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  • maiki


    First of all, you wouldn’t be able to do it, because a plugin would have to lookup the post ID to figure out the redirect. That isn’t a good idea, because you don’t want to use the database to figure that out.

    But second of all, you don’t have to worry about it, since you don’t have any duplicate posts. Meaning future posts will have the correct URL, and your old posts will continue to work. So you are good…

    However, you could probably just leave your permalinks structure alone, as WordPress adds a number to the end of duplicate post titles, anyways. Try it out, make a post called test, and another one called test, and see what it does. No need to use this plugin, or any other. ^_^



    First of all, the import feature is kinda broken at the moment, so make sure to read the other threads in this forum about getting the development version so they work.

    The easiest way to find the format to import them in is to create a few redirections, and export them. Then you will see exactly how its formatted. ^_^



    I think you are using the syntax for Apache redirects. You should try the following, with regex on:

    Source: /author/admin/([a-z]*)

    Target: /author/XXXXX/$1



    You’ve given a lot of information here, and it is too much for me to process. Normally to debug this kind of thing, you need to test it out in a development setup, so you can turn on and off plugins, and try different patterns.

    I suggest you create a local/dev WordPress instance, and play around with the patterns you are trying out. That is how I figured out your initial question. That way you can confirm a regex pattern works, and can then apply it to your site. Then, if it doesn’t work, you can start deducing which of the plugins or configuration options is getting in the way.

    Good luck! ^_^



    The Redirection plugin has to be running on the site that is initially catching the URL. So it won’t work in this case. Your options are to set up redirects on the old site, which we can’t help ya with, or point that old address to your new WordPress site.

    If it is pointed to the new site, the Redirection plugin will work. ^_^



    Not with the Redirection plugin. It works by matching the request from the visitor, and then forwarding them to the new page; it doesn’t operate with the post in any way, so it wouldn’t be able to figure out which post ID to attach to the target URL.

    I am curious, why did you choose to use the post ID in the URL? Do you have URLs that have the same title?

    There are forums at, but they are not operated by Automattic, and when you create an account there, you get a new login. You won’t be able to log in with a WordPress account from elsewhere.

    You ought to try posting your issue here in this forum, start a new thread, and we can try troubleshooting it. Also, check the thread for getting advice quickly.

    I know it really sucks that you can’t log in to forums somewhere, but this place is for troubleshooting Pods. So in one way you probably won’t get answers to your registration issues, but on the other hand, we can probably help you with Pods! ^_^

    Thread Starter maiki


    Ah, figured it out!


    <?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'trim', true); ?>


    <?php $pods = pods( 'books', $id ); echo $pods->display( 'trim' ); ?>

    That seems it work.

    Thread Starter maiki


    Do you know where there are examples of using Pods display to show a field? I don’t understand the example at, because it uses 'where' => ' LIKE "%rings%"', as a parameter. How does one use that in a single-posttype.php template?

    Thread Starter maiki


    I opened a ticket at I hope that explains the issue I am having. It really isn’t about the label, it is that I can’t save double quotes as a value for a simple relationship list.

    Marking this as resolved, hoping that ticket helps me get the values working.

    Thread Starter maiki


    Right, I don’t need the label. The reason I have it set up like this is because I can’t use values that have double quotes in them. I believe that is a Pods issue. I am poking around the issue list, to make sure I am not making a duplicate bug report.

    I would just use the same value and label, but I can’t use double quotes in the value (it won’t save on post update). For instance, 5.5" x 8.25"|5.5" x 8.25" won’t save, but 5.5 x 8.25|5.5" x 8.25" will. That is a bug, ne?

    Thread Starter maiki


    I’ve gotten every other part of my single-books.php working using get_post_meta, so it seems kinda silly to define the Pods stuff just to get that label.

    As an alternative, do you know how to escape the entry so it can save the same value in the database, such as 5.5" x 8.25"|5.5" x 8.25"? If I have that, it won’t save on post update, it just leaves the field empty (in the UI, it is a drop-down list, so the first, unchosen selection on the list).

    As I said, the reason I had the values be different is because I couldn’t get it to save. I’ve tried on three different hosts, now, so maybe that is a bug, or maybe there is a reason it doesn’t do it that I am not aware of.

    Redirection is a WordPress plugin. Your example won’t work at the moment, because the originating URL is being served from Joomla. Since Redirection needs to be serving the originating URL, you won’t be getting any redirects working.

    I am guessing you are migrating to the new site built with WordPress. In that case, you will want to attach the URL after the domain, and get that working. Then, when you change the domain over on the WordPress site, all the traffic will be redirected. So make sure to test those on the WordPress site!

    Now then, as to the actual pattern, yes, that will work with Redirections. Since you have multiple URLs for items, you’ll need to use a regex redirect rule to match the original URL, and then redirect to /shop.

    When I try to do this manually I get a 500 site wide error.

    I am not sure what that means, but if you’d like help troubleshooting your redirect rule, you’ll have to post it here (that includes the source URL, target URL, if regex is being used, and which action you are using).

    Should I have this plugin set up on since that is the original domain I am redirecting from?

    Yep, that is how the plugin works. It waits for someone to come to the site, and then it redirects them to the new URL. That means it has to be able to process the original URL, and in your case, that is .ASP, which isn’t going to work with this plugin.

    This plugin is just to make it easy to set up redirects in WordPress, and it is very useful for that, but redirects are available in other contexts, as well. You can set it up on the server for the .ASP pages, but nothing in WordPress is gonna help ya.

    Please mark this thread as resolved. ^_^

    Opening in a different tab/window happens in a different part of the process, and isn’t covered by this plugin.

    If you know which URLs will redirect to pages you want to end up in a new window, then you can affix the appropriate markup to the original URL where it exists on your site.

    If I have a link in my about page that redirects, but I want it to go to a new window, I make it open in a new window first, and then the redirect happens.

    So, it is not possible with this plugin; it isn’t what it does. Please mark this thread as resolved.

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