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  • Thread Starter mamashi



    No solution for me. If i had a link in action in the loop title, the link with the class “woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link” break first and it’s duplicate too.

    This is a exemple of my code.

            add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', function() {
                $category_ids = wc_get_product( get_the_ID() )->get_category_ids();
                foreach ( $category_ids as $id ) {
                    $category[] = get_term_by( 'term_id', $id, 'product_cat' );
                if (empty($category)) {
                echo '<p><a>' . $category[0]->name . '</a></p>';
            }, 15 );

    If i remove the HTML link tag like : ‘<p>’ . $category[0]->name . ‘</p>’;
    The output is good and is :

    <li class="product type-product post-1278 status-publish first instock product_cat-chambres virtual taxable purchasable product-type-phive_booking">
       <a href="" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link">
          <img class="woocommerce-placeholder wp-post-image" >
          <p>Chambres</p> <!-- THIS IS MY OUTPUT -->
          <h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">Cambre d’Aze</h2>
          <span class="price"></span>
       <a class="button product_type_phive_booking add_to_cart_button">Reserver maintenant</a>

    If i add the link like in my code snippet, i have this output with bug :

    <li class="product type-product post-1278 status-publish first instock product_cat-chambres virtual taxable purchasable product-type-phive_booking">
       <a href="" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link">
          <img class="woocommerce-placeholder wp-post-image" >
       </a> <!-- Th link bug and wrap just the img instead all content -->
       <p> <!-- This is my output -->
          <a href="https://ecureuil.local/reserver/cambre-daze/" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link"> <!-- This link is add too with no reason -->
          </p><!-- /This is my output -->
          <h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">Cambre d’Aze</h2>
          <span class="price"></span>
          <a class="button product_type_phive_booking add_to_cart_button">Reserver maintenant</a>
    Thread Starter mamashi


    I got it, I have already abandoned this idea. I just wanted to understand why it’s doesn’t work. I am using the ‘knowledge’
    query_varjust to pass the variable to my cpt archive page. Like a $_GET variable.
    Thank you for your time ??

    Thread Starter mamashi


    In my project i customize the permalink of my cpt for include the term into the url like that :{term_slug}/realisations/{cpt_name}
    In the loop the main query check this parameters by default : ?post_type={{cpt_post_type}&name={cpt_name}&knowledge={term_slug}
    In the single page template the url if the {term_slug} is wrong the page display still because the main query just ignore the term_slug and just check on the name and post_type value.
    I found while my reserach the tax_query doesn’t work for single page.
    I maybe a little lost.

    Thread Starter mamashi



    Do you have a solution for this issue ?

    Thread Starter mamashi


    Yes but is the Android version with yout link, the PC version is installed by the software avast directly.

    Thread Starter mamashi



    The extension is provide by Avast antivirus, it’s not possible to get the extension without the antivirus.

    I found the problem.
    In “hotel-booking.js’ file, in event function “$(‘form[class^=”hb-search-form”]’).submit(function (e) {});

    You get the unique id like this :

    var _self = $(this);
    unique = _self.attr('class');
    unique = unique.replace('hb-search-form-', '');

    It’s valid just if you are just one class on your element.

    I corrected like this :

    var classes = _self[0].className.split(' ');		
    for(var i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++){
    	if(classes[i].includes('hb-search-form-')) {
    		unique = classes[i];
    unique = unique.replace('hb-search-form-', '');

    It’s working.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by mamashi.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by mamashi.
    Thread Starter mamashi


    Ok i’m finally found the problem because i don’t test the website with others browsers (it’s my fault). Your plugin works but i found the google extension who have a conflicts with your plugin.

    I don’t have many extension but i have “Avast Passwords”, it’s extension of Antivirus software for record and securize passwords and the extension add a class on your form (for inject password) and it’s break your plugin.

    With Avast extension (form search dosn’t work) : Extension add AVAST_PAM_nonloginform class and certainly break your js or i don’t know

    <form name="hb-search-form" action="" class="hb-search-form-5baf568fd9933 AVAST_PAM_nonloginform">

    But if i disable the extension or i remove manualy the class with google tools developer the scripts work finally.

    I hope my remark help you for improve your plugin.

    Thread Starter mamashi


    Ok, I admit i’m a little confused because it’s works on your video, i check on my phone, it’s works too but nothing is happened on Google Chrome on my computer…

    Thread Starter mamashi


    Weird, Adblock have conflict with tout plugin ?

    Thread Starter mamashi



    The exemple wordpress site is at this URL :
    i install wphotelbooking and few addon (coupon etc…).


    Thread Starter mamashi



    For now the website is in prod in localhost but if you want, i create empty wordpress site with your plugin for test. What do you need ?

    Thread Starter mamashi



    Nice, i read that on the forum or on your doc but i asked just to be sure.


    Thread Starter mamashi



    No sorry, i talk about payment process plugin for example compatible with Woocommerce supplied by the banking establishment of my customer.

    Or maybe un another plugin like Ogone to replace Stripe ? Is it possible ? Maybe if i create a class extending WPHB_Payment_Gateway_Base.

    Thanks you.


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