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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: What is this plugin called?I think it’s fixed social buttons.
You configure the social network buttons in your admin panel.
Ok i went into the fixed-social-buttons/fixed-social.php and edited it, simply replacing the & with the additional amp; part and hey presto it now validates.
In fact i was just reading that the plugin states valid xhtml, not on the sites i checked out and that includes the plugin authors home site.
Anyway i hope this can be fixed soon as i do love the look of this plugin.
The WordPress site isn’t allowing me to post the & amp part that i need to explain the issue, you should be able to see it though by using the WC3 validation site.
You should check this page out.
As for the queries, some plugins do add a lot, some add little, some hosts hate too many queries too.
I’d like to think plugin coders look at the queries and try and slim them down as too many queries can be a problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Random Posts] [Plugin: Easy Random Posts] Hard To Follow InstructionsI decided to just go with the Advanced Random Posts plugin as there is no requirement to insert code into the page, thus topic resolved.
I disabled the plugins one by one yesterday and checked and it was still a problem.
I’m never satisfied with the look of the site so will probably change things soon and i have been thinking of going with the tile look rather than excerpt and if i do that i may do something different with the featured content widget.
Anyway as regards the buttons, i think i’ll try the single.php file and look to put it in there, the trouble with doing that is when the theme updates you have to redo it and i always forget and several days pass before i get around to it again.
I wouldn’t rule out something at my end but i’m baffled as to what it could be, i have looked carefully at the settings and the only cause of the issue is enabling featured posts in the widget area below header.
I’ll have to think carefully about this and if i can think of anything i’ll get back to you, for now i’m ok with just having the buttons on the front page.
Sayontan who handles the Suffusion theme suggests this is a plugin issue.
He said this below which you can see in his forum for the theme.
Before I venture an answer is the plugin enabled for single posts at present? I ask because when I look at your page source I see the plugin code multiple times in the featured content section, but never in the main content. This would typically mean that the plugin failed to invoke for the single post itself, in which case it is a bug that needs to be resolved by the plugin author.
The order of markup creation is top to bottom. So your Widget Area below Header is created first, then your posts and then the widget area above footer. So maybe the script executes the first time it is found (in the header) and that causes a problem for the main post. The same doesn’t happen for the footer, where the script goes after being shown in the main content. Mind you, this is all guesswork – I have no clue how the plugin is built internally.
If you can fix this it would be great but if not i can live with having it only on the front page of the site.
OK so i move the featured content section to below footer instead of below header and the AddToAny buttons are back on the post pages.
It cannot be a plugin issue, it has to be some sort of issue between Suffusion and that widget area and AddToAny.
Placing featured content above footer works fine, it only is a problem when placing it below the header area in Suffusion.
I’m going to post about it in the Suffusion forum, perhaps the theme owner might have a workaround for this.
My settings are:
All boxes ticked except Display Share/Save button at the bottom of pages
Menu Options.
I only have one box unticked and thats the one below.
Only show the menu when the user clicks the Share/Save button
In Advanced options i have Use CSS Stylesheet ticked and below that is the cache box which is unticked.
Incidentally i did go to the official site and fill in the Locally cache script, i then changed my mind on that, would that cause a problem. ?
I rolled back to an earlier version of AddToAny from a stored backup from April, still doesn’t work although this is just stored files so perhaps the database had some changes in the latest edition.
I then rolled back to an earlier version of Suffusion – 3.4.9 and checked again, still didn’t have the buttons on the post pages, only on the front home page despite setting up for posts.
I also disabled DB Cache Reloaded but that didn’t work.
I’ll try editing the file you mention using FTP and putting it directly into the post pages using the single.php file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: DB Cache Reloaded] Not compatible with WP 3.0 ??Yah the patch stopped working today after i disabled and enabled DB Cache again. I did that to check on other things at the site.
Since this only seems to affect editing posts and writing new posts as well as updates within the WordPress admin panel can i enable DB Cache Reloaded when not writing posts and disable when writing posts. ?
Have tried deleting AddToAny and that includes deleting the entires in the database using PHPMYAdmin.
I then re-installed and its still not showing in posts.
Everything worked fine for me before the last two updates, not sure if this is a conflict with one of my plugins but thats highly likely and i may try disabling them one by one soon to check this out.
Using the plugins below.
AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button
Bad Behavior
cbnet Ping Optimizer
Contextual Related Posts
Count Per Day
Custom Post Limits
DB Cache Reloaded
Dean’s FCKEditor For WordPress
Fast and Secure Contact Form
Google XML Sitemaps
Gurken Subscribe to Comments
Invisible Defender
Light SEO
NextGEN Gallery
Ozh’ Better Feed
Page Management Dropdown
Secure WordPress
Simply Exclude
Table of Contents Creator
Top 10
Ultimate Noindex Nofollow Tool
User Locker
WordPress Admin Bar
The WordPress Mobile Pack with mpexo
WP System Health
Ok i tried putting the code directly in to the single.php file <?php if( function_exists(‘ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_KIT’) ) { ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_KIT(); } ?>
It didn’t work for me, i tried five different locations within the file.
Is there a specific place to put that code to get it to work.
I am also going to try disabling the Related Posts plugin just in case that is somehow the problem.