Forum Replies Created
Update :
I have found a solution. In the plugin settings :
– disable the shortening service (none) then save settings
– enable the Bit.Ly shortening service then save settings again
Hope it helpsI have created a new shortcode which skips the CF7 form when user is logged in :
Function show_download_link($article) { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $dlm_short = '[download id="' . $article[0] . '" format="format-coach"]'; $affiche = '<br/><p>Cliquez sur ce lien pour visualiser le fichier : <span class="button-file-dl">' . do_shortcode ( $dlm_short ) . '</span></p></br>'; } else { $ebd_short = '[email-download download_id="' . $article[0] . '" contact_form_id="460"]'; $affiche = '<p>' . do_shortcode ( $ebd_short ) . '</p>'; } return ( $affiche ); } add_shortcode('my-dl-link', 'show_download_link');
This must be added in the functions.php of your theme.
Then use shortcode [my-dl-link Id] in your post.Hope it helps
Hi Richard,
Thanks for answering my post.Actually the link leads to a “search result” page. Here is an example.
As you can see, the output also shows past events, that I don’t wand to show (and also don’t want to remove from calendar).
The best would be to show the calendar view with all options, but only for events related to a single contact. I was not able to find how to do this, can you help ?
Thanks and regards
I have experienced the same problem since one month : posts were blocked “0 from n sent”, and in the process_batch_send log the error message was :<b>Warning</b>: mysql_real_escape_string(): 25 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>/my_site/wp-includes/wp-db.php</b> on line <b>787</b>
Yesterday I disabled W3 Total Cache and all posts have been released (also the oldest ones).
I would be grateful if a solution could be found, in order to improve again the users’ experience through reactivating W3 …
ManuIn fact, is the original option of your plugin.
I submit a support request.
It must be linked tu the last 2.4.5 update, since it was OK before.
Many thanks for helpThanks Joe for your quick answer.
1) Are you publishing directly from the WordPress admin? Yes
2) Is the information you’ve posted above regarding scheduled posts representative of what’s saved before the post is published, or after?
It was representative of “after““Before” I have :
– _jd_tweet_this : “yes”
– _wp_jd_bitly : empty
– _wp_jd_twitter : empty
– _wp_jd_target : empty !!! (all _jd keys are empty, too).Does it help you ?
Many thanks in advance for your help !Same question for me, please help !
Look at solution here !
A much better solution found here :
See post from chembro303And if you also want to hide de “sent” message, just include [response] inside the form before the closing /div
Enjoy !
Hi there,
In CF7 there is the possibility to add “default values” in the form fields, this for EACH form. I modified the form as follows :<p>Votre nom (obligatoire) : [text* your-name default:user_display_name] </p> <p>Votre email (obligatoire) : [email* your-email default:user_email] </p>
The form is still visible, but at least I will not bother the registered users….
I am still interested in skipping the CF7 form if you find a solution.Hi there,
In CF7, there is the possibility to customize the “email sent” message for EACH form.
I just modified it as “Thanks for identifying” and it looks much better now, though I would still prefer not to show the message.Solved : just insert a CSS class in the plugin options #6 – Inline Link Custom CSS and define this class in your style.css theme or child-theme.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: email identification before loading an attachmentHi,
I have found Email Before Download, which in combination with Contact Form 7 and Download Monitor.
Not sure that it is 100% WP3.3.1 compatible, but it fills more or less my expectation.
Hope it helps.Solved : WP to Twitter does is properly.
Many thanks for looking at this.
I am very surprised by the following :1 – when I type the post title with a ” ‘ ” i.e. with “' ;” only the post meta keep this, while the post title and post-content turn this into ’ which is Latin 1 – ISO 8859 charset. This is NOT specific to ai1ec, any regular post behaves similarly.
2 – while post-tile and post-content are both coded with this ’, they behave diffrently when passed to Google agenda with utf-8 charset : the title does not convert the character #, the content does.This is the title :
La roue d’ ;Hudson
This is the content :
la roue d’Hudson
I have made several trials to convert $str to utf-8 or define charset=ISO-8859-1, without success.
When I replace ” ‘ ” with ´ (spacing acute accent) in the title, the code is not passed, which looks better but is still not satisfactory :
The title becomes :
La roue dHudson
I hope that all this information could give you some insight that might help me … Thanks in advance !