mar tim
Forum Replies Created
ik heb hetzelfde probleem, de klant krijgt een email die linkt naar de account pagina van woo (heel verwarrend voor de klant)en ik wil graag dat ze naar de dashboard pagina gestuurd heb ik bovenstaande geprobeerd maar dat werkt niet, ook heb ik de code van tutor dasboard in de account pagina gezet, zodat als de klant een email ontvangt met een link nu naar de dashboard paina gestuurd wordt, dit werkt maar half de dasboard pagina wordt niet goed weergegeven.
nu ben ik op zoek naar een oplossing voor dit probleem waar ik maar niet uitkom, eigenlijk zou ik de de pagina link van het tutor dasboard pagina in de email willen hebben die de klant krijgt na aankoop van een cursus, maar hoe doe ik dat?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Getting site liveHello
can someone help me with the following.
Where do I place my sales page is that on the membership option page? or I place it on the home page? Instead I got an order or a payment button.
If a payment takes place how to register a client then?
I myself had a test payment performed ideal but I only got a Lost your sent. this I do not know how the customer can then log on to my site
because you must have a user name. I hope someone can tell me what the serial order of all pages, such as pay register log etc me.everything is working again, thanks for your help !
sorry wp_user_level is now 10 it was 0
I have php myadmin wp_usermeta in the following changes : wp_user_level I put on it was 10 to 0
And I have the following code wp_capabilities put : a: 1: {s : 13: ” administrator” ; s: 1: “1” ;}
Here was another code.Now I wonder if this is correct : wp_s2member_paid_registration_times a:
1: {s : 6: ” level1 “, i: 1386084534 ;}Does anyone know if this is true or another code should be ? Introduced here
I also followed this guide : http: //
But does not work, I can only come to the course and not in the dashboard.
you may also know how user role put back in my database? I come from a lot but not exactly the google how to restore. a user I’ve tried everything. but it does not .
I also created a new user in php my admin , according to a guide here on the site . but it does not all .did you find a roadmap ?
The upper allowable I tried by renaming the folder below s2member I could log in but also as a ” client” I could only edit my profile … I did it that way because I do not know how I should have my PC the folder. I ‘m going to try the second option.
I can’t get to the site’s back-end while logged in? I will now be treated as a customer who has purchased a product . He said that I have insufficient access , I see now , so the content of my course .