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  • makingtrails


    Care to share the solution? ??

    Renamed <?php do_action(‘deals_sidebar’); ?> to <?php do_action(‘get_sidebar’); ?> in featured-deal.php and works ok.

    Maybe suggest an tick box option to either use deal sidebar or themes sidebar?

    I have a similar issue but my sidebar is there but displays at the bottom of the page. However if I clone sidebar.php with sidebar-deals.php it displays correctly yet two appear. One in the right place and one further down. This happens on two of my sites which both have different themes.


    Tested it via Sandbox and it works fine. Looks like it’s an setting within my own Paypal account


    Agreed, useless when attempting to use a currency other than US dollars

    sweeet that worked a treat thanks!!

    I can now see the status of webservers but is it possible to see the status of local servers? for example or do they have to be running a type of service? I tried but server shows offline



    plugin would be awesome, any news?

    I have the same error although only on my testing server (XAMPP 1.7.3)

    Installed on my live wordpress blog (Cpanel) and works ok.

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    "; $styles = ""; $end = ""; if ($col && !$stripColors){ $styles.="color:#".$col.";"; } if ($italic){ $styles.="font-style:italic;"; } if ($wide){ $styles.="font-weight:bold;"; } if ($narrow){ $styles.="letter-spacing: -0.1em;font-size:smaller"; } $string = $start1.$styles.$start2.$string.$end; } return $string; } function parseLinks($str, $showLinks = true){ $str = $this->parseManialinks($str, $showLinks); $str = str_replace('$L', '$l', $str); $this->links=array(); $linkidx = 0; $chunks = explode('$l', $str); for ($i=0; $ilinks[$id] = $url; if ($showLinks) $chunks[$i] = '$a'.$id.'$x'.substr($text, strpos($text, ']')+1).'$a{/LINK}$x'; else $chunks[$i] = substr($text, strpos($text, ']')+1); } else { $this->links[$id]= $text; if ($showLinks) $chunks[$i] = '$a'.$id.'$x'.$text.'$a{/LINK}$x'; } } } $this->fixWWWLinks(); return implode('', $chunks); } function fixWWWLinks(){ foreach ($this->links as $key => $value){ $value = trim($value); if (substr(strtolower($value), 0, 4) == 'www.'){ $value = 'https://'.$value; $this->links[$key] = $value; } } } function parseManialinks($str, $showLinks = true){ $str = str_replace('$H', '$h', $str); $this->manialinks=array(); $linkidx = 0; $chunks = explode('$h', $str); for ($i=0; $imanialinks[$id] = $url; if ($showLinks) $chunks[$i] = '$a'.$id.'$x'.substr($text, strpos($text, ']')+1).'$a{/LINK}$x'; else $chunks[$i] = substr($text, strpos($text, ']')+1); } else { $this->manialinks[$id]= $text; if ($showLinks) $chunks[$i] = '$a'.$id.'$x'.$text.'$a{/LINK}$x'; } } } return implode('', $chunks); } function insertLinks($str){ foreach ($this->manialinks as $key => $value){ $str = str_replace($key, 'links as $key => $value){ $str = str_replace($key, '', $str); } $str = str_replace('{/LINK}', '', $str); return $str; } function toHTML($str, $stripColors = false, $stripLinks = false){ $col = false; $wide = false; $narrow = false; $caps = false; $italic = false; $str = str_replace('$$','[DOLLAR]',$str); $str = str_replace(' ',' ',$str); $str = $this->parseLinks($str, !$stripLinks); $chunks = explode('$',$str); for ($i = 1; $i < count($chunks); $i++){ if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{2,3}/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $col = $matches[0]; if (strlen($col)<3) $col.="8"; $col = $col[0].$col[0].$col[1].$col[1].$col[2].$col[2]; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(i)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $italic = true; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(w)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $narrow = false; $wide = true; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(o)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $narrow = false; $wide = true; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(n)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $wide = false; $narrow = true; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(s)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(t)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $caps = true; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(m)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $wide = false; $bold = false; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(g)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $col = false; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(a)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $colSave= $col; $wideSave = $wide; $narrowSave = $narrow; $capsSave = $caps; $italicSave = $italic; $col = false; $wide = false; $narrow = false; $caps = false; $italic = false; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(x)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $col = $colSave; $wide = $wideSave; $narrow = $narrowSave; $caps = $capsSave; $italic = $italicSave; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } else if (preg_match("/^(z)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $col = false; $wide = false; $narrow = false; $caps = false; $italic = false; $chunks[$i] = $this->getStyledString($chunks[$i], $matches[0], $col, $wide, $narrow, $caps, $italic, $stripColors); } } for ($i = 1; $i < count($chunks); $i++){ $chunks[$i] = str_replace('[DOLLAR]','$',$chunks[$i]); $chunks[$i] = str_replace('&NBSP;',' ',$chunks[$i]); } $str = implode($chunks); $str = $this->insertLinks($str); return $str; } function toArray($str){ $col = false; $wide = false; $narrow = false; $caps = false; $italic = false; $shadow = false; $str = str_replace('$$','[DOLLAR]',$str); $str = $this->parseLinks($str, false); $chunks = explode('$',$str); $result = array(); if ($chunks[0]) $result[0]["text"]=str_replace('[DOLLAR]','$',$chunks[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < count($chunks); $i++){ $match = ""; if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{2,3}/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $col = $matches[0]; $match = $col; if (strlen($col)<3) $col.