Marjolijn Harvey
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] CSS not picking up from blogHello Detlev,
What kind of pages are you talking about, do you mean your individual jobs? If you do, they are customized in the Individual Job Template, which is right below the Job List Template that I assume you used to customize the main jobs page? If not, this is found in Job Manager/Settings/Display Settings and you will see the headings: Display Settings/Job List Sorting/Job Templates. It is the third heading you want, then scroll down to the bottom of the heading where you will find the Individual Job Template. All the stuff above are shortcodes you can use to customize your template. Gary wrote a blogpost about customizing the joblist (which you can apply to individual templates also) if you need any more help:
Hope this helps
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: What did I do wrong in this subdomain install on WAMP?So I have worked it out, rather, stevenmartin99 at wampservers did ??
He had a look with teamviewer on my computer and set up and made it work!
background information, WAMP server up and running with two single wordpress site each in their own folder in C:/wamp/wwwEssentially, I followed these steps to get my first website (blog) working:
? turn off skype (as it uses post 80),
? install wamp, not changing default settings,
? launch wamp. (you can turn skype back on now, it will automatically use a different port as WAMP is occupying port 80 now)
? click wamp in taskbar, go to php and click php.ini.
? change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to 1000, save file and restart computer.
? copy back up of public_html in the www folder (in my case it was C:/wamp/www/blog)
? create database in localhost/phpmyadmin with the same name as database in public wordpress site (found in wp-config.php).
? select database, import the back up .sql file.
? in wp_options table find siteurl (page1) and home (page 2) change url to [localhost] and click go.
? create new user with same name and password as wp-config.php & ADD user to correct database after creation.
? switch on apache rewrite_module (right click wamp and go to apache/modules, scroll down untill you find rewrite_module) and restart, delete .htaccess and go to your localhost/blog/wp-admin WordPress dashboard. change permalink settings to default and change back to what you had (to create new .htaccess file, because just enabling rewrite did not create a new .htaccess for me, this did ).
? Done.To the the wordpres MU to work, I changed this steps in addition to the above (bearing in mind the site I FTP-ed in is already a live multi site – if your is not follow the wordpress codex: how to set up a network to make your wordpress a multisite):
in wp-config file:
—————define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://yourlocalsitename.loc’ );
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://yourlocalsitename.loc’);define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘yourlocalsitename.loc’ );
———————————————–database settings:
—————table = wp_options:
option_id 1 siteurl to yourlocalsitename.loc
option_is 37 home to yourlocalsitename.loctable = wp_blog:
column – domain = change all urls to yourlocalsitename.loctable= wp_site:
change url to yourlocalsitename.loc————————————-
## THEN OPEN C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add an entry
## yourlocalsitename.loc
ServerName yourlocalsitename.loc
ServerAlias yourlocalsitename.loc
DocumentRoot “C:/wamp/www/yourlocalsitename”
</VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot “c:/wamp/www”
ServerName localhost
ErrorLog “logs/localhost-error.log”
CustomLog “logs/localhost-access.log” common
</VirtualHost>to browse to your localhost wordpress MU site, just type in: yourlocalsitename.loc
?? Hope this will help others set up WordPress MU on a localhost
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: What did I do wrong in this subdomain install on WAMP?@andrea_r oh yes, you are correct, I completely read over the fact that @jirimenzel has sub domains, I was blinded by the fact he was trying to install a WPMU on WAMP, which is what I am trying too. My situation is slightly different though, as my current install is not sub domains but sub directories, so it should work on localhost right?
Currently it gets redirected to the live site despite editing hotst, .htaccess and site url & home in wp-options table in the database…
Any ideas what I’ve forgotten or done wrong? Know of a good on line guide/tutorial that explains all the steps to get WPMU working on WAMP?Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: What did I do wrong in this subdomain install on WAMP?@jirimenzel , did you manage to install multisite locally in the end?
I’m having trouble installing it too and trouble in finding a good guide on how to. plenty tutorials and articles are available for a single wordpress site, but multisite is hard to find.
I have WAMP running on my laptop and have two single sites in the www root in separate directories and they both work like a dream. I tried installing a multisite in third separate directory but it just keeps pointing to the live site. (yes, have changed htacces, hosts and blog id plus home in the database to point to local site)If it HAS to be installed in the root www, how will my current single sites still work?
btw my multisite is already live ( ), but I want to re-create it locally for testing, and have also posted on the wamp server forum who had an extensive look at my install via teamviewer yesterday and also could not quite figure out the problem either..
So I’d be insterested to know @jirimenzel if you managed it, or anyone else who has?
Nope, works like a dream. Thanks! ??
Thank you this is working great!!!!
