Forum Replies Created
Thanks ullemehner,
This is better :
– Latin-1 characters are now correct, such as é, è, ? …
– but in the name of agenda and events title, some other ASCII characters are turned into their decimal value, such as
– :
#8211 or' :
What is wrong ?Thanks Rob for support,
I have moved to another calendar solution, and my questions are no longer actual.1 – Create a new /events/ directory in /your-theme/ directory
2 – Copy the /plugins/the-events-calendar/resources/ events.css into /themes/your-theme/events/
3 – make your modifications thereNote : part of the layout may be depending of your theme style.css
The answer was here
Simply edit the _loop.php file in your MP theme and insert the following code at the TOP of the file, just after < ? p h p :
remove_filter('the_content', 'kc_twitter_facebook_contents'); remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'kc_twitter_facebook_excerpt');
Enjoy !
I’ve installed a “plugin free” solution (HTML coding).
Look here
RegardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redactor] [Plugin: Redactor] Compatibility with WP 3.3 Twenty Eleven ?I appologize for the mistaken : this post is for Spoiler Block
Just type them accordingly in the form designer, without CR between elements
Hi Andrea,
I’m not sure it is worth searching …
I found also problems with Simple-Forum which is a “standard” plugin.
I’ve unistalled WP-Minify and installed W3 Total Cache instead : it works very well !
So I think that WP-Minify is not properly coded, and I recommend that you suggest the use of W3 Total Cache if someone brings the issue again.
By the way, using W3 Total Cache is a great value : the total time for loading the first page went down from 5-7 seconds to less than 2 !
ManuHi Andrea,
First of all, thanks for your prompt answer.
I have tried to exclude bps-searchform.php from :
– Minifying Javascript, but it does not work, since it is a PHP and not a JS file
– Minifying HTML (URL), but it does not work either.
The sole thing that works is disabling ALL JavaScript, but of course it is the worse solution.
Maybe creating a specific JS file for the function might be a solution ?
I’m not skilled enough to suggest any valuable solution …
ManuForum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] Unable to access when not logged inWith WP 3.2.1
Thanks for answers
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaAnother couple of suggestions for the 2.0 version :
– When upgrading WP it is recommended do disable all plugnins. This causes when re-activating RootsPersona the creation of new private files (Edit, add, upload, include, …) while the page Id stored in the general settings remains unchanged. It is then necessary to reset au page IdS by hand. If theeses pages already exist, it would be nice that they are not new created and used again.
– In the PersonaIndexPage, a search box according to fist- and/or last name would be great ! Pagination would be also appreciable, when dealing with very large number of persons. The possibility to sort according to first letter ((A, B, ….) would be very usefull too.
Hope I don’t ask too much ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaYou are doing a great job, thanks again !
My suggestion was to pass attributes on single pages, in order to fine tune the details according to users rights (which is a more detailed granulometry than the general settings).
For instance :
– show few details (no dates) to the registered visitors,
– all dates except “living” for family members,
– all dates to those who paid membership fees.
I am very much interested in collaboarting to v2.0, as a final user and torture tester (I am not able to help for code development).
For personal contact, see my email in my comment to “FAQ” on your website.
RegardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] Call out for translatorsYou’re welcome !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaHi,
A great option would be to set attributes to the [rootsPersona/] shortcodes :
– Hide all dates
– Hide dates if “living”
– Show all dates
In the meanwhile, I agree that excluding dates or persons when exporting GedCom is the safest…