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  • Stefano


    most of the code have been added, by WPCache plugin and #not, its not something to worried about with a first look.
    In the beginning, it calls php.ini (suPHP_ConfigPath /opt/php54/lib/php.ini) search your php.ini and take a look also there.
    Does not seem to malicious, but if the “Hacker” has compromised your website, maybe he “calls” any backdoor,or somthing else that hits the htaccess. It would be helpful to add a link of your website, if you think you can, so we can examine also some other malicious script that us running in your site.
    In the mean time you can use SUCURI Site Check, to do fast scan and also you can scan your website to UnMask Parasites for any curious traffic that comes or goes, to and from your website.
    You can also use the Acunetix Service for scanning.
    Otherwise, you can check your files manually for some malicious php, or JS code.



    What about using Hostinger. You have the ability to make free accounts, free domains, and install everything you need. You must be prepared, Hostinger gives you free domains and cms installations, no ads, but the servers are free, you can understand that sometimes you will get some bandwidth problems, or some not good server response… but is free and a very good simulation for Cpanel, server files, and WordPress installations, i m using Hostinger many years, and the free accounts are, i think, perfect for testing environments, and for teaching purposes.



    Sorry for the late response, but it would help to check out database and your wp-content files for any remaining folder or code that maybe didn’t deleted. i suggest you use a database cleaner and if the problem exists make a workable back up and make a fresh install…hope it helps..

    Thread Starter Stefano


    my page-php is like that:

    <div class="carousel_post_home_wrapper">
    <div class="row carousel_post_home">
      <div class="twelve columns carousel_header_wrapper">
     <div class="widget-title"><h2><?php echo esc_attr(of_get_option('carousel_post_title'));?></h2></div> 
     <div class="owl_carousel carousel_header">
      $number_of_carousel= of_get_option('number_carousel');
      $category_carousel= of_get_option('carousel_post');
      if (of_get_option('number_offset_carousel_post')){$number_offset_carousel_post = of_get_option('number_offset_carousel_post');}else{$number_offset_carousel_post = 0;}
      if(!empty($category_carousel)) {
      foreach($category_carousel as $key=>$value) { if($value == 1) { $category_carousel_post[] = $key; } }
      $post_array_carousel = array(
                'showposts' => $number_of_carousel,
                'category__in' => $category_carousel_post,
          'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
          'offset' => $number_offset_carousel_post
            $jellywp_widget_carousel = new WP_Query($post_array_carousel);
         while ($jellywp_widget_carousel->have_posts()) {
          $post_id = get_the_ID();
          //get all post categories
                $categories = get_the_category(get_the_ID());


    tHINGs in Security, i think must be keeped simple, the are many informations and they re all so sensitive, you should not trade with fancy user interfaces, this is a really hackable UI platform, i love the way That bUllet Proof it is, and it makes thing simple, and thats the key to security….greetings



    Rewrite the ht access



    Thats not a bug, you should contact your hosting provider to execute this command,if they will, this command is based on server configurations.Propably your provider must already has closed the shellshock vuln.

    Thread Starter Stefano


    No..i don’t have any back up the wen site is new enough so i made some was stupid if me that i didn’t have any back up…i have the files on ftp account but i guess can’t restore anything from there because it was some critical element that erased and probably erased from the ftp files too…i ve just asked my hosting provider for any database back ups but this site is in a free web hosting and im not sure if there is any …so i ll wait a little bit if i find another way ..or i m gonna fix it from scratch again…the Gzipinstall make only ht-access back ups ..

    Thread Starter Stefano


    im trying to do that through phpMyadmin, i restore there some files as i descibed before but nothing happenes…i dont see somethink
    when i hit my site i get the error establishing connection and when i try to login to wp-admin i get

    One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired.

    i push the repair button and get again what i wrote before…..see here

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Database broken


    Did you try to update it through phpMyAdmin?

    Thread Starter Stefano


    Yes Andrew thanks for your anwser to my ticket but i cant figure out there.So thats why i m asking here,because i m not so much coding expert..
    i will try again to open a ticket there now to see what is going on but i would like also some etxra advanded tips from here..thanks!



    hmmmm try this one

    i think he did better

    <a href=”

    He is the owner ??



    If you got yout ftp pass i m surte you got
    open note pad at your computer—> make a new file—-> wright inside the file ” memory=64MB “—-> save it as php.ini

    throw it in your ftp server inside wordpress (httpdocks) refresh and see what we did…….

    hope it works..if dont just delete ut.
    im trying to see other options

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