Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Glossy] Glossy and Tippy Plugins – How To Get It To Work!I guess the plugin author doesn’t come to these forums, oh well i’m just going to disable this for now until i can figure it all out.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Moved To A New WebHost – Cannot Login To AdminNot sure what was happening, i cleared the entire w3 Total Cache and also re-installed wordpress 3.2.1.
Seems to point to a cache issue when moving sites with W3 Total Cache though but who knows, all plugins activated and it logs in now, only the W3 Total Cache has been cleared, thats why i suspect its that plugin but it looks like it will all work now, maybe some database things were updated by re-installing wordpress too, not sure, just glad its all now working.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Moved To A New WebHost – Cannot Login To AdminMight be the secure wordpress plugin too, going to test that now, that puts an index.html file in the plugins directory.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Moved To A New WebHost – Cannot Login To AdminThat worked but only after deleting advanced-cache.php, db.php and object-cache.php, i saved them to my computer before deleting them.
Thanks for your help, i guess this was the w3 Total Cache plugin.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Moved To A New WebHost – Cannot Login To AdminOoops my mistake, yes it is wp-login.php, thats what i get but cannot login, i will try the plugin folder trick and see if that helps and report back in a few minutes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Glossy] Glossy and Tippy Plugins – How To Get It To Work!I have just been to the website of the author of the plugin, i have seen some examples of how this works but i’m still not 100% sure and could do with some step by step instructions written for noobs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Acunetix Secure WordPress] Fatal Error when UpdateI just updated and got the same error as blogsaays. I couldn’t get back into my admin and had to delete the files from the plugin area using ftp.
My php version is 5.3.6.
I use the Suffusion theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Mobile Detector] PHP errorsI am also getting this error message and my log file is growing large with it.
: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Unexpected end tag : style in Entity, line: 246
/wp-content/plugins/wp-mobile-detector/functions.php on line 226
[20-Apr-2011 23:54:33] PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Attribute class redefined in Entity, line: 151 in /wp-content/plugins/wp-mobile-detector/functions.php on line 187I removed my site details in the above code.
Is there a fix for this. ?
My server is running PHP 5.2.9 and MySQL version 5.1.48 and i am on a VPS with Inmotion Hosting.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Suffusion 3.7.8 & Photo Albums plugin combo problemI’m seeing a whole image and they don’t look distorted, is it possible you are having cache issues, try clearing your browsers history, cache and cookies and see if that helps.
Or maybe you fixed it and i’m viewing the page after that happened.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Where is the location of the code for Continue Reading?Maybe i’m misreading this but i’m wondering if you can do this within the Suffusion Options panel.
Go to Suffusion Options – Other Graphical Elements – Layout Excerpt and scroll down to General Excerpt settings and you can change it there.
I don’t see how it could work that well, if people copy and paste content they would surely do it to wordpad or some editor program first and thus remove any code that is within this plugin to track copying, now sure if people copy directly to wordpress it might perhaps contain the hidden code that shows if your content is copied but i’m not sure if people are that stupid to directly copy straight into wordpress.
I agree with what Adam said, it should be compulsory to mention this sort of thing on the wordpress plugin page before people install the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AddToAny Plugin IssueOk i fixed this.
It seems when you add Polldaddy polls to your site it also adds tracking related to AddToAny as they use it at their site and the code shows up when using their polls and quizzes embedded on the site.
I removed Polldaddy and my page is a quarter of a second faster, not much and nothing i’d worry about but i’m happier for discovering where it was coming from.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Suffusion Theme: Footer on Each Rolling PostWhy not just post a copyright notice under the main content, no plugins or special css needed, just use the wordpress editor and put it under the post.
Incidentally in Suffusion you can go into the Suffusion admin and have the copyright notice on every page right at the bottom.
Go to WordPress admin and then click Suffusion Options – Other Graphical Elements – Footer and insert your copyright notice there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Digg and IMDB Post issuesI guess i’m the only one!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: What is this plugin called?Well my site is here,
If it’s the plugin i think it is then let me know and i’ll tell you my configuration of it.
The smaller the resolution of your screen the more inline the buttons, hence if you are using a laptop with an 800px wide resolution the buttons are within the border of your posts.
I’m using 1920px wide laptop, its on the outer edges.
Incidentally it’s not Digg plugin, i’m using this one below.