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  • Thread Starter Marc1205


    Sorry for asking. Found the solution in the docs.


    Thread Starter Marc1205


    Hi Fritz,

    found the mistake in my Custom code. There was a problem with another Plugin to extend the WordPress Usersettings. Everytime a user tried to login they ended up in an infinite redirect loop xD. The Other Problem was that I used the passwordless Login for all Users, so there was no default WordPress Login. Toghether with my User privacy Settings the Admin could Not Login via passwordless Login.


    Thread Starter Marc1205


    Hi Steven,
    this may not be most elegant way, but I achieved this by just adding the URL I want the user to see after login to the redirect in the “passwordless_login.php file.

     * Automatically logs in a user with the correct nonce
     * @since v.1.0
     * @return string
    add_action( 'init', 'wpa_autologin_via_url' );
    function wpa_autologin_via_url(){
    	if( isset( $_GET['token'] ) && isset( $_GET['uid'] ) && isset( $_GET['nonce'] ) ){
    		$uid = sanitize_key( $_GET['uid'] );
    		$token  =  sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['token'] );
    		$nonce  = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['nonce'] );
    		$hash_meta = get_user_meta( $uid, 'wpa_' . $uid, true);
    		$hash_meta_expiration = get_user_meta( $uid, 'wpa_' . $uid . '_expiration', true);
    		$arr_params = array( 'uid', 'token', 'nonce' );
    		$current_page_url = remove_query_arg( $arr_params, wpa_curpageurl() );
    		require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php');
    		$wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE);
    		$time = time();
    		if ( ! $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($token . $hash_meta_expiration, $hash_meta) || $hash_meta_expiration < $time || ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'wpa_passwordless_login_request' ) ){
    			wp_redirect( $current_page_url . '?wpa_error_token=true' );
    		} else {
    			wp_set_auth_cookie( $uid );
    			delete_user_meta($uid, 'wpa_' . $uid );
    			delete_user_meta($uid, 'wpa_' . $uid . '_expiration');
    			$total_logins = get_option( 'wpa_total_logins', 0);
    			update_option( 'wpa_total_logins', $total_logins + 1);
    			//Old redirect
    			//wp_redirect( $current_page_url );
                            //Custom redirect
    			wp_redirect( 'https://YOUR-LANDING-PAGE.COM' );

    A better way would be to write a small plugin overwriting the existing redirect, so you don′t get in trouble when updating the Plugin.


    Thread Starter Marc1205


    Hey Teodor,

    Thanks for your reply. I customized your Plugin a bit, found the mistake I′ve made and resolved the login problem.


    Thread Starter Marc1205


    Thanks for your help, works fine!

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