Thanks guys, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions but I still don’t see the benefit of upgrading wp. I read about the child theme but still don’t understand how can you enjoy all new features of the upgrade. Let’s say your child theme was heavily customised and it relies on functions from the parent theme and wp core functions. Once you upgrade some of those functions will be gone/deprecated and it’ll screw up your child theme. Now you have to go figure the source of all your issues. Does this make sense? I understand that the parent theme stays intact but its a new version now where your child theme was overriding/adding to a previous version of that parent theme. The issue I see is that you will not enjoy any new features or even worse, bugs will appear cause your version of the theme is older. Do I have to manually go through every file I override in my child theme and Add/Change/Remove modules to make it work like the new parent them?