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  • Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Since support hadn’t come back with an answer after two weeks of waiting, I searched for “widget logic functions” on the web and found a useful like. I’m providing a link from another site that provided the solution:

    In essence, I had to use the page IDs in an array thus:

    Personally, I think using page/post IDs is a bit clumsy.

    I still don’t know why the or condition using page slugs didn’t work so I’m keeping this question open because, based on the description/use instructions, it should have worked the way I had previously coded it.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Bump —

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    I only changed the theme’s style sheet. This is the CSS that I added.

    .archive {
                min-width: 300px !important;

    In subsequent viewports, I altered the width of that element as was needed.

    I’ve also captured the underlying HTML for the audience of this post, as that HTML relates a featured image uploaded to the installation’s Media Library and also from an external URL, which is generated by your plugin:

    Plugin generated HTML
    <a aria-hidden="true" href="" class="entry-image-link"><img width="1" height="1" itemprop="image" alt="Dimensioning Diamonds" class="alignleft post-image entry-image" src=""></a>

    Genesis Framework generated HTML
    <a aria-hidden="true" href="" class="entry-image-link"><img width="300" height="272" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" srcset=" 300w, 150w, 500w" itemprop="image" alt="8 Tips to Help You Sell Your Branded Jewelry" class="alignleft post-image entry-image" src=""></a>

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    As I mentioned in the email I just sent you, when the image is uploaded to the media library, that doesn’t prove that there is a problem with the Genesis Framework. The plugin, as I understood it, is intended to allow for external images to be set as the featured image.

    The Genesis Framework does not have customized featured image handling. Their code relies on what is used by WordPress core.

    Anyway, I solved it using CSS so the discussion becomes moot. I just didn’t want folks to get the wrong idea about what was proven, or not proven, by the test you performed earlier.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Thank you for your quick response.

    I have been able to overcome this by adding some image widths to the stylesheet. Each declaration is followed by the !important clause to ensure that it is interpreted.

    This is not a WooCommerce site so I have no WooCommerce version to share.

    The FIFU is Version 1.4.5.

    Rather than send you the code/theme via email, I will grant temporary administrative access to a version of the code on a staging location. The theme is a custom theme based on the Genesis Framework. I’m not sure it is allowed for me to send you that framework if you have no license for it.

    Honestly, I wondered if your plugin would do what I wanted to have done because it seemed to be specific to offsite images related to WooCommerce and other well-known image sharing locations. It did work because the code relies on WordPress standards. That’s a good thing to know, eh?

    I’ve installed this at a client site.

    The setup has the shop on a subfolder. When I click the link in the plugin description, I can see that it is translating to the root level domain and not the subfolder domain. When I added the string /?ipn-test=1 to the end of the subfolder domain link, I received a failure message:
    FAIL - error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure

    My questions are these:

    1. Does the site have to be in sandbox mode when this is done?
    2. What endpoint is being tested, exactly?
    3. Would use of CloudFlare have any impact on this test?
    4. Would use of Infusionsoft and InfusedWoo have an impact on this test?

      PayPal support is indicating that WooCommerce needs to modify their plugin to make my client’s site compliant. We have a ticket into InfusedWoo plugin authors already.

      Any useful responses will be greatly appreciated. ??

    Marj Wyatt


    I’m having a problem with the plugin. When I click to begin the Oauth process, I wind up at a 404 on my site. There is no link to copy so I can’t see where the plugin is trying to redirect to. When I fill in proper credentials for my Google analytics account, the password field clears after submission and remains blank, even though I have requested for the plugin to save it.

    The post that the Alin Marcu (Plugin Author) left a few days ago is ambiguous. You tell us to install cURL, and I’ve gone back and installed several modules but there is no change in the plugin behavior. Can you tell us, specifically what cURL modules need to be enabled?

    My problem is new and unresolved.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Thanks for that, nexusbroadcast. I’m in agreement with you on the plugin author’s level of awareness. ??

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Okay, I believe you. But, the only choice I have for connecting a change tip account is to login through some social media account. I’m not finding settings in the plugin to add my client’s credentials for their bitcoin wallet and I don’t have one.

    So, how is this account connected outside of social media? Can it be connected outside social media?

    I thought I’d give this plugin a whirl. I develop locally on Xampp and have things setup to support several installations of WordPress using the format:

    I have public and private keys that work for localhost through Gravity forms but your plugin isn’t recognizing the same keys when they are copied and pasted into the appropriate fields.

    Can you help me understand why?

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Well, don’t I feel stupid now. ??

    Yes, the instructions after running the network install did instruct me to change this line from the Create a Network link:
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

    I missed it.

    Sorry for the bother, and thank you.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    These are the installed plugins at the site:

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    The site is not using All-In-One WP Security nor anything like that.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    By normal I mean this one … the regular WordPress comment system unaided by JetPack:

    I’m going to invite a site member who contacts me when the problem occurs to post here instead. I just received an email indicating the problem is happening today.

    Thread Starter Marj Wyatt


    Yes, the “normal” comment system worked even when the sessions were failing through JetPack comments … if that is what you mean.

    I don’t know how the JetPack social commenting works and if there was a server issue from your side or if the credentials supplied to Facebook through your API were not recognized.

    Either way, I’ll just mark this resolved and, if it happens again, hopefully you’ll respond a little quicker so we can look into things while the failure is occurring.

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