The only thing I would like to add is a custom field in the registration form. You mention a workaround in a different wordpress forum post a month ago:There is a discussion of customizing the fields for version 2.3.2 (current production version) here: process is a little simpler for the 2.4 public beta release as the install file has a toggle at the top of the code that you can change so as to force it to reinstall the settings without the need to delete the old.
My version is 2.5 ( way to go, from 2.3.2 to 2.5 in ONE month! ?? ) and I was wondering if the process is easier in this version or should I still follow the instructions in your blog post?
Thanks so much for your help so far, I really like the plugin, it does EXACTLY what I wanted ??
@cbutlerjr Thanks for your quick reply! I see your website is working now too, which is good! I had a read of the quick starting guideon your site and the installation guide on wordpress, but cannot find how to restrict access if I have not blocked post by default. I thought it was via the ‘more’ tag, but that does not work. I your reply above, you mention
In that case, you would not block posts by default, and any post that you did want blocked, you would set a custom field to block.
So I guess I would need to set a custom field in the posts that I want blocked, but cannot find documentation anywhere how to block this custom field
Hope you can help
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How to change group , blog AND events to approval onlyAndrea, I had a look on buddypress for group creation on approval only/moderation by admin/activated by admin. It has been asked many times before, but there is only one plugin for it: which will not be supported for BP 1.3 or further updates.. ??
I found another plugin which can block new members from interacting with any buddypress element until activation by admin, but its not quite what I am looking for….
Anyone else have any ideas/plugins?Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How to change group , blog AND events to approval onlyBut we would like to avoid new users being able to create a blog on sign up. or is this not something we can change in settings?
Change your registration settings to “Only logged in users are able to create sites”.
In my previous post I said I tried this already :
I have changed the settings to ‘Logged in users may register new sites’ and installed the moderate new blogs plugin. It works really well, new blogs are now not visibly/usable until approved by an admin. BUT enabling this option in WPMU also means that nobody can register.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How to change group , blog AND events to approval onlyCorrect. But we would like to avoid new users being able to create a blog on sign up. or is this not something we can change in settings?
and is it possible to change group creation to approval only?
Thanks again ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How to change group , blog AND events to approval onlyThanks for your reply Ipstenu!
I really like the .htaccess trick which we are going to try ??I have changed the settings to ‘Logged in users may register new sites’ and installed the moderate new blogs plugin. It works really well, new blogs are now not visibly/usable until approved by an admin. BUT enabling this option in WPMU also means that nobody can register. Only the ‘log in’ option remains, where normally the ‘sign up’ option would be next to it (on our website in the menu bar far right ).
I remember now why I choose the ‘Both sites and user accounts can be registered’ option, as at least it allows new members to register AND create blogs. They can however, do this without needing approval and even during the registration process, which we want to avoid.
The other two options in WordPress’ settings (‘ Registration is disabled’ and ‘User accounts may be registered’) do either or, but not both.
‘Registration is disabled’ obviously disables new members signing up AND also disables blog creation, whilst ‘User accounts may be registered’ allows new members signing up, but disables blog creation.What are my options?
Group management is a brilliant plugin which I had already installed, but does not give me options to have newly created groups awaiting approval. The options within the plugin are: number of members to display per page, number of groups to display per page, delete the group and manage members (add/demote/promote etc). Any other idea’s perhaps?
Regarding Eventpress, I will post on their forum with this question.
Thanks so much for your help so far, and hope you or someone else could help me along a little further ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: several RSS Widget plugins for external feeds not workingEDIT: we had some database problems and restored it, which solved a lot of issues including this one! Sorry to bother you guys about this one!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error creating database on a new blog after creating itActually, we had a different problem with a classifieds plugin yesterday morning and made a back up before dropping some of the plugins tables and reinstalled the plugin. This broke up the site so we restored the back up which made the blogs work again (and the classifieds pluginl too!)
It’s really weird as we made the back up when the blogs were NOT working, but maybe somehow the database was corrupted and this fixed it anyway ??
Thanks for your help! ??Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: "Error establishing a database connection" adding new siteForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: "Error establishing a database connection" adding new siteHello all,
I’ve got the same problem om
The site is working (although still under construction) and blog creation was working. until one day, suddenly when creating a test blog, i got database error. and again when creating a another test blog.I tried repairing it and got this code to copy paste in here: wp_usermeta: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly wp_19_posts: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_posts' doesn't exist wp_19_comments: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_comments' doesn't exist wp_19_links: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_links' doesn't exist wp_19_options: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_options' doesn't exist wp_19_postmeta: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_postmeta' doesn't exist wp_19_terms: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_terms' doesn't exist wp_19_term_taxonomy: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_term_taxonomy' doesn't exist wp_19_term_relationships: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_term_relationships' doesn't exist wp_19_commentmeta: Table 'driversz_engine.wp_19_commentmeta' doesn't exist wp_sitemeta: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
How can this be fixed please ??