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  • Sorry for the delay in answering. I just realized I haven’t answered you yet. I normally do that much more quickly.

    Thanks, again. I appreciate your quick reply and all your help.
    Yes, that way of doing links would help although as a user, I kind of expect to be able to click the image. Maybe you can add that in a future release.

    Thanks! Fades perfectly now. That was the answer to that.

    Thanks for the tip on the css file.

    I think you mean by “In the appearance settings: if you let a box blank it should indeed default to your themes values” about the font families. To test it, I put “Times New Roman” at “24” px in all the font boxes and sizes then as Default Font Color “#a91717”. Saved Changes. No visible change on my sidebar slideshow. Is there something else I need to do?

    Is there a way to show the Names and Descriptions in this sidebar slideshow? All those boxes contain text in the Photo Album – Partners.

    Will you consider making each image clickable to its own url instead of just one url for the whole album?

    Thanks again.

    Oops – clicked Post too fast.
    In the GP widget I used this:


    And, I meant the “font family boxes” in the Settings.
    I think that’s it this time.

    Thanks again.

    Hello –
    I’m using your sidebar widget on our WordPress site and it pretty much works fine. (WPPA+ 3.0.1 at However, even though in Settings the “fade-in after fade-out” is checked, the images do not fade in/out – they pop – and none of the Names or Descriptions are displayed. The Name and Description is checked. I also tried un-checking the fade-in/out with no visible change.

    Also, there is no wppa related .css file listed in the Editor right column. The font-family boxes I left empty thinking it would take the defaults.

    I also tried using the GP widget with but it didn’t seem to behave either. No nav bars, no fade.

    I see on your website (at bottom below the heavy black line) the fade works nicely. I’d like my widget to fade like that too.

    How can I get at least the fade to work with the sidebar widget? Is there something else I need to tell you for you to tell me how to make the sidebar widget fade?

    We would also like to have each image clickable to a different url. As it is now, the images are clickable but only to a single url for all the images in the slideshow. Can you add this in a future release?


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