Thanks Peter….
Thanks for responding…
Fortunately I found some older css-styling and php-scripts, that I have modified earlier… And I’ve now overwritten the upgrade with this…
It almost looks the way it should, but there is still some cleaning to do… So there is hope now… I was just about to give up on the whole project… ! I was so devastated…
But now I can see a light at the end of the loooong tunnel…
You’re right. I just modified the first default template, and it worked like a charm. Untill today… My bad I guess – I just didn’t know better… i didn’t think an upgrade would mess up in my stylesheet..
Peter, could you please telle me: what do I do, when I’ve finished my work getting the site back to “normal”, to avoid this failiure happening again?
I’ve both added a sidebar with mutiple widgets and the stylesheet is also modified…
(You can now see the modiefied template on my site: