Forum Replies Created
Dear DaNish Ali,
Thanks so much for looking into this problem.
Alas! After emptying the cache, still there is NO responsiveness…Dear Matt R,
So nice of you to explain those nasty puppy’s.
All seems normal and quiet now on my PC.So the case is resolved and my gratitude is boundless!
Wordfence is The King!!My best wishes,
Magda from rainy AmsterdamThank you so much, Matt R.!
So sorry I miswrote that word, it has to be ‘deprecated’ – that’s what happened with that Simple Facebook Plugin (you linked to the right one). Even with the ‘alternate’ version of this plugin Wordfence scrolled as stuck in mud ??
With the new FBplugin your beautiful Wordfence works again as smoothly as before (although the booxalive pages with it, load very slow): e.g.
And finally, I scanned my laptop with your Malwarebytes, they found 4 items:
– 2 x PUP.Optional.TornTV (one is: key)
– PUP.Optional.crossrider
– (I know and sometimes use this one, but I have that one inactivated, I activate that if necessary).I couldn’t find if those are to be afraid for. Anyway, Malwarebytes have put them in quarantaine.
Anyway, I guess my core problem with Wordfence is resolved (and I am exhausted by all those strange new findings).
Many thankful greetings,
MagdaOn my site this plugin also is NOT responsive!
Too bad, for it seems fine for the rest.PS: The FacebookLike-plugin seemed to be predecated for about 4 months! They never warned about that. So that must be the discrepancy, don’t you think so too?
I deleted that one and found a new one which I’ll test the same way.PS: My provider asks why ‘dns_get_record’ has to work?
The IPaddress is indeed HIS own server.Dear Matt R!
Thank you for all the answers!
About #3: My IP address is Not the one you mention here.
But the warning is gone now. My provider mailed me there is nothing changed with my IP address or their servers. I trust him very much, as he helped me before very succesfully. But yet I will send him your remark, to be on the safe side.I use Wordfence now only in Chrome and all is/scrolls smoothly as it was before, yippie!!! (But without the Simple Facebook Plugin – I will contact them about this crux.)
Only one question remains: about the Java scripts that are troublemakers. Yesterday evening again gumroads popped up in Firefox (after eliminating all the plugins). And today I had a new one:
https://script.shoppingminds.comAs said, normally I use Firefox, where I only installed adBlock and FlashPlayer. In the add-ons for the Java-script I found this notice:
“Java Plugin 7 update 45 to 78 (click-to-play), Windows is blocked for your safety. Old versions of the Java plugin are potentially insecure and unstable. All users are strongly recommended to update on our plugin check page.”(In both Chrome and FF is inactive: Freemake Video Converter)
Do I have to update that blocked Java plugin? Doesn’t Java do that automaticly? But what is more important: could that Java thingy also mess up with Wordfence?
Many thanks for your kindness and wisdom!!
Magda from sunny AmsterdamCONCLUSION (before going to bed): it seems that the Simple Facebook Plugin is the troublemaker. When I activated that one, Firefox went bezerk. So I closed that, and continued in Chrome. There all the scrolling is smooth in Wordfence.
When I opened Firefox again, it still crashed a few times when doublechecking plugins, and one gumroads script appeared again.
But I think I have to reboot my laptop and check it tomorrow again.I really am sad about that Facebook plugin, I need that support so much.
Best wishes, Magda
OFF: While enabling plugins one by one and checking each time whether ‘Blocked IP’s’ gets stuck in the mud, I realise that the little option below ‘Permanently block all temporarily blocked IP adresses’ is quite difficult to reach when one has a long list.
And with difficult scrolling one almost never can reach that option.
My question: would it be better to place that option on top of that page?Sorry for my tsunami of info.
About #problem2:
When I scanned manually I suddenly on the scan-page noticed this:
“We have detected a change in the A records of your DNS configuration that may affect the domain An A record is a record in DNS that points a domain name to an IP address. A change in your DNS records may indicate that a hacker has hacked into your DNS administration system and has pointed your email or website to their own server for malicious purposes. It could also indicate that your domain has expired. If you made this change yourself you can mark it ‘resolved’ and safely ignore it.”
I just mailed this to my provider, so I hope I get an answer from him.Bytheway: I found the total warning!
[Oct 19 04:39:35] Warning: dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred. in /home/boox/domains/ on line 851 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/boox/domains/ on line 853Hope it gives you a hint…
I activated the Stats plugin and all seems rather smooth scrolling in Wordfence, though Life Traffic is easier scrolling than Blocked IP’s, which page still is not too willing. But ‘make blocks permanent’ there does not give crashes immediately. No sign of that gumroad script so far.
I deactivated all the plugins except Wordfence.
Still that warning sign is flickering.
But ‘pages not found’ and ‘blockedIPs’ seem to go more smooth…First I show you the consoles, for the other options scare me – sorry. must say that even uploading images in my WP-editor for this screenshot page causes Firefox also to behave weird (freeze of the page).
And may I ask you: in ‘Pages not found’ there are loads of IP’s (mainly from Ashburn in US) who try to access page (and then 1 to 2 and 3 and so on). I always block them (with all the crashes and scripts enigma’s). Is my blocking correct or too protective?Dear WFMattR!
Thanks só much for answering so quickly!
No, I never have heard from this gumroads and I certainly do not have opened this site in any tab or browser.
My site is just a sort of magazine with online picture books for children, with about 100 unique visitors a day.
I only have open every day as a standard: webmail / facebook / stats of my site / one page of my site (which can be edited).Normally I use Firefox, where I only installed adBlock and FlashPlayer.
In the add-ons for the Java-script I found this notice:
“Java Plugin 7 update 45 to 78 (click-to-play), Windows is blocked for your safety. Old versions of the Java plugin are potentially insecure and unstable. All users are strongly recommended to update on our plugin check page.”In both Chrome and FF is inactive: Freemake Video Converter
Here are the java-scripts for the two weirdbehaving pages: hope the Sherlock Holmes in you can sort something out!