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  • I was excited to try this plugin out, but does not import any posts, tried on two different RSS feeds from wordpress sites, and it shows a # of posts on the dashboard:

    but does not import anything into the post area

    Hey @sbrajesh,

    Long time no chat ??

    I was running into a similar issue here in that:

    A) I could successfully upload images into the activity form box (form#whats-new)
    B) When I press submit, only the text gets submitted, and the image stays in the activity box.

    After digging around I came across a possible workaround.

    on line 3 of mpp.js
    you defined (var jq = jQuery;)
    But I wondered if mediapress initially declared the (jq) variable, then another plugin could possibly also have the same (var jq = jQuery;) line in their plugin… Making the mediapress jq erased/cleared…. so basically the ajaxSend/ajaxComplete functions on lines 169-182 would be obsolete since another plugin re-wrote the same variable (var jq = jQuery).

    So I tested this by:
    1) Moving (Line 3: var jq = jQuery;) and moved it to (Line 1)
    2) Changed (Line 1: var jq = jQuery;) to (var jq_newbie = jQuery.noConflict();)
    3) Changed every instance of jQuery & jq into ‘jq_newbie’
    4) Refreshed the page, uploaded an image successfully, & when I pressed ‘SUBMIT’ the activity post was created with the attached image as expected. It even closed/hid the Dropzone like you wrote in your code.

    So maybe all you need is to use a different variable name for jQuery so that the ajaxSend/ajaxComplete functions don’t get deleted by another plugin using the same naming convention.

    Any ways hope this helps.

    Your pal
    -Abe (not sam ?? )

    Even I am seeing this at the bottom too.

    After further research I came up with this solution:

    add_action( 'wp_playlist_scripts', 'wscr_wp_playlist_scripts' );
    function wscr_wp_playlist_scripts(){
        remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wp_underscore_playlist_templates', 0 );

    hacked together by a similar thread I found:
    specific reply

    can I have some cake now?



    Since I’m on this, found it that it’s still in there, just look inside
    #whats-new-form > #whats-new-content > #whats-new-options > #whats-new-post-in-box

    and it only shows up when you’re on your activity directory, won’t show up in member profiles.



    Hope this workaround suits your needs andy277. Even though it does not create a separate page for your photos, it does however bring your photos in via AJAX.

    Also used descooverimages so that you can see which keywords go where, but you can easily change that to photos, and it shouldn’t break anything, but yet again, I don’t know your setup

    As a side note, I’d like STRESS to the WPMU ‘Team’ that if this really was a good plugin, it would make use of bp_activity_set_action() that is a part of BuddyPress. But Buddypress Activity Plus does not. All of the other buddypress plugins do. Why doesn’t this one?

    Can we get an ETA on ANY updates being worked on for this plugin in the foreseeable future?

    Sincerely, Concerned Developer



    One way I was able to fix this was create a new scope that basically searches all activity items for a string and then output all of the activity items with given string

    For this plugin, we will search for bpfb_images to search for image activity posts generated by Buddypress Activity Plus

    Theres two parts to edit:

    1. functions.php
    2. yourtheme/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php

    Put this in your functions:

    //Members query switch
    function custom_activity_scope($members_query){
    		case 'descooverimages':
    		$members_query .= "&search_terms=bpfb_images";
    		return $members_query;
    	return $members_query;
    function bn_add_activity_tab() {
    	echo '<li id="activity-descooverimages"> <a href="#" title="View Images">Images</a> </li>';
    add_action( 'bp_activity_type_tabs', 'bn_add_activity_tab', 1, 2 );

    then in yourthemename/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php, change

    if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ) ) ) :


    $activity_query = custom_activity_scope(bp_ajax_querystring('activity'));
    if (bp_has_activities($activity_query)) :

    Now you should have tab in your activity feed labeled ‘Images’, and when you click on it, will show the search results for activity items with bpfb_images.

    The reason this works is because in the WordPress Database, it is actually saved as [bpfb_images][/bpfb_images], so searching for that exact phrase will bring those items in.

    No problemo.

    Woah, I was thinking the same thing after using themify and liked that I accidently pressed Command+s and got their little checkmark going. Only thing was, is that I don’t use that theme for all my clients and repetition of the most common keys is crucial.

    Haven’t tested this one yet, but looks like it’s exactly what I need.
    Big ups to the dev.

    Still, as of SweetCaptcha Version 3.1.0,
    The ‘hidden code’ appears as a document.write(); inside the .js file that wishie was talking about.

    wp_enqueue_script(‘sweetcaptcha-csrf’, ‘//’.SWEETCAPTCHA_SITE_URL.’/api/v2/apps/csrf/’.$app_id, array(), $ver, true);

    this file, hosted on, contains multiple document.write(); so it opens up a popunder for AdServe banners.

    Had to uninstall myself.

    Having same problem over here. How long until we can get an update?

    @contemplate : I knew it was something about the Autocomplete was messing with my site. I downloaded it from here, and inside the folder that is ‘invite-anyone/group-invites/autocomplete’ it shows up with 0 files?

    So I’m guessing the feature has been removed?? But, I’m still getting errors on the Group (Single) Invite-Anyone Page.

    Hopefully it can make it to the next release (cough cough, Curtiss)

    could be as easy as just putting this in your code

    line 543 of class-post-content-shortcodes.php

    if( $atts['show_image'] ) {
       $output .= $p->post_thumbnail;

    replace with

    if( $atts['show_image'] ) {
       $output .= '<a href="' . $this->get_shortlink_from_blog( $p->ID, $atts['blog_id'] ) . '">' . $p->post_thumbnail . '</a>';

    and here’s the pull request from GitHub

    I’ve read from github that it could be caused by the way Chrome fires touch events.

    via user

    On kitkat only if you do a swipe gesture the following sequence of events are fired.

      touchcancel (should be touchend)

    so it’s somewhere between Chrome and Kitkat. and with mroe google searching, i’ve read that it could also be a touch threshold issue.

    meaning that the swipe isn’t being fired long enough, say for 50px, in order for chrome or kitkat to see it as an intentional swipe.

    Going to be doing testing on this and try to find out if i could edit the threshold of PhotoSwipe and get this fixed.

    I got something similar, but mine (since I’m from the US) just has a “Loading” message. I first thought that it was because my privacy settings in google groups was wrong, but I changed them to make it private. It used to work about back in February (4 months ago) when I first installed the plugin, but not sure why it doesn’t anymore.

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