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  • Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey



    So far no reply from either, so I’ve decided to manually use @font-face instead and everything in my local site is now working as it should.
    Although the incompatibility of the combo of plugins with ATA is not solved, at least there is a work-around.

    For anyone interested, this is the code I used in HTML/CSS inserts (after moving the font files from wp-content/uploads/fonts to my own fonts folder in the root):

    font-family: Cambria;
    	src: url('/fonts/cambria.ttf'),
        	url('/fonts/cambria.eot'); /* IE9 */
    font-family: Calibri;
    	src: url('/fonts/calibri.ttf'),
        	url('/fonts/calibri.eot'); /* IE9 */

    Then where-ever I wanted to change the font ie body/menu etc, I went to the corresponding ATA area ie Body/Text and Links or Page Menu/Category Menu and changed the font to either font-family: “Calibri”, Verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif or 17px “Cambria”, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif

    I will mark this thread as solved!

    That’s great news that you managed to solve it too whilst continuing to use the plugin!
    You should mark this thread as resolved ??

    Actually, just found this post on how to add this functionality into your theme’s functions.php.

    Just add this code at the bottom LIKE SO:

    //adding extra capability for Editor to access Store Sales and Sales Log//
    add_filter( 'wpsc_purchase_logs_cap', 'wpse_72095_admin_to_editor' );
    function wpse_72095_admin_to_editor()
    return 'edit_others_posts'; //modify this according to the role you need to target

    This worked for me! See SCREENSHOT

    Plads9000, let us know if this worked for you too so we can resolve this issue ??

    I’ve got the same warning coming up after installing and activating.

    The plugin does actually work, however the warning shows up in my Dashboard as well as on the front-end.

    I’m working locally so cannot give you a link, but here is a SCREENSHOT of the front end and a SCREENSHOT of the back-end

    I have just upgraded my WP to 3.5 – plads9000: which version of WP do you have? – maybe it is not compatible yet?
    If this is the case, when will it be compatible? The site is about to go live in the next few days and it would be great if the Manager can actually manage the sales ??

    do you use firebug in mozilla?
    Try that to find the CSS selector you need.
    I’ve achieved it using float:left for labels and float:right for input fiels, however, to make it pretty I also had to use position:relative for the fields to move them up to align with the labels and clear:both to make sure that the captha numbers weren’t in the middle of nowhere.
    Here is my test site where you can see the form,
    and here is the CSS:`/*Changing the form font family and size*/
    label {
    font-family: calibri,arial,verdana,sans-serif;
    font-size: 17px;
    margin-right: 0.5em;
    cursor: default;

    /*Changing the form default bottom/top padding and margins to none and a larger maximum width*/
    form.customcontactform div, form.customcontactform-sidebar div {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    form.customcontactform, form.customcontactform-sidebar {
    margin-top: 0px;
    padding-top: 0px;
    max-width: 800px;

    /* Changing the button colour, giving it rounded corners, floating it to the right and clearing both to move it from the default below the form on the left, to the custom below the form on the right*/
    .button, .Button, input[type=”submit”] {
    background-color: #46679E;
    border: 2px solid #46679E;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 24px;
    line-height: 16px;
    padding: 0 2px;
    -moz-border-radius: 10px;
    -khtml-border-radius: 10px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    clear: both;

    /*Custom Form Labels for Name, Email, Message and captha to float left*/
    form.customcontactform div label, form.customcontactform-sidebar div label {
    /*Custom form input fields for Name, Email, Message and captha to float right, give an equal width and move down 25px to align with the labels*/
    form.customcontactform div input, form.customcontactform div select, form.customcontactform-sidebar div input, form.customcontactform-sidebar div select, form.customcontactform div textarea, form.customcontactform-sidebar div textarea{
    width: 450px;
    bottom: 25px;
    position: relative;
    /*Move the captcha number image from below the label ‘Type the numbers’, to next to the label*/
    .customcontactform div img#captcha-image{
    clear: both;
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    top: 20px;
    left: 150px;
    /*Move the ‘Type the numbers’ input text up so it is align with the label and captcha number image*/
    form.customcontactform div input#captcha1{
    position: relative;
    top: -30px;

    Hi vivekpuri,

    Thanks, it solved my issue, flyouts working again, my theme options (Atahualpha) accesible again and Custom Contact Forms working as expected.

    I have a similar problem:

    my flyout menus on WP3.3.1 Dashboard do not work, nor can I access my (Atahualpa) Theme Options and my ‘Custom Contact Forms’ admin layout and workings are also affected.

    Deactivated all plugins and activated one by one, also did the other way around and activated all plugins, deactivate one by one and the problem is DEF 1-click.

    With 1-click deactivated I do not have this problem. Maybe it is a conflict with 1-click and WP 3.3.1’s javascript?


    I haven’t yet

    Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey


    Hello agelonwl,

    1.Thanks ever so much!!
    I didn’t realize I could use #_EVENTURL in an a href tag and that worked perfectly, I now have the whole div and the image linking to the single event page THANK YOU!

    2.My Event Page is already displaying events in the future. The problem is that once clicked, there are still older events in the previous/next links at the top. I tried using
    [events_list scope=”future”]
    My current format
    but that made the current events display twice and still had the old events in the previous/next links at the top once an event had been clicked….

    Thanks for answering my first question though, hopefully someone will know how to fix questions two ??

    I’m looking for a similar plugin, did you ever find anything like it at all? Please post here if you have

    Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey


    I tried the website again today and it seems that FontServ had their issues resolved as the lost password link was working again and am now throwing fonts in my website mix! ??

    Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey


    AWESOME thank you Gary!!

    2. managed to use conditional tags for the more info link AND download link for uploaded documents and it is working perfectly
    3. Whoops, could’ve found this b myself!
    4. Registration, yes I had found this myself too, but meant to say that I wanted to add some more fields to the registration form, is this possible? if not I was thinking to use a registration plugin that i can display on the jobs/apply/* pages, but have not found one yet.
    Currently it says [register] at the top of my pages, how can I get rid of this? see example here:
    5. another questions is : I’m trying to style the highlighted jobs with a background and tried using this in the display settings:
    just before the job loop: [if_job_highlighted]<div class=”highlight”>[/if_job_highlighted]

    and just before the end of job loop:

    this in css:
    padding:0px 0px;
    background: #a2a8be;

    This creates a background, but the actual table with the job stays with a white background. in display.css I changed
    table.highlighted {
    background-color: transparent;
    } tr.highlighted td{
    background-color: transparent;

    but that didn’t help, i also tried to set the tables and the div’s inside the tables to a transparent background to no avail, any ideas?

    Is it possible to get the featured jobs to show up in slideshow in a widget area?

    Thanks for all your help ??


    Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey


    I found a way of ‘sharing job with a friend’ with a different service called add this ( ) and that works like a treat.

    still no resolve for the other issues:
    2. My client wants a summary for each job in the job list and for only a few jobs -not every one- a ‘more info’ link to the individual job.
    3. Is it possible for the individual job template to be able to upload a word document or pdf file by the client within the ‘add new job’ area (from job_field5)?

    Anyone any ideas?

    And I also have a new question: I would like users to be prompted to login or register when they click apply.. the job-manager built in register does not do this as far as I can tell. Anyone know of a membership plugin that can block the category /jobs/apply/* ?


    do you have a url for these pages or screenshots?

    Thread Starter Marjolijn Harvey


    I just realized I didn’t add a screen shot of my job list with the ‘[job_link]more info [/job_link]’ showing. Here it is:

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