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  • Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Yeah that is very well put – going against the prevailing sentiment seems to be a no-no even if you are polite as you say, which I was btw.

    I actually think in a way it’s a pity that cForms is free – maybe if it wasn’t free I might be able to get support and even be allowed to criticise without having my whole thread deleted.

    FWIW I do think cForms is a superb plugin.

    Anyway I think the regular comments form I’m using is fine with the si-captcha. I’m still using cForms with no problems for my contact form.
    So in te end it’s all good.

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Now I am cheesed off. I had made a post about a problem I was having with cforms on deliciousdays (cforms own forum) namely when a user would click submit on my comments form they would get the following error all the time “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!”.

    I got zero replies to this after a couple of days – ok fair enough, but when I replied saying I’d unfortunately have to go back to using Si-captcha with the in-built WordPress comment form my post got removed!! I mean wow – so you can’t say anything even remotely negative about cforms on their forum it would appear.

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Well it looks like it can’t according to

    I think I’m going to go back to scratch and not use any form plugin and just get my site workign again.

    Note to self – Don’t update plugins or WordPress again until absolutely necessary!

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Thanks for the info. Do you know if you can use Contact Form 7 in place of the standard WordPress Comment Form?

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Well I’m giving up on Ikarus… anyone recommend a replacement theme?

    Well i WAS very impressed with it too but….Ikarus theme has been nothing but a headache for several months now. All the issues I had with it contributed to me not doing any work on my blog for the last 2 to 3 months. I decided to take a look at my blog again for the first time in a while. I saw there has been an update to Ikarus White, I installed this update and now it says it requires zend optimizer. I download zend optimizer but by the looks of it I would need to be the server administrator so that goes out the window – I suppose I could ask my hosting provider if they could install it for me but at this stage I’m really thinking screw it, it’s been nothing but a hassle and even if that miraculously gets everything working as it should do again there does not seem to be any motivation by the developer to keep it up to speed.

    Maybe this is the problem with a complex theme like Ikarus, yeah it looks real good when it’s workign right, but it’s possibly tricky to update as a result when wordpress updates and if the developer isn’t motivated enough, then all those of us who use it suffer. So I dunno, I think I might just start using some basic them that actually works for now.

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Thanks. Yeah that’s the one. On the demo it may look alright but it’s definitely not working correctly with IE8. And now there are further problems since WordPress 2.8 came out. I guess I better look into another theme or else learn more about coding them myself, I prefer to avoid the latter though as I’ve got enough to try to sort out without reinventing the wheel.

    I started a discussion post about Ikarus and the issues with it yesterday
    Anyone interested in discussing this instead of just having lots of seperate threads about Ikarus.

    Anybody solved this yet. Stating the obvious here perhaps but I’m guessing that the problem might have something to do with the comments.php file, as that is where the code snippet <?php else: ?><h2>Comments For This Post Topic Was Disable By Author</h2><?php endif; ?> in question gets executed.

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Looks like this is specific to the Ikarus theme.

    I see others are having the same issue since the upgrade to WordPress 2.8.

    Well your issue now that I think about might not be at all the same as mine.

    I’m no expert myself either. Most things I do are trial and error based, basically trying to narrow down to what the problem might be. For myself I’ve found out now also that this problem is specific to the theme I’m using. When I changed my theme it worked, perhaps you could also try to implement a different theme and see what happens, if it works with that then at least you would know it’s a problem to do with that specific theme and if not at least it would be one thing you could rule out. Good luck.

    I posted about this just a couple of minutes before you at After just doing a little test it appears to be almost definitely an issue with the Upgrade of WordPress 2.7.1 to 2.8

    I have a backup of my site installed locally, I had a look at this and comments were workign normally. After I upgraded it to 2.8. I get ‘Comments For This Post Topic Was Disable By Author’ for each post.

    now I guess we got to figure out why this happened!?

    I managed to do this today ?? The issue is that Ikarus uses the comments differently from other themes. So the recaptcha doesn’t work with it without a tweak. I took a look at a theme that it was working with and by a process of elimination I worked out what I needed to tweak, it was quite small.
    In the comments.php edit

    After the line
    Feel free to <?php comments_rss_link(‘subscribes’); ?> to this post comment rss feeds for future updates</p>

    Insert the following line
    <?php do_action(‘comment_form’, $post->ID); ?>

    And it should work then.

    Thread Starter makingapokerwebsite


    Thanks for the replies. I’ll go with taking different themes for a test drive then and find which one is a best match and do a few tweaks if needed.

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