="8"; $col = $col[0].$col[0].$col[1].$col[1].$col[2].$col[2]; } else if (preg_match("/^(i)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $italic = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(w)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $narrow = false; $wide = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(o)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $narrow = false; $wide = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(n)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $wide = false; $narrow = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(s)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $shadow = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(t)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $caps = true; } else if (preg_match("/^(m)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $wide = false; $bold = false; } else if (preg_match("/^(g)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $col = false; } else if (preg_match("/^(x)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; } else if (preg_match("/^(z)/i",$chunks[$i], $matches)){ $match = $matches[0]; $shadow = false; $col = false; $wide = false; $narrow = false; $caps = false; $italic = false; } $chunks[$i] = substr($chunks[$i], strlen($match)); if ($chunks[$i]){ $a = count($result); $result[$a]["text"]=str_replace('[DOLLAR]','$',$chunks[$i]); $result[$a]["italic"]=$italic; $result[$a]["narrow"]=$narrow; $result[$a]["wide"]=$wide; $result[$a]["caps"]=$caps; $result[$a]["shadow"]=$shadow; $result[$a]["color"]=$col; } } return $result; } function get_rgb($hex) { $hex_array = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A' => 10, 'B' => 11, 'C' => 12, 'D' => 13, 'E' => 14, 'F' => 15); $hex = str_replace('#', '', strtoupper($hex)); if (($length = strlen($hex)) == 3) { $hex = $hex{0}.$hex{0}.$hex{1}.$hex{1}.$hex{2}.$hex{2}; $length = 6; } if ($length != 6 or strlen(str_replace(array_keys($hex_array), '', $hex))) return NULL; $rgb['r'] = $hex_array[$hex{0}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{1}]; $rgb['g'] = $hex_array[$hex{2}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{3}]; $rgb['b']= $hex_array[$hex{4}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{5}]; return $rgb; } /** * draws a TMN color coded string onto the given picture * * @param imageHandle $src_img The picture to be drawn on * @param int $size The fontsize * @param int $x The X-Position * @param int $y The Y-Position * @param color $color The color for letters that are not otherwise color coded (default color) * @param String $font The used font * Attention: You need 4 fonts for the different styles like * tahoma.ttf -- normal style * tahomait.ttf -- italic style * tahomawd.ttf -- wide style * tahomawdit.ttf -- wide and italic style * (narrow style not implemented yet) * @param String $text The TMN color coded Text you want to display * @param boolean $stripcolors Strip out the colors or not. */ function drawStyledString($src_img,$size, $x, $y , $color, $font, $text, $stripcolors = false){ $chunks = $this->toArray($text); //var_dump($text); $x_offset = 0; $black = imagecolorallocate($src_img, 50,50,50); for ($i = 0; $i < count ($chunks); $i++){ $fontUsed = "./".$font; if ($chunks[$i]["wide"]) $fontUsed .= "wd"; if ($chunks[$i]["italic"]) $fontUsed .= "it"; if ($chunks[$i]["caps"]) $chunks[$i]["text"] = strtoupper($chunks[$i]["text"]); $fontUsed.=".ttf"; if ($chunks[$i]["color"] && (!$stripcolors)){ $colRGB = $this->get_rgb("#".$chunks[$i]["color"]); $usedCol = imagecolorallocate($src_img, $colRGB['r'], $colRGB['g'], $colRGB['b']); } else { $usedCol = $color; } imagettftext($src_img, $size, 0, $x + $x_offset + 1, $y + 1, $black, $fontUsed, $chunks[$i]["text"]); imagettftext($src_img, $size, 0, $x + $x_offset, $y, $usedCol, $fontUsed, $chunks[$i]["text"]); $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $fontUsed, $chunks[$i]["text"]); $x_offset += $bbox[2]+2; } } }
    Fatal error: Class 'TMFColorParser' not found in C:\webserver\xampp\htdocs\testblog\wp-content\plugins\wp-srvstatus\wp-srvstatus.php on line 41
    Thread Starter makingtrails


    Debugged in IE after an Javascript error and still having issues

    Unable to get value of the property ‘getElementsByTagName’: object is null or undefined

    cleanWhitespace(this.body).lastChild.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className += ' last';

    Thread Starter makingtrails


    Thread Starter makingtrails


    Figured out the solution for this. :

    To enable the function $featuredimage

    Add this to line 293 of wp2bb.php

    $featuredimage = get_the_post_thumbnail();

    And then add this to line 324

    $replacedtext = str_replace('{$featuredimage}', $featuredimage, $replacedtext);

    This would probably work for any other functions that you wish to import across to PHPBB also

    Thread Starter makingtrails



    I had this trouble of socialable duplicating so I put the php code in my template `<?php if (function_exists(‘sociable_html’)) {
    echo sociable_html();
    } ?> ` and unticked individual blog posts. This resolved this issue

    Found this –

    Works a treat ??

    Any luck with this?? As I would also like to use shortcodes.

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