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  • Hi Redcocker,

    Thanks a tonne. Working fine now. ??

    Hi Redcocker,

    I’m not sure it the problem started with v1.7 or not — but I’m trying to publish this awk code using it and it’s ending up adding extra/duplicate characters/words… If I disable the plugin… then the code inside pre works…

    The starange thing is… it adds those duplicate characters inside the editor also if I save draft while the plugin is active. A second save draft removes all text from the post.

    Following is an example awk code:

    awk '{gsub(/ +/,"\t"); print $0}' <file_name>

    on preview it becomes:

    awk '{gsub(/ +/,"\t"); print awk \'{gsub(/ +/,\"\t\"); print awk '{gsub(/ +/,"\t"); print awk '{gsub(/ +/,"\t"); print $0}' <file_name>}' <file_name>}\' <file_name>}' <file_name> on the front end.

    and if I safe draft, the above comes into the editor also, automatically.

    It works fine, if I don’t put them inside <pre brush...> tags, or works fine inside pre if I disable the plugin.

    Tested on a new wordpress install, with no plugins also, and same result. Following is some more awk code inside a bash script you can try out.

    #! /bin/sh
    #User defined functions example
    awk '
    {nodecount()}  # Execute the user-defined nodecount() for each row to update the node count
    $0~/<clusternode /,/<\/clusternode>/{ print } # Print the rows between "<clusternode " and  "</clusternode>"
    function nodecount() #Function definition for nodecount
    {if($0~/clusternode name/){count+=1}
    END{print "Node Count="count}' $1 #Print the count value in the END pattern which is executed once
    sh cluster.conf
         <clusternode name="" nodeid="1">
         <clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
         <clusternode name="" nodeid="3">
    Node Count=3

    Note, this is from a published article on a magazine, and I needed to publish that on the magazine’s website.

    I can’t see the option either. Using WP 3.0.1

    Hi James,

    I’ve a similar problem, which I noticed today. I can see all the older posts. Can edit them too. However, when I want to add a new post or page, I only get the “Submit for Review” option. And when I “Submit for Review” I can’t see it anywhere so that I can approve. I’m also the main admin. Facing the same problem with other user accounts.

    I used the following command to modify the the table:

    update wp_usermeta set meta_value='a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}' where umeta_id=12 AND user_id=1 AND meta_key='wp_capabilities';

    Now, eventhough the wp_capabilities is updated, I’m continuing to face the same issue.

    Do you think I’m missing something?

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