Forum Replies Created
First of all, thanks for a great theme!
By my opinion, disabling lazy loading is not the solution for image heavy sites where lazy loading images plays a key feture.
I have found some workarounds:
1/ disabling lazy loading for slider images only by adding ‘skip-lazy’ class (see Jetpack lazy load module documentation) into .slider-featured-image img tag. This can by done by modifing colormag-featured-posts-slider-widget.php on line 117 via a child theme:
'class' => 'attachment-colormag-featured-image size-colormag-featured-image wp-post-image skip-lazy',
Disadvantage: no lazy loading for slider images, but better than no lazy loading at all2/ setting the fixed height of a div element with the .single-slide class using css:
.single-slide { height: 350px!important }
Disadvantage: slider images apear with a delay after slider rotates the imageI think that the slider widget implemented into ColorMag should be re-coded as it is a source of many different issues as one can read in ColorMag support forums.
Just my two cents ??
I did not see any particular error. I had to delete the plugin from my FTP.
PHP 5.6
### wp-core ###version: 5.2.2
site_language: cs_CZ
user_language: cs_CZ
permalink: /%postname%/
https_status: false
user_registration: 0
default_comment_status: open
multisite: false
user_count: 5
dotorg_communication: true### wp-active-theme ###
name: ColorMag
version: 1.4.1
author: ThemeGrill
parent_theme: none
theme_features: automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, menus, custom-background, title-tag, post-formats, html5, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, custom-logo, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, align-wide, starter-content, custom-header, widgets### wp-plugins-active (33) ###
Advanced Custom Fields: version: 5.8.1, author: Elliot Condon (latest version: 5.8.2)
Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.2, author: Automattic
All-in-One WP Migration: version: 6.97, author: ServMask (latest version: 7.2)
Anywhere Elementor: version: 1.1, author: WebTechStreet
Author Avatars List: version: 1.16, author: Paul Bearne (latest version: 1.17)
Catch IDs: version: 1.8, author: Catch Plugins
Content Aware Sidebars: version: 3.8.1, author: Joachim Jensen – DEV Institute (latest version: 3.8.2)
Custom Post Type UI: version: 1.6.2, author: WebDevStudios
Decent Comments: version: 1.8.0, author: itthinx
Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades: version: 2.0.1, author: Chris Jean
Elementor: version: 2.6.6, author:
Elementor Addon Elements: version: 1.5.3, author: WebTechStreet
Featured Image by URL: version: 1.1.4, author: Knawat Team
Jetpack by version: 7.4.1, author: Automattic (latest version: 7.5.3)
jQuery Archive List Widget: version: 4.0.1, author: Miguel Angel Useche Castro
Leaflet Map: version: 2.14.0, author: bozdoz
Leaflet Map Widget: version: 0.1, author:
Maintenance: version: 3.6.3, author: fruitfulcode
Posts Date Ranges: version: 2.2, author: Jaytesh Barange
Recent Posts Widget Extended: version:, author: Satrya
Remove Orphan Shortcodes: version: 1.1, author: Meks
Remove Yoast SEO Comments: version: 3.1, author: Mitch
tagDiv Composer: version: 1.0, author: tagDiv
tagDiv Social Counter: version: 4.2, author: tagDiv
Tweeple: version: 0.9.5, author: Theme Blvd
VideographyWP Lite: version: 1.0.9, author: CodeFlavors
Widget CSS Classes: version: 1.5.3, author: C.M. Kendrick
Woody ad snippets (PHP snippets | Insert PHP): version: 2.2.4, author: Will Bontrager Software, LLC <[email protected]>, Webcraftic <[email protected]>
WordPress Popular Posts: version: 4.2.2, author: Hector Cabrera
WP User Avatar: version: 2.2.4, author: flippercode
Yoast SEO: version: 11.5, author: Team Yoast (latest version: 11.7)
YotuWP – YouTube Gallery: author: (undefined), version: 1.3.4
YouTube Channel: version:, author: Aleksandar Uro?evi? (latest version: wp-media ###
image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
imagick_module_version: 1688
imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-3 Q16 x86_64 2017-03-26
gd_version: 2.1.1
ghostscript_version: unknown### wp-server ###
server_architecture: Linux 3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64
httpd_software: Apache
php_version: 5.6.22 64bit
php_sapi: fpm-fcgi
max_input_variables: 1000
time_limit: 60
memory_limit: 256M
max_input_time: 60
upload_max_size: 128M
php_post_max_size: 128M
curl_version: 7.29.0 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC
suhosin: false
imagick_availability: true
htaccess_extra_rules: false### wp-database ###
extension: mysqli
server_version: 5.6.41-84.1
client_version: 5.5.44-MariaDB### wp-filesystem ###
wordpress: writable
wp-content: writable
uploads: writable
plugins: writable
themes: writableThe same problem. Had to delete the plugin.
