-22 _ 11:17).

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Bricksbuilder 1.5.7 is working with Bricks 1.10.
    Thanks for fast Bugfix!

    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey Ken,
    had also a new content-version for StageServer and would also check on that end.
    But as always times fly ;))

    Have checked now on the page sent to you and also local and stage. Seams to be solved.
    Sometimes is hard to be sure with the caching-mechanisms. ??
    Looks great!! thank you.
    If there should be some issues about (arising later), I will connect again.
    Thank you for your fast and professional help.

    Thread Starter mad99


    I have to ask again ?? Sorry…
    But in new Update Version 1.52, Bricksable’s read-more Element still breaks the page and the animation.
    Unfortunatelly the js-Code undder [wp-plugins]/bricksable/includes/elements/read-more/assets/js/frontend.min.js os only stored in minimized version. So it is hard to debug.

    But at the end although the Meta-Data says it is the same version:

     *  @preserve
     * Readmore.js plugin
     * Author: @jed_foster
     * Project home:
     * Version: 3.0.0-beta-1
     * Licensed under the MIT license
     * Debounce function from

    It is obvious different from Version 1.48 above

    beforeToggle is in the new code 4 times to find. in the old verson only 3 times.
    As I wrote, it is hard to debug in mininized version.
    Would be great to get some help or answer, what is added in the new version.
    Would be also great if you could change the Version-Number so it refleces the reallity. The it would be much easier for me to see the break-point in versions…

    Currently I have to copy-paste the old code to your plugin. Then all is working fine. Maybe there is a way for you to debug your additional beforeToggle insert-code about some problems on the linked Website. As I wrote, I could send you the credential if needed.
    Looking forward to your reply/help.
    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey MaximeWPS,
    I found 2 filters thanks to google for use in bricks builders custom authentication pages.
    (and follow).
    I′m not a hardcore wordpress-hacker, but as I understand the first one could be a match of your request.
    As I understand the code :

    add_filter( 'bricks/auth/custom_redirect_url', function( $custom_redirect_url, $current_url_path ) { if ( /* custom condition based on $current_url_path */ ) { return ''; } return $custom_redirect_url; }, 10, 2 );

    I could use the value of “url_path” from the setup in your WPS Hide Login Plugin setup-page: “hidden-door”. But this would be a bad “static” solution and dangerous when it comes to change.

    Would be better to use a dynamic placehoder out from your plugin. Do you have some kind of this shortcode/variable: Like $wps_hide_login_url_path to use in this filter?
    Like in this fictional example:

    add_filter('bricks/auth/custom_redirect_url', 'custom_redirect_url_filter', 10, 2);
    function custom_redirect_url_filter($custom_redirect_url, $current_url_path) {
        // Check if WPS Hide Login plugin is installed and activated
        if (class_exists('WpsHideLogin') && function_exists('wps_hide_login_get_settings')) {
            // Get WPS Hide Login settings
            $wps_hide_login_settings = wps_hide_login_get_settings();
            // Check if the custom condition based on $current_url_path is met
            if ($current_url_path === '/wp-admin') {
                // Check if a custom redirect URL is set in WPS Hide Login settings
                if (!empty($wps_hide_login_settings['url_path'])) {
                    return esc_url($wps_hide_login_settings['url_path']);
        // Return the default custom redirect URL if conditions are not met
        return $custom_redirect_url;

    Would you think, I have correctly understood the possible implementation/use function in the context of your plugin? And what would be the correct code/plugin variables to include the dynamic values from the settings of your plugin and how would the control queries be correctly integrated?

    This way I can try it out and give you feedback without having to wait a long time for feedback from the forum.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by mad99.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by mad99.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Thank you MaximeWPS!

    Have asked in the bricksbuilder-forum topic that I have created parallel to this request ->

    Hope I get some advice, so I can share with you.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey MaximeWPS,
    thank you for reply and your question.
    It is local dev-environment -> NO cache-plugins or similar stuff. So, no cache at all.
    Do you have experiences with bricks Builder? Should your plugin works out-of-the-box with the custom athentication page from Bricks?
    Or what could cause the problem?

    Thread Starter mad99


    hi Bruce, sure:

    Section “COMPATIBILITY” > Subsections “THEMES” and “PLUGINS” there, the tags “(PRO)” are missing totally. Above in Section “FEATURES” there are (PRO)s bye every point.

    Under Themes and Plugins there is not one of them. So it looks like the builders are usable WITHOUT (PRO)-License.

    I guess most of users will search like I did. Will type the particular therm in browser-search with Ctrl+f an “bricks” or “subfolders” and not read all the 10’000 lines about details (TLTR).

    so the browser-search match will jump to the only one “bricks” and there is missing the (PRO)-marker. So without a pro-mark it seams the Plug-in will work in all the listed Themes and Plugins without PRO-licensing.

    Hope this is clarifying the problem on the Plugin description page

    Chears ??

    Thread Starter mad99


    Hi Alina,
    Thank you for your answer and the link.
    Would be great, if you could mark the supported Plugin/Themes also with the tag (PRO). So users do not have to try&error or read the hole comparsion list.
    I guess for most users (not using Gutenberg), it is hard to find this particular and most important feature.
    To download and find out it is not working or search for external list is not a good user experience and feels like it’s been kept hidden.
    (Due to the missing [PRO] tagging)

    Best regards

    I found the bug somehwere else -> Please delete my former comment. It is solved. Was an other problem (Browswer Extension).
    Best regards

    same here.
    Have create a vanilla installation under
    Strangelly in chrome there is a banner. But in Firefox, Brave, Opera and Edge the bunner ist missing. Have deleted also all Browser-cache.
    Use free version to tryout.
    Also NO console error — installation is clean and only this plugin is installed.
    Any idea what the reason could be?
    On the other hand test wit Meta-Pixel in showing Chrome-Browser.
    The pixel is included WITHOUT click on ?Accept?.
    Would be great to get it work again.

    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey Jeff,
    Thanks for your closer look.

    You are right. And so I sent Divi a Code-Change suggestion.
    Because at the end Divi’s function ?_can_edit_post? basically only checks if the WP version is greater than version 5.
    Written in Comment in L:48
    // In case WordPress is lower than version 5.0.

    they nothing do with the return of the function “_can_edit_post( $post )” in the function on line 420.

    So much easier and more GutenbergLess Systems/Plugins compliant would be to check the WP version directly with a code like:

    get_bloginfo( 'version' ) < 5

    So I sent the support a Code-Change-Suggestion-Request:

    L:423 old
    if ( ! $this->_can_edit_post( $post ) || ! et_builder_enabled_for_post_type( $post->post_type ) ) {
    Line:423 new
    if ( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) < 5 || ! et_builder_enabled_for_post_type( $post->post_type ) ) {

    Hope this will built-in or considered in an other change of Divi’s Code…
    More I guess we can not do.

    So we (I) will see ??
    Best regards and thanks again

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    This is the full code of function _can_edit_post on Line 43 from wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/feature/BlockEditorIntegration.php
    (can NOT edit the post above anymore)

    protected function _can_edit_post( $post ) {
    		if ( function_exists( 'gutenberg_can_edit_post' ) ) {
    			return gutenberg_can_edit_post( $post );
    		// In case WordPress is lower than version 5.0.
    		if ( ! function_exists( 'use_block_editor_for_post' ) ) {
    			return false;
    		return use_block_editor_for_post( $post );
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