I too, messed something up by trying to make a change to my menu as per below.
I am using the Mystique theme.
I already added one link in my top navigation bar, but when I added another, I can’t get into my site (www.healthynomics.com) – I just get a white page.
Also, when I go to my WP login screen, it redirects me to this:
How can I fix this?
Many thanks.
4. To put a link in the top navigation bar, add following code to, Under Appearance -> Mystique settings -> Advanced > User functions.
function mymenu(){
echo ‘
- <span>Menu Title</span>
add_action(‘mystique_navigation’, ‘mymenu’);
It is useful when you want to put a external link in navigation bar. Change “Link to your Menu” by your link and “Menu Title” by your title.