Exactly, does not work. Just want to give the plugin try, but… When I set my external featured image through a metabox of any post and then view the post no featured image is displayed (the same for all external image modes of the plugin). Afterwards, when I edit the same post I cannot see any external featured image set in the metabox (it is empty). It seems data are not saved properly…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Leaflet Map] More than one GeoJSON popup_propertyI’ve resolved it, sorry for replying to a resolved topic.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Leaflet Map] More than one GeoJSON popup_propertyThis is behind my coding knowledge. I just need to show more properties in a single popup. What would look the shortcode like? Do I need to modify any php code of the plugin? If yes can I achive this using Code Snippets plugin which I broadly use? Thanks, Roman.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Error messages in pdb_searchThank you very much for investigating. I confirm v1.5 of the javascript has solved the issue. I apreciate your help.
Is there any way how to resolve other topic?
It might be related to the javascript as well, just not automatically submitting the values passed through a link into the search form fields.
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Error messages in pdb_searchIt does show the error message above the list but it does not show error message above the search. Try this:
Put both [pdb_search] and [pdb_list search=true] in the same page (in different locations) and click on the search button of the [pdb_list] search form – error message pops up. Now click on the search button of the [pdb_search] search form – nothing happens.
Then, if one has [pdb_search] and [pdb_list search=false] in the same page, no way for showing error message…I think it might be search button submission problem in the [pdb_search] search form, not CSS rule overwritting.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Error messages in pdb_searchAs I explained in the previous post I cannot use the search that is attached to the list due to page layout design.
Despite this I think error messages should display properly either above the search or above the list, but not be omitted totally.
These issues are easily replicable. As soon as I put them online I will send you a link to investigate.
Unfortunately I cannot use [pdb_list search=true] as I need to have the search form placed in a different part of the page due to page layout design. Thus separated [pdb_search] is necessary.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by manasek.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] No thumbnail image when sharing a post on facebookHi, yeas I have just found some older topics about it, sorry to open a new one.
Anyway, I remember there was no need to have a plugin for it a couple of months ago. Maybe WordPress or Hueman update have caused it.
Thank you
RomanForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Featured Image wont display on FacebookThe same issue here. Moreover it seems that Hueman demo site suffers as well. Have you resolved it, omar2008?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Czech translationWe have just reached 100%
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Title for custom taxonomy archivesFantastic, it works, thank you. Please, could a theme author consider adding custom taxonomy support in a future update?
Thank you
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Title for custom taxonomy archivesHi,
thank you for your advice. I have modified a/m function and put it into my child theme functions.php:
/****************************** Override Theme Term Page Title text and icon ******************************/ /* Term Page title /* @todo => generalize to all taxinomies, including custom ones /* ------------------------------------ */ if ( ! function_exists( 'hu_get_term_page_title' ) ) { function hu_get_term_page_title() { if ( is_category() ) { $title = sprintf('<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i>%1$s <span>%2$s </span>', __('Category:','hueman'), single_cat_title('', false) ); } else if ( is_tag() ) { $title = sprintf('<i class="fa fa-map"></i>%1$s <span>%2$s </span>', __('Oblast:','hueman'), single_tag_title('', false) ); } if ( is_tax() ) { $title = sprintf('<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>%1$s <span>%2$s </span>', __('Místo:','hueman'), single_term_title('', false) ); } return $title; } }
But I have no succcess, you can see it here:
Both is_tax() and single_term_title() seem to work – the same code at the same page works as you can see in the sidebar on the top (“Místo: Smr?ina”). I put this code into PHP enabled text widget:
if ( is_tax() ) { $title = sprintf('<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>%1$s <span>%2$s </span>', __('Místo:','hueman'), single_term_title('', false) ); echo $title }
What am I doing wrong? I am not a professional PHP coder…
- This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by manasek.