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  • Thread Starter manyhatsdigital


    Created in error. No problem with release, problem with our build tools not replacing php files properly so js and php out of sync.

    It resolved THIS issue. There’s no code on earth powerful enough to resolve all MY issues ??

    Thanks for your attention here Till!

    Was affecting our large multisite network too. Looks like the switch_to_blog function wasn’t switching successfully which left every last one of our “My Sites” show as the current site, as well as showing a row for ALL blogs in the multisite, not just within the current parent site.

    Unreal that you provide this level of attention and care for free! I’ll be sure to poke our CTO into considering the pro level plan.



    Yeah feel free, it’s not resolved, but it is a GitHub issue now so we can track it there.



    I’ve been having a similar issue where I receive “customer not found” then a random string of letters and numbers.

    It turns out this plugin struggles on a multisite (shared users table) where each site is connected with a different stripe api account.

    When an order is made the stripe customer ID is saved against user meta. I believe you’ll need to update the plugin the perhaps prefix the stripe customer ID meta key with the website database prefix, which will allow them to remain distinct between websites on a multisite.

    I’m also interested in what has happened here. I was using a perl script to keep plugins up to date using the plugins api and this is now returning plugin not found.

    I guess WordPress pulled it because of some kind of security concern, but they don’t flag that here? This happens every now and then and is a tad annoying.

    Thread Starter manyhatsdigital


    This happened because my items shipped reached more than 750. I had my post per page set to 999 in screen options. I turned this down to a more sensible number and everything is working again.

    Probably a php memory limit issue, so I shall look into that. WordPress (which is run on shared servers predomininantly) should provide a greater warning as to the issues setting this number too high can cause php failure, which can be tricky to recover from.

    Hi Level Interface.

    Just a quick question, do you have any other Stripe gateway plugins installed? Even if they’re not active?

    I just found the Either Yith or another Stripe Plugin had updated and caused a conflict. I hadn’t been using them as they couldn’t handle different currencies so have been using s4wc for months.

    Hopefully you see this and it is of some help.

    I’m having the same problem. Good to know I’m not alone! Any fix that you found? I’ve missed A LOT of transactions, luckily most have progressed through paypal.

    Thread Starter manyhatsdigital


    If anyone is interested: I’ve integrated here with jquery accordion. This pulls the taxonomy of the store categories and parents.

    <ul id=”accordion”>

    # Retrieve upper level taxonomy entries (with no parent) eg Countrys
    $terms = get_terms(“wpsl_store_category”, array(
    “parent” => “0”

    # Loop through upper level taxonomy terms eg Countrys
    foreach($terms as $term) {

    echo ”

    • “;
      echo “<h1>” . $term->name . “</h1>“;# Posts Country Name as Heading
    • # Get the children of this term eg States
      $children = get_terms(“wpsl_store_category”, array(
      “child_of” => $term->term_id

      # Loop through children eg States
      echo ”

    # Retrieve stores within found taxonomy eg Stores
    $lower = new WP_Query(array(
    “post_type” => “wpsl_stores”,
    “tax_query” => array(
    “taxonomy” => “wpsl_store_category”,
    “field” => “slug”,
    “terms” => $child->slug
    “posts_per_page” => “-1”

    # Retrieve stores within found taxonomy eg Stores
    echo ”

      if($lower->have_posts()) {
      while($lower->have_posts()) {

    echo ”

    • “;echo do_shortcode( ‘[wpsl_address country=”false” state=”false”]’ );echo “
    • “; # Posts Stores within County
      // more post content

      }echo “
      echo “
      “;}echo “
      “;# Closes country listing
      echo “
      “;}# Loop through upper level taxonomy terms

      <!– #accordion –>

    Thread Starter manyhatsdigital


    <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘wpsl_stores’, ‘category’ => ‘153’, ‘posts_per_page’ => -1, ‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value title’, ‘meta_key’ => ‘wpsl_zip’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’) ); ?>

    <?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>

    <?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[wpsl_address]’ ); ?>

    Updated, working displaying ZIP in asc order (1 – 9 – a – z).

    I’m still struggling with getting a header over each of these, I’d rather not use JS as mentioned before as I want this list for users who don’t have decent browsers or are on mobile where the map based solution is inelegant. Also, my customers often want to buy a product in an area they’re travelling too, so may not know the best town and postcode to enter into the search field.

    I’ll look into WP filter options.

    Thread Starter manyhatsdigital


    Hi Tijmen,

    I created a page template with a loop that pulls all wspl_stores, but that of course just pulls the title of the page. If I call meta_data, it pulls EVERYTHING, but I was just looking for a way to call the address only, or any specific field only.

    I think I can probably do it from all the information already available on your site, it was just down for maintenance when I wrote the question above.

    The last thing to figure out would be arranging 300 stockists into countries, then states/counties then alphabetical city order.

    Wish me luck!

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