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  • This is really great news! Do we have an ETA on that?



    Ugh, rating a product 1-star instead of just opening a support thread isn’t cool. C’mon dude. The rating system isn’t supposed to be used this way. If your issue is really this simple, open a thread first, leave a bad review later. Some of these developers make a living off of reviews and 1-starring a plugin that has active support and plenty of great free features at the “free” tier just sucks.



    Followup – I sorted out the issue – My client was using apostrophes in his interest group names… ie: “Mens Fashion”.

    That breaks the potato.

    Is there a way to get a fix for using special characters in grouping names? Or maybe just switch to using numeric values (ie: “8” or “group_8” or “interest-8”) that’s a little more break-proof?

    Thanks! LOOOVING the plugin btw – it’s easily the best MailChimp plugin I’ve come across and I’m glad I paid for Pro!



    Bumping this ?? I also can’t get groupings to work. They return:

    MailChimp returned this error:
    "GROUP-TEXT-NAME" is not a valid Interest Group in Grouping "Send me information about ..." on the list: ACCOUNT-NAME

    The all-caps text is replaced by live-text for whatever list I’m trying to work with.

    I’ve also tried manually replacing the “GROUP-TEXT-NAME” with a numeric value for the grouping-ID in the MailChimp form and that doesn’t work either.

    Hi guys! I really do apologize as I’ve been out on medical leave for nearly a month now dealing with some serious issues. I’ll be patching the theme shortly, but what you can do in the meantime to resolve this is manually install the latest version OptionTree before you install the theme and it should work properly. I do apologize for the huge inconvenience – we’ve pulled the theme from ThemeForest temporarily until I am physically able to get back to work and add the patched version of the plugin.

    Hi there! I’m not the developer of OptionTree, but I am the developer of SuperSkeleton and I just verified this issue is indeed happening.

    The cause is pretty simple: if I read the latest OT updates correctly, they moved the loading of the OT scripts around a bit to “init”, so our check for the “ot_get_option” on the backend no longer works. We’ll patch this by removing the checkpoint and things should run smoothly again.

    All technical issues aside, I’ll have a patch up for all of our themes that use OptionTree within the next 24 hours on ThemeForest ??

    Adding this for clarity (and hoping someone runs across an actual fix now that we’ve narrowed down the cause):

    The problem seems to be related to allowing elements that require the HTML markup to both open and close… For instance, allowing “a”, “strong”, “em”, “i”, etc. elements causes the bug where the “Read More” shows up inside the element (not at the end of the excerpt).

    I’m guessing it’s because the function is appending the “Read More” link inside that element when it closes… I haven’t checked the code out yet to verify.

    Self-closing elements (like images, HRs, etc.) don’t seem to have the issue as they don’t require a closing tag. I can allow images and the “Read More” link shows up at the end of the excerpt just fine.

    I worked around this by just stripping the formatted text elements that I wanted to add… which is a step backwards, but still allows me control over how many characters are used and the other features that the plugin still does well.

    Hoping for a fix soon!

    The problem seems to be related to allowing elements that require the HTML markup to both open and close… For instance, allowing “a”, “strong”, “em”, “i”, etc. elements causes the bug where the “Read More” shows up inside the element (not at the end of the excerpt).

    I’m guessing it’s because the function is appending the “Read More” link inside that element when it closes… I haven’t checked the code out yet to verify.

    Self-closing elements (like images, HRs, etc.) don’t seem to have the issue as they don’t require a closing tag. I can allow images and the “Read More” link shows up at the end of the excerpt just fine.

    I worked around this by just stripping the formatted text elements that I wanted to add… which is a step backwards, but still allows me control over how many characters are used and the other features that the plugin still does well.

    Hoping for a fix soon!

    Here’s some notes and a possible workaround for anyone encountering this.

    The problem seems to be related to the individual elements that you allow within your excerpt… I can’t really nail down exactly what’s causing this, but every time I tried to allow individual elements (b, strong, img, a, etc…), it added the “Read More” link inside the first formatted element that it found…

    ie: if I allowed “strong” and I used “strong” text in my excerpt, it added the link inside the “strong” tag. Lame. Same story for links and a handful of other elements that I tried out. EXCEPT for images… if I have an image in my excerpt and I just allow the “img” element, it works just fine… so maybe this is an issue only with formatted text elements that require the HTML markup to both open and close… not self-closing elements like images, HRs, etc… This is frustrating because this is pretty much the main reason most people use this plugin, but hey, I’ll take the images.

    I worked around this by just stripping the formatted text elements that I wanted to add… which is a step backwards, but still allows me control over how many characters are used and the other features that the plugin still does well.

    Hopefully the plugin author will be able to release an update to fix this ?? Pretty please? I understand a WP update may have screwed this up, so it’s totally understandable if it takes time to get around to fixing this. If you get to this, you rock!

    Thanks to this thread for the solution (or at least a workaround):

    Heya Derek,

    Reaction author here.

    Thanks for the update on this – my guess is that there’s some inconsistency between the old array (1.x of OptionTree) and the new one since I was using “slider” before and “list item” now under the name key. I’ll report this back to all of my users – thanks again!


    PS – I can probably help facilitate the handover of confidential login details between a dev and these users if it might help the research process ??

    One more to the list: I had one other user complain of this issue today as well… any chance we can get someone to take a peek at this and see what might be causing it (or at least provide a fix?) As it stands, this is still incredibly rare (we’re talking 3 issues out of thousands…) but it doesn’t make me feel much better not knowing what could be causing this total lockup of OptionTree.

    Any ideas Derek?

    Author of SuperSkeleton here – I’m baffled by this one as well, but I can confirm that this is happening for doubleedesign above… the JS console reveals no errors and I can open up the developer “settings & documentations” panel just fine… I can even save a new layout – but nothing happens at all when we hit “Save All Changes”.

    Oh, and this theme and theme options panel is literally working on almost 10,000 other setups and this is the first issue I’ve had reported back to me (although I do see that at least one other user has run into this)… in any case, this seems to be relatively rare as even doubleedesign has tried and set this up effectively on other sites.

    Any ideas out there?

    @thad – same here – Derek reported back through the Envato moderator team that he’s working to get it back up. This happened last month as well (for a shorter period of time if I recall) – but I still haven’t heard anything about why this happens. I’m guessing the 3.3 update has something to do with it – perhaps new standards were released for the plugin repo that OT isn’t meeting yet… Anyways, hopefully it’ll be back up soon!

    Hey guys! I reported this yesterday through ThemeForest –

    It sounds like Derek is working to get it back up right now, but this seems “normal” more or less whenever a big new WP version comes out that some plugins require updates before being accepted back into the repository.

    The Github link posted will work for the time being though – and the plugin is safe and secure on WP 3.3 as far as I can tell (I use it in most of my themes) ??

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