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  • Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    Just to let you know that I made it work. So I understand now a little bit more how to tweak datatables, with or without pagination.
    Anyway, thanks for you support.



    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch,

    Regarding this solution you gave me some months ago, I’ve just realized that when the table is paginated, on following pages the JS code is not applying. So, I guess the code has also to be part of the event triggered by the paginate buttons, hasn’t it?

    I’ve been making some tests with on(“page.dt”) event, but with no success up to now.
    Could you please help me on it?



    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    The idea you’re suggesting is what actually I’m doing. I use events for the parent teams for each one of the sports, so I can add the points won by their child teams, spread all over the competitions (basketball, bowling, swimming, tennis table, running, biking, etc). Of course I add manually the points, this is what I’d like to automatize. With this, I accomplish having a ranking for each sport but also an overall ranking (including all the sports). Like in the olimpic games.

    By the way, is there a trick for hidding these events (with parent teams) and avoiding to appear in the calendar (event list) of the competition? I have experimented with the status of the event and if the event is not published, the points are not added.

    Best wishes!

    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    BARCELó SANTS Francesc Olivares and all the rest in this league are teams, not players.

    So, I did what you pointed out. All the “bikers” are now child teams. I have created a league table with the parent teams (which I already had for other purposes) and I have put the [team_standings] shortcode of the new league in the web page, but the parent teams do not get the points of their child teams. (See the 2nd table of the page:

    Parent teams were created as members of a parent league named “bcnhotelgames”.
    Child teams were created as members of a child league named “bcnhbtt”.

    What am I missing?


    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    My site deals with multisport competitions. Thus, I have sports like soccer or basketball in which I need the two layers: team and players, and there are other sports like running, biking, table tennis, swimming, fitness&dancing, for example, being individual modalities: 1 team with 1 player.

    So, I need to implement a layer above team, in order to group all teams of the same “club”, not only of an specific league (sport) but of all of them.

    I’m assuming to use my own mysql tables to built this layer in order to group and summarize data, if there is not an easier way of achieving this via Sportpress.

    The solution you are offering me up to now is not feasible (in my case).

    Best wishes!

    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch!

    Great, it’s been acomplished!!! Thanks a lot!

    As you may see, I have changed a little bit the js code to prevent changing td data-crono cells which already have data in time format.

    Well, I have another question but I’ll use a different thread. ??

    Best wishes!

    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    Done, now it’s ready for the piece of JS to format seconds into time hh:mm:ss.
    As you may see, the third table is a “league table” ordered by Seconds and non-finishers are now at the bottom:

    So, ready for the javascript part of the solution!!!!!


    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch

    Great, the implementation of the crono column based on seconds it works and data is properly passed to the league table. But (there is always a “but”, isn’t it?):

    1) I have as you pointed out in your answer an integer that I have to format as a time (hh:mm:ss). I’ve seen that in the league table, the crono is embeded in this tag: <td class=”data-crono” data-label=”Crono”>. Some javascript is needed, isn’t it?

    2) And in addition to this, I’am thinking how to avoid that “non finisher” or “no show” bikers (their crono is 0 seconds) appear at the top of the league table (the sorting is ascending and 0 goes first than any other value)

    Hoping to hear from you!
    Best wishes!

    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch,

    I’ll try it again, I apologyze about my english ??
    In this particular case, my competition is a biking race. It’s a “one shot” competition. Only one race. On one side, I have an event (the race) with all the teams involved (the bikers). Once the race is over, in this event I enter the crono of all bikers.
    If I put the shortcode of this event in a page, it works. You see a table with all bikers and their crono. Fine. But you see bikers in the order they are attached to the event. Thus, if the biker that won is the last attached to the event, he’s still the last in the table, no matter his crono is.

    Taking into account “this problem” (because I want a table ordered descendent by crono) I decided to create a league on this competition. Yes, a league of a single event. League tables can deal with this.

    When I put the shortcode of the league table, I can’t order it by crono. In fact, crono is not well gathered from the event. If the crono of biker X is 02:30:39, in the league table appears 2 (minutes and seconds are dismissed).

    Currently I am using an event-list shortcode to show the results of the race:
    (second table in this url)

    But I’d like to take advantage of league tables (automatically ordering teams by a given criteria, in this case, crono)

    Hope I have explained myself now!

    Best wishes!

    Thread Starter marcsic


    Hi Roch,
    Like in every other race, places are assigned based on racers crono. The one who has the shortest crono time is number 1, the following is number two and so on.
    If I present in my web page the short code [event results id=???] the table shows the racers names, their crono, and the outcome. In the event I have attached all the teams (=racers) taking part in the race in the order I want to be shown (from the fastest to the slowest). I have to introduce in the event the teams in the corresponding order as I have no chance (as I do in a league table) to order the results based on a specific criteria, for example, the crono.

    If I use the short code [league table], in order to take advantage of the ranking position, based on the time invested to finish the race, the problem is that the crono value introduced in the event post for each team (=racer) is not properly transfered to the crono field in the league table. Not sure if the problem is related with the fact that in a league table all the columns are a summarize of all the events related to this league. And in a league table you can sum the number of matches, the number of goals, the number of wins, the number of drawns, etc, but what league table has to do with timestamps.

    Is it clear what I am trying to describe?

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