Forum Replies Created
Thanks, kavin! I’m using WordPress Form Manager, which was not submitting any forms in IE9. implementing the plugin using the HTML structures vs the shortcode solved the problem for me.
I found a solution. The problem was a conflict with the WP UI tab plugin I mentioned above. In case anyone else has this problem, I followed the directions in regards to implementing the HTML formatting instead of the shortcodes for the WP UI tab plugin:
This was only happening in IE 9
I’m experiencing this problem on my sites (only with IE 9).
and addition to FM, I am running the following plugin that might be the cuplrit, but my sites rely heavily on that plugin as well as FM, so I haven’t been able to test with the plugin turned off:
WP UI – Tabs, accordions and more.The first site send email via SMTP (due to our school’s IT security recommendations) and the second site is at the default email setting (but is slated to be set up with SMTP). Due to this, I don’t think I have the option to try changing the advanced email settings.
Is there anything else I can try
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Form Manager] [Plugin: WordPress Form Manager] File Attachment LinkI’m getting the same error from files that were already uploaded. The same files that had been uploaded in January (who’s URL changed to Feb) now are getting a March URL. I had manually moved the files to the Feb folder (They are still there), but the generated URL links are now /files/2012/03/recommendationservicescholar%20(01-12-12-08-10-47).pdf
I haven’t touched the site since. I have updated the Form Manager plugin.
I’m running Version 1.6.29
Is there a setting on my end, perhaps, that I need to adjust?
I did a network activation, but switch it back for two reasons. I did not want people using it immediately, or being confused by its possibility, without training and orientation on our end. Plus, since we are using it for University student organizations and staff groups, there are official hoops groups are suppose to jump through before doing certain types of events (which involves bookings and tickets) and we are not yet ready to provide this tool to every group without certain policies and practices in place. The second is that we are running way too many plugins and haven’t had a chance to test against compatibility with all of them. But, if running the installation as a network install is the best way, then we may have to adjust our priorities to accommodate as this plugin is superfab!
Semi-related, when I did a network activation, it automatically added the necessary events/categories/locations pages which in turn added these pages to the navigation of some 200 blog sites. Right now, were only using on one activities programming site (for the time being). It would be nice to have an option to have the pages set to draft when doing a network activation. And then be able to individually publish the pages blog by blog (or in bulk) after activation to avoid sites not using the events system from having cluttered navigation that has no content.
Thanks! I’m an idiot. Just realized I was running one version too old (prior to the addition of this feature). I thought I was going crazy, not being to find it still. Thanks for your help and a great plugin!
I running into a problem where in updating the plugin, I get this error:
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Could not remove the old plugin.
Plugin update failed.I’m assuming it is something wrong on my end and will search the broader WordPress forum. If you’ve seen this before and happen to know a solution, I’d be grateful for any help.
I looked for the new setting, but could not find it. Could you point me in the right direction?
Looks like for me, I’m using Multisite, so be default, I cannot see the Email Settings options. I switched the code to allow this on my installation, but will this create conflicts on other blogs on my network? Or is there a way to better enable these options in Multisite?
I do like halifaxious’ idea above.
Quick and dirty, you could manually edit em-mailer.php on lines 48, 49
$mail->From = get_option('dbem_mail_sender_address'); $mail->FromName = get_option('dbem_mail_sender_name');
and replace with your content. Would be nice if this come from the EM settings, otherwise I’m assuming this file would become overwritten when the plugin is updated.
I’m playing around with writing a companion plugin to address this, but I am far from being an expert in this area.
Update works like a charm. Best developer ever! Thanks for your help!
So in playing around some more, for me at least, I can only insert the short code successfully in HTML edit mode, not in Visual edit mode. On a separate server, the only plugins installed were this map plugin plus TinyMCE Advanced (which I tried deactivating). The shortcode would insert, but when I updated in Visual mode, I got an error on the front end, but when I updated in HTML mode, it worked fantastic.
For example, this map (same KML) was updated in Visual mode (doesn’t work): map, (same KML as above) was updated in HTML mode: truly appreciate your help. It’s probably something easy on my end that I need to tweak, but I am blind to it.
Stars given!. Great support!
I think something else funky is happening on my end, probably a plugin. It appears that in the javascript it is replace all “&” with “&”
So instead of:’s the shortcode that I saved.
[google-map-v3 width="350" height="350" zoom="12" maptype="ROADMAP" mapalign="center" addmarkermashupbubble="false" addmarkermashupbubble="false" kml="" maptypecontrol="true" pancontrol="true" zoomcontrol="true" scalecontrol="true" streetviewcontrol="true" scrollwheelcontrol="false" bubbleautopan="true" showbike="false" showtraffic="false" showpanoramio="false"]
I was able to get it working on another old site that I haven’t used for a while. This leads me to believe it may also be some plugin I have installed, perhaps the theme, but most likely a plugin.
Supper thanks for all your help! Great developer!
I had tried with EM installed, but only activated site by site, then I tried the complete network install with global tables set to no.OK. Any clue as to which php doc I would need to edit? Perhaps em-person.php?
This past Monday, Feb 20. Just noticed that it wasn’t working yesterday. Same version (just installed it Monday and it was working fantastic), then an end user client went to add a new map, and it didn’t work. I had left the original test map intact (that had been working on Monday) and saw that it no longer was working. Thought it might be a plugin conflict, so started a completely new site to test with no luck. It was the same KML URL (that I used on Monday when it worked and which I used on the new test site).
This was the original test using the KML URL from the Google Places map link from above: