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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LocateAnything - Searchable map Plugin] BugsThe problem is the same with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields Plugin for WordPress).
There is nothing you can do ? It will be usefull because this plugin is used by a lot of people !Thank you !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LocateAnything - Searchable map Plugin] BugsThank you for your answer,
It’s working if i desactivate the plugin “Advanced Custom Fields PRO”
All my site is built with this plugin, can you provide a fix ?
Thank you very much,
I can try,
What you are doing on line 391 is done before the alm_modify_query_args() ?ajax-load-more.php
starting at line 391if($post_status != 'publish'){ // If not 'publish', confirm user has rights to view these old posts. if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){ $post_status = $post_status; } else { $post_status = 'publish'; } $post_status = $post_status; }
Instead of checking if the user is an admin can we check instead if the user is the owner of the post ?
It’s important my users need to list their own posts when they are with the status pending or draft. (They can add post from the front office).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Latest Update jQuery ErrorHello,
On my side I can see the bug only in Safari (OSX or IOS).
I get the following in Safari console:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='. Expected a ')' or a ',' after a parameter declaration. (anonymous function)ajax-load-more.js:524
Thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Delete Cache Public FunctionHi Darren,
Thank you for you answer, I will try to fire alm_delete_cache() when a post is published / updated and I will let you know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Paging Preload CacheYou think it’s possible to support that ?
I mean the caching of preloaded post inside ALM Cache in order to display them again after Filering ?I simply have that and i would like to display the same result i get from the shortcode when i click back on the fisrt link :
<ul id="alm-filter-nav"> <li class="active selected"> <a href="#" data-preloaded="true" data-preloaded-amount="8" data-preloaded="false" data-cache="true" data-cache-id="<?php echo $invID; ?>" data-post-status="">Published</a> </li><li> <a href="#" data-preloaded="false" data-cache="false" data-cache-id="" data-post-status="draft">Draft</a> </li><li> <a href="#" data-preloaded="false" data-cache="false" data-cache-id="" data-post-status="pending" >Pending</a> </li> </ul> echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more posts_per_page="8" preloaded="true" preloaded_amount="8" cache="true" cache_id="'. $invID .'" post_type="recipe" author="'. $user_id .'"]');
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Paging Preload CacheThank you for you answer , it’s great if Paging and Preloaded is on you todo list.
I’m going to try again Cache and Paging.
About Cache and Preload i’ve seen that the X Preload Posts are not cached on page-0.html
There is a way to add the preload posts into this first cached file ?It’s because when using filtering, when i try to go back to the original result given by the shortcode i can’t have back the original preloaded posts.
Thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheEverything is fine now, thanks again !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheSorry i didn’t get your first answer, i’m going to change that !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheThe button :
<li class="light"><a title="Rice" data-taxonomy_operator="IN" data-taxonomy_terms="rice" data-taxonomy="recipe_category" data-post_type="recipe" data-posts_per_page="6" data-scroll_distance="10" data-repeater="default" href="#"><i class="ico icon-rice"></i> <span>Rice</span></a></li>
Also when i click on the button, the div alm-listing is taking the button param’s correctly :
<div class="alm-listing alm-ajax " data-images-loaded="false" data-transition="slide" data-destroy-after="" data-button-class="loading" data-button-label="Older Posts" data-pause="false" data-pause-override="false" data-max-pages="5" data-scroll-distance="150" data-scroll="true" data-lang="" data-posts-per-page="6" data-offset="0" data-orderby="date" data-order="DESC" data-post-status="" data-custom-args="" data-search="" data-exclude="" data-post-not-in="" data-post-in="" data-author="" data-day="" data-month="" data-year="" data-meta-type="" data-meta-relation="" data-meta-compare="" data-meta-value="" data-meta-key="" data-taxonomy-relation="" data-taxonomy-operator="" data-taxonomy-terms="" data-taxonomy="recipe_category" data-tag-not-in="" data-tag="" data-category-not-in="" data-category="" data-post-format="" data-post-type="recipe" data-repeater="default" data-preloaded-amount="6" data-preloaded="true" data-scroll_distance="10" data-posts_per_page="6" data-post_type="recipe" data-taxonomy_terms="rice" data-taxonomy_operator="IN">
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheYes you have it just before.
If you want where i can send you privately the link to see the web page ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheThank for your response, i was using almFilter this way just to try to see what was going on.
On the website i’m using it the way you describe :
The shortcode :
echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more posts_per_page="6" preloaded="true" preloaded_amount="6" post_type="recipe"]');
The buttons :
<li class="light"><a title="Rice" data-taxonomy_operator="IN" data-taxonomy_terms="rice" data-taxonomy="recipe_category" data-post_type="recipe" data-posts_per_page="6" data-scroll_distance="10" data-repeater="default" href="#"><i class="ico icon-rice"></i> <span>Rice</span></a></li>
and below the JS like your example.
(...) var data =, // Get data values from selected menu item transition = 'fade', // 'slide' | 'fade' | null speed = '300'; //in milliseconds console.log(data); jQuery.fn.almFilter(transition, speed, data); // reset Ajax Load More (transition, speed, data) (...)
If i press the button Rice, the call on admin-ajax.php is done with thoses params :
action=alm_query_posts author= category= category__not_in= comments= custom_args= day= exclude= lang= meta_compare= meta_key= meta_relation= meta_type= meta_value= month= nonce=305b88a578 offset=0 order=DESC orderby=date pageNumber=0 post__in= post__not_in= post_format= post_status= post_type[]=recipe posts_per_page=6 preloaded=true preloaded_amount=6 previous_post=false previous_post_id= previous_post_taxonomy= query_type=standard repeater=default search= seo_start_page=1 slug=recipe tag= tag__not_in= taxonomy=recipe_category taxonomy_operator= taxonomy_relation= taxonomy_terms= theme_repeater=null year=
I can’t figure why taxonomy_terms and taxonomy_relation are empty (and why it’s ok for the others param like taxonomy).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering CacheIn fact the problem don’t seems related to “cache” but to “filtering’
When cache is desactivated (main shortcode and filtering buttons).
If i do :
jQuery.fn.almFilter('fade', '300', ({repeater:"default", posts_per_page:6, post_type:"recipe", taxonomy:"recipe_category", taxonomy_terms:"rice", taxonomy_operator:"IN"}));
The request on admin-ajax.php is :
The param taxonomy_terms is empty, it shoud contains “rice”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] Filtering. SEOThank you for your fast answer !