Tony Hayes
Forum Replies Created
While this kind of custom modification is quite outside the scope of free support, I can suggest the following way to do it… Instead of modifying the widget class files directly (which will be overwritten on plugin update), you can use the new widget output filters that will be included in 2.3.0 for custom modification purposes (currently available by installing the development branch version linked above.)
Also in 2.3.0, all widget output is generated by it’s corresponding shortcode so as to deduplicate code and instead follow the DRY (Donot Repeat Yourself) principle, so you will find the actual output code in
now instead.The relevent filters are:
(note: this last is presentlyradio_station_now_playing_widget_override
in the current development version, but this will be changed to match the change in the widget naming – filter names won’t be changed again after actual release though.)Though I’m not specifically familiar with how the Bootstrap Media Object looks or the styles it’s classes apply, considerable efforts have been made to add IDs and classes to each of the elements in the widget output to make styling them easier. So, you could use this fact with the output filters to add Bootstrap classes to the existing classes. eg.
add_filter('radio_station_upcoming_shows_widget_override', 'bootstrap_upcoming_shows_widget', 10, 3); function bootstrap_upcoming_shows_widget($html, $args, $atts) { $html = str_replace('upcoming-shows-title', 'upcoming-shows-title mt-0', $html); // repeat above line until desired changes are made return $html; }
Though a similar thing could be done via jQuery, this is probably a more efficient and robust way of adding the Bootstrap classes that you want, however it is up to you to match the widget elements to the Bootstrap structure to apply the right classes to achieve the effect that you want.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Tony Hayes.
Hi Chris,
This widget has been custom coded and not part of the Radio Station plugin (though it is clearly pulling the data from it.) The in-built Radio Station widget (DJ Upcoming) displays the next x shows from the current time rather than for the whole day, though this is an interesting idea for a widget that we could add in the future.
As I haven’t seen the code for this custom widget, I can’t say whether is handles schedule overrides, this was something rather tricky and part of a current rewrite of the schedule calculation for 2.3.0… so if that is something you need, you may wish to engage a developer to further recheck into that code.
The widget is using jQuery UI Tooltip ( to generate the hover elements (activated via wp-content/themes/pbbsa-child/plugins/radio-station/js/station_shortcode_today.js)
The simple solution is to add this to your Child theme’s stylesheet:
.ui-tooltip {
background-color: #FFF;
}We had considered doing something similar for the Master Schedule table view for each show and have a Github issue for that, but have not determined whether we would use jQuery Tooltip or another solution for this yet.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Tony Hayes.
@clubfm Thanks for reporting this issue.
Due to it not being visually clear when timeslots start/end, I had added a style to shift the hour label up higher in the cell (in v2.2.2)
See originating issue:
But, seems I overdid that a bit and it doesn’t play well with a solid border table heading cell border, which causes the strikethrough effect seen in your screenshot.
I have adjusted the CSS for the next version (2.3.0) so that the hour label is just at the very top of the label cell instead of being shifted above and outside of it onto the line. That should be clear enough (as the issue was that vertically-centered labels were visually unclear in which lined up to show start/end times.)
So when that update comes out you may want to recheck your custom styles.
Well this is gone way off topic so I’ll mark as resolved as this as not a Radio Station issue after all it seems.
Another easy option is to use the “Really Simple SSL” plugin, which will try to automatically fix mixed content on the fly.
However since it’s just showing up for one resource (your favicon) you might be able to track down where that URL is specified (by searching for it in your files or database) and just add the s. If your theme or wherever let’s you specify the favicon URL (most likely) then you can change it there. Otherwise you can check in Customizer -> Site Icons panel also.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Tony Hayes.
Just a quick look it seems to be QT Preloader plugin. CSS is loading for it but I don’t see any Javascript being loaded to remove the preload overlay.
@seagertom If I delete the loader element overlay via browser developer tools, the page magiccally appears and looks to be displaying show / schedule content fine.
I’m not sure if the loader overlay if from your theme or another plugin, but is preventing visitors from seeing those pages (and maybe others?) and so that is what you need to fix. If there is an option to disable the loader overlay then perhaps that is best until you can find the source of it’s problem via a local copy of the site or a staging site. Possibly your error logs will help you further with finding out why, but also check your browser’s javascript console.
Once that is done let us know if you are experiencing further problems with the Radio Station displays (they seem to be fine just underneath.)
PS. Your favicon is giving a mixed content warning and the URL should be changed to https.
@letternauta Gracias por el informe de error. Este problema se ha solucionado para la próxima versión (2.2.7)
@pdym Thanks for the bug report, would not have noticed that for a long time otherwise. You are quite correct the 24 hour is worked out on the backend but should have been converted back to 12 hour for display of PM times in that widget. Fixed for next release (2.2.7) ??
As for the left/right display, it really depends on the width of the container and the show image size, if there is not enough room it won’t float. It’s also hard to say if this is a theme or style conflict you were experiencing but since it’s working as on the demo site I’d say this was most likely the case.
Can see you have now posted the issue with screenshots here:
So I’m going to close this thread here to prevent duplication.@montereyjeff The number issue has been fixed in 2.2.2
Can you let us know if you are still seeing changes with the latest version for the featured image size as you mentioned in your original post? This may have been due to a stylesheet not loading. Unfortunately I don’t really have a before and after to compare it to, but so far as I know nothing has changed in the code for the image size.
@lightbenin There are no REST API endpoints in the plugin at the moment. (Probably because the REST API was not even around when it was first written.)
It is something that has been added to the development features list, but we aren’t able to provide a timeframe for when this particular feature will be included at this time, we are still prioritizing the overall development.
If you have more specifics you want to discuss on this further, you can do so via this Github issue, but I will close this thread as resolved here. revisiting this, looks like @boywondr16 you have the tabbed schedule setup (via tutorial) on that page instead of the tabled one… the Genre filtering is currently automatically added to the top of the tabled master schedule only.
We are looking at incorporating the existing tabbed schedule tutorial to be useable (via shortcode), so when/while that is being done we can look at adding the Genre filter/highlighter to it also.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Guten Free Options] Editor override for pagesThanks for the report! I managed to track it down and fix the problem, plus a few other minor bugs while I was at it. ??
Had another look, it does seem like overkill to add all the locking stuff into WP Rollback, however I noticed that there is no action triggered upon a successful rollback. The upgrader class returns success or failure but nothing is done with it.
An action hook could be used to trigger an update lock via another plugin (or some other use case like logging?) So I’ve submitted a pull request for that for now.