Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Loading order of adsHi Philip,
thanks for your reply.
Google says: “he higher an AD appears on a page (again, in the HTML not the visible part of the page), the more that AD is worth.”That means you are right – it depends solely on visibility.
Thanks for clarifying.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Google Authenticator] Great for securityI see. I know these application specific passwors. I just got confused by “app password” instead of “application specific password”.
Now it’s clear to me – thanks!
Where would you put it? As I pointed out, modern themes’ comment.php don’t provide an input tag anymore.
See yourself. Instead of printing an input and form field, they only call comment_field().So there is no easy to do this as you suggested. That’s why I asked for a hookor so.
Thanks, Ben
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] [Plugin: Antispam Bee] Registrierungs SpamTrue, but I do understand him ??
As I understood, Sergej is not going to implement such a feature to ASB. It is dedicated to trackback/pingback and comment spam.
Is deactivating registration an option for you? If not, someone might try to extend ASB.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] Antispam Bee turns off by it selfHi,
never experienced such a problem. Do you have any cache plugins installed? If so, try emptying the page cache etc. after activating the plugin.
Also, please try to deactivate, delete and reinstall the new version. There might be an error in it.
See if it helps. If not, we’d have to check for additional details.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] [Plugin: Antispam Bee] Duplicate moderation emailsHi Milan,
I do not get two mails. Are both E-Mails titled with “Spam Notification”? If not, the second mail might have been send by other reasons.
Also, are both emails having same or different headers (like timestamp, reciepient, sender, body etc.). Please note that every tiny bit of information might be helpful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Antispam Bee] [Plugin: Antispam Bee] Some new advanced options confusingWell, consider the first option:
Mark spam instead of deleting
Now the new options says
Delete instantly, if spam reason is one of the following
Instead of “spam reason” think of “spam detection algorithm”.
So with both options enabled, spam won’t be deleted but marked instead (first option/checkbox). But if the spam reason (detection) is on of the following, delete it instantly anyway, regardless of having “Mark spam instead of deleting” checked.
Hope that made it a little bit clearer…
I just double-checked it is
- Not the theme (preview of multiple others used
- Not any other plugin (deactivated every one
- Not my code’s fault (tested with CodeColorer successfully
So what came to my mind: Could it be geshi gives you an extra line break, which will then be converted to a paragraph? Just a guess.
@esmi: Sorry for speaking german. But probably this plugin is not in use by non-german speaking folks – yet ??
// English translation (summary) of the previous posts
This plugin currently does not work correctly when the setting ?activate on home page? is set to on. Only every second button of the same type will be activated, if the default preference for that button has been set to active.
The reason for this behaviour: this plugin has never been designed for this purpose (showing up multiple times on a single web page). I.e. there will be longer delays when loading the page and most probably javascript errors.The developer (H-Peter Pfeufer) is currently working on a fixed version and kindly asked for our patience. TIIUNDER pointed out this plugin will work anyway, regardless of the buttons’ default states, so this issue is not to be overrated.
Top! Dankesch?n!! ??
ich dokumentiere es noch einmal im Blog, aber hier auch für die Mitleser:
Es würde genügen (so hab ich es bislang gel?st) hinter die entsprechenden Tags!important
zu schreiben. Damit klappt es.Falls es ein git/svn o.?. gibt, mach ich gerne einen Patch fertig.
Ok, das kann ich best?tigen. Das gilt aber scheinbar nur für die übersichtsseite. L?dt man die Artikel einzeln (z.B. durch Klick auf die überschrift), dann funktioniert es korrekt.
Das Problem habe ich nicht, da ich den more-Tag nutzen und daher die Buttons auf der übersichtsseite deaktiviert habe. Würde es bei Dir aber auch als Fehlverhalten werten.
Ich verstehe nicht, was daran falsch sein soll. Jedes erneute Laden der Seite deaktiviert ALLE Buttons, die nicht als permanent aktiviert markiert sind. Das ist so gewollt.
Das neue Update hat auch keine Besserung gebracht.
Link: blog.bmarwell.de
Bildschirmfoto: https://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/813/2clickmedia.png/Man sieht deutlich, dass Graphene hier die CSS-Styles überschreibt.
Kann ich nicht best?tigen. Cache gel?scht?