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  • webteamffcu – your solution worked for me. Thanks! I removed Google ReCaptcha V3 and installed Added Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha plugin as you suggested.

    Same here. I updated to Contact Form 7 vs 5.1 and Google reCaptcha v3. Constant spam.

    Same here. Updated to Contact Form 7 vs 5.1 and changed to Google reCaptcha v3. Spam on one form was instantaneous and a lot!

    I found a solution in Divi’s support forum. Andrei Nahaev from Divi suggested removing the following code and it enabled the popups for work for me.

    Remove code from themes/Divi/js/custom.js

    $( ‘a[href*=”#”]:not([href=”#”])’ ).click( function() {
    var $this_link = $( this ),
    has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled = $this_link.closest( ‘.et_smooth_scroll_disabled’ ).length,
    has_closest_woocommerce_tabs = ( $this_link.closest( ‘.woocommerce-tabs’ ).length && $this_link.closest( ‘.tabs’ ).length ),
    has_closest_eab_cal_link = $this_link.closest( ‘.eab-shortcode_calendar-navigation-link’ ).length,
    has_acomment_reply = $this_link.hasClass( ‘acomment-reply’ ),
    disable_scroll = has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled || has_closest_woocommerce_tabs || has_closest_eab_cal_link || has_acomment_reply;

    if ( ( location.pathname.replace( /^\//,” ) == this.pathname.replace( /^\//,” ) && location.hostname == this.hostname ) && ! disable_scroll ) {
    var target = $( this.hash );
    target = target.length ? target : $( ‘[name=’ + this.hash.slice(1) +’]’ );
    if ( target.length ) {

    et_pb_smooth_scroll( target, false, 800 );

    if ( ! $( ‘#main-header’ ).hasClass( ‘et-fixed-header’ ) && $( ‘body’ ).hasClass( ‘et_fixed_nav’ ) && $( window ).width() > 980 ) {
    et_pb_smooth_scroll( target, false, 40, ‘linear’ );
    }, 780 );

    return false;

    Thread Starter mainjanedesigns


    Thanks for the tips, Joe! In the My Calendar CSS editor I added top: 50% to the position CSS for the event details, and it seems to work well enough now.

    Kudos to Joe Dolson, author of the great plugin My Calendar! He helped figure out that the standard short code for the widget includes a reference to “author”, as follows:

    [my_calendar_upcoming before=”3″ after=”3″ type=”event” fallback=”No events coming up!” category=”General” author=”1″ template=”{title} {date}” order=”asc” show_today=”yes” skip=”0″]

    In my case, two people were entering events. The short code specified author=”1″, which prevented the events from the second user from appearing.

    To fix my problem, I removed the portion of the widget short code, author=”1″. That made it possible for all events to appear, no matter who entered them.

    I just donated to Joe. He was quick to reply and stuck with me until the problem was resolved.

    Per Joe:

    To show users with the role of administrator, you need to enter a
    comma-separated list of IDs. To show all users, just delete the
    attribute entirely. It’s not required.

    Thanks, Joe!

    Is it possible the counting bug affects grouped events, as well? Please look at and notice the MyCalendar widget in the right column. It shows no upcoming events, but if you click on Link to Full Calendar, there are lots of upcoming events. Community Bingo is a grouped event, with several dates and times. It started on Feb 13. The upcoming events were calculating correctly before adding the Community Bingo grouped event.

    Thread Starter mainjanedesigns


    The submenu was set up for the member navigation because I could see the subnavigation when I hovered over the parent when I was logged in as an administrator. Just to see what would happen, I changed the primary navigation so it also has a submenu item. In that case, I can see the submenu item when I hover over the parent when I am not logged in at all. It appears the problem has to do with the Subscriber role?

    Thread Starter mainjanedesigns


    Thank you very much! Conceptually, your code did just what I needed it to do. I notice one odd thing, and wonder if you could comment. When I log in as an administrator, the complete horizontal nav bar works right, including the subnavigation. When I log in as a Subscriber just the subnavigation will not appear when I hover over the parent. Any ideas about what could cause that? Thanks again for your reply.

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