Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Page skipping after load – mobile versionI have no idea. Send me the link. May be I can figure out
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Link imagesI added up this in the Todo list and this will be added in future release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Link imagesWhat you can do is to edit the shortcode.php file according to your requirement
Replace the following line of code from 99 to 111
$out .= '<li>'; $out .= '<div class="rsSliderWrap">'; $out .= '<img src='.$imgSrc.' alt="'.$title.'" />'; if($hide == false): $out .= '<div class="rsSliderContent">'; $out .= '<div><a href="'.$href.'" >'.$title.'</a></div>'; $out .= '<div>'.$description.'</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; endif; $out .= '</div>'; $out .= '</li>';
with following code
$out .= '<li>'; $out .= '<div class="rsSliderWrap"><a href="'.$href.'" >'; $out .= '<img src='.$imgSrc.' alt="'.$title.'" />'; if($hide == false): $out .= '<div class="rsSliderContent">'; $out .= '<div>'.$title.'</div>'; $out .= '<div>'.$description.'</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; endif; $out .= '</div></a>'; $out .= '</li>';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Slide doesn't reach all the wayBoth of your problem dots and spacing lies in your css
.shortcode-content ul li { list-style-type: square; padding-left: 5px; }
Dot is due to
list-style-type: square;
and spacing is due topadding-left: 5px;
Remove these two line or try to override in flexslider.css
If you find it helpful please rate the plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Does not work within jQuery toggle sliderIts hard to figure out theoretically. Send me URL of site. Maybe I can figure it out. Most probably the problem with be Jquery conflict.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Slide doesn't reach all the wayOne possibility is that
tag of flex slider inherit margin left. So the solution is to make left margin 0
So there are two possibilities either add following line in wp-content/themes/yourtheme_folder/style.css under your theme or update it in the wp-content/plugins/wp-responsive-slider/flex/css/flexslider.css
.flexslider .slides > li {margin-left: 0 !important;}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Slide doesn't reach all the wayPlease send me the link of your website I can suggest you if anything need to be changed
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Displaying alt text slider imagesThankyou for your feed back. I have updated the plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Slider AnimationOK,
I will update slider. So please check it again in 2, 3 days.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SNAP EXT!] WordPress A-Z individually?Hi,
you can display post from within specific category.<?php
if (function_exists(‘wp_snap’)){
echo wp_snap(‘cat=15&child=true&firstload=recent’);
?>Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Simple and worksThank you for your comments
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Bug Add New SlideHi @mikyjoseph,
Thank you for your review. It was working perfectly fine for me without Jquery in enqueque script. but I have update it as you said. Please review your rating ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RESPONSIVE AND SWIPE SLIDER!] Slider TitleHi,
Thankyou for you comments. I have update the plugin. Now download the fresh copy and you can show/hide the title of slider from the admin setting panel.
— Please rate the plugin if you find it good ?? —Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SNAP EXT!] Wish someone would updateHi doulie,
I was busy in some stuff. I will update the plugin hopefully next weekend. Please keep in touch and provide me with the feed back.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SNAP EXT!] Still supported/developedHi,
You are most welcome to update and maintain plugin. Send me your contact info and we will fix it