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  • Thread Starter Marie0930


    Figured it out. Thanks everyone. I used the google Chrome inspect element tool where I found the exact location of the CSS for each text and changed them manually there. So worked it backwards from the original idea.

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    I had transferred a site and lost this formatting. The widget areas are setup but currently Widget area 1 and 2 are side by side with a blank space that would fit widget area 3 and 4 stacked next to them. However, on the transfer widget area 3 and 4 were placed below widget areas one and two so it looks like this:

    Widget Area 1- Widget area 2- blank space area
    Widget area 3
    Widget area 4

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    And I think you should be able to view the site now……the one that is setup like I want it is

    The site with the mixed up formatting is ( I think it should be public now and viewable.)

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Actually that didn’t post correct. In the “way I need it to look” the widget 4 should be underneath Widget 3 not Widget 1.

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Not sure if there is anyone out there with more insight into this. What I have figured out since the last post yesterday.

    Though I could not find the location to change the div IDs, I did find where some of the IDs were being called to styling. So I sort of worked backwards from the initial plan. Instead of matching up the div IDs I changed the styling to reflect the new IDs. This worked! However, I was only able to find half of the styling calls for the IDs. The others are nowhere.

    So here is what I need to do. I think I am just going to call those IDs and restyle. So if I have a defined widget area and four widgets contained in that area and wanted them to be side-by-side (with the exception of the last two laying one on top of the other) how would I do that?

    So I would need it to be layed out like this:

    Widget 1 Widget 2 Widget 3
    Widget 4

    Widget 1 and 2 are larger vertically than Widget 3 and 4. Widget 3 and 4 I would want next to widget area 2 only stacked one on top of the other.

    Currently Widget 1 and Widget 2 are side by side with a blank area where widget 3 and 4 should be. However it looks like this instead:

    Widget 1 Widget 2 (Blank area where Widget 3 over 4 would fit)

    Widget 3

    Widget 4

    Hope that made sense.

    Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Okay great. I will do some research on JQuery and look and see if I can somehow find the exact JQuery function that is naming these and fix it that way.

    I wish there was an easy replacement method such as the one you described to overwrite the IDs at the end so I know everything else has loaded first so that I know the ID could be found.

    I will keep working on it and hopefully someone will have some useful insight.

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Okay…..So if it can’t find them but they are in the source code what could cause that? There is most definitely a line in the source code that says:

    “<div id=”text-3″>” so what should my next step be?

    They are using a plugin called Scripts and Styles that is where they added the majority of their items. I tried adding the suggested JQuery in both the footer.php as well as direct into the plugin that places those items on the footer.php doc. Neither way worked.

    Could it be that there is another JQuery overwriting what I am requesting? Or that it is calling on after mine?

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    No they just have the one.

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Didn’t work….They didn’t change using that method. For example, the first item was a div id=”text-3″ and I wanted it to be div id=”text-19″.

    I posted the code I gave in the previous post to the footer.php where you suggested and the source is still showing “text-3” instead of the 19. No error messages though at all.

    Does it matter that is is running off a childsheet template? I put this in the parent theme footer.php. The childtheme does not have a footer.php so would that make a difference?

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Okay so more like this: (The first being the incorrect current id and the latter one what I want it changed to)

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(‘div#text-3’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-19’);
    $(‘div#text-14’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-11’);
    $(‘div#text-8’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-10’);
    $(‘div#text-7’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-23’);
    $(‘div#text-6’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-24’);
    $(‘div#text-9’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-8’);
    $(‘div#text-10’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-9’);
    $(‘div#text-11’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-22’);
    $(‘div#text-11’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-22’);

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    So if I do as outlined in the footer. For example;

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(‘text-3’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-19’);

    If I wanted to change all of them at once could I do:

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(‘text-3’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-19’);
    $(‘text-4’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-20’);
    $(‘text-7’).attr(‘id’, ‘text-22’);

    OR is that not the correct format?

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    After reading the JQuery review you sent I believe the div id is being called by JQuery already in the system using the ” Set the id for divs based on the position in the page.” from With that being said…..would I still do as you outlined in the footer, Andrew?

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    Okay I tried the find first and nothing. I did see that there is an area where div id is defined like the following:

    div id=”inner” <–could this be pulling the “text-1, text-2, text-3, ect” from somewhere?

    Thread Starter Marie0930


    And I have searched all the PHP files and can not find them. This is literally the wackiest thing I have seen.

    I am going to give Andrew’s method a shot and will update.

    Thread Starter Marie0930



    Yes I did everything as outlined in your steps. I did that as well as secured a copy via backupbuddy. It ended up wonky. Literally all links have been changed to the new site…everyone. The literal only difference in the two sites (aside from links now reading…sandbox instead of old site) is the div IDs. Literally the ONLY thing different. It makes now sense and I have moved sites before with absolutely no issue.

    It seems that for whatever, the plugins utilized are causing some major issues when transferred. When I changed the div ID tags via the Chrome tool it looked perfect, so I am willing to give it a shot as what you outlined above is exactly what I did originally